Looking for testers

14 Oct 2014, 15:38
I'm looking for some kind, interested players to try out a game of mine that is (finally!) in beta form - code complete and needing playability tweaks and general feedback.

I'm not sure when it will be publicly released. I missed IFComp this year, so it might just slip out in the cracks between comps. But regardless, I'm looking to get people's opinions and possibly address any issues before releasing it generally.

If you're interested (and contrary to what I said before, you don't have to be kind - just honest), then PM me.

It should be able to be handed out shortly. I can either hand you an unlisted online link or send you the actual .quest file if you have the desktop Quest installed.

The game itself is not big. In fact, I worry it's too short. But I can't judge anything since I'm too close. So feedback will be great.

14 Oct 2014, 18:11
This should be interesting....

14 Oct 2014, 20:27
No pressure! :D

I've already seen it at an earlier juncture. It doesn't even look like it's been programmed in Quest lol; which really shows off the possibilities. The plus side being we might get a lot of 'OMFG how is this done' new forum attendees. Jay will have his work cut out as usual. It raises the bar though, IMO.

14 Oct 2014, 22:07
If anyone has PM'd me and I haven't replied, try PM'ing again. My mailboxes were full.