The Nebula

06 Oct 2014, 08:41
Hi everybody,

Basically I have been trying to develop my first game for the last month or so now, which is a sci-fi gamebook. I am actually not ready yet to release it into the open, as I would like to get some preliminary feedback by one person, and gradually improve it (my idea is to first get the opinion of one person, then 2 or 3 more, and then release a first version of it).

Now, the game is still "work in progress", though it is entirely playable. So far there are 186 pages in it, and a print-out in word would of one of the solutions covers around 32 pages (almost 12,000 words, I am copying into word from time to time for the spellchecking etc). I have gone through things a bit, and while I am still discovering the odd bug, I am slowly feeling more confident that it seems to work the way its supposed to.

The game has a rudimentary combat system, and uses a fair amount of scripting to make sure the player can do certain things if he has met certain people or carried out some actions. I am planning to expand more on the combat system, but also want to get a feel of what people think about it.

In terms of layout the game allows the player to move more or less freely around various star-systems, attempting to discover who has blown up a warpgate that connects this sector to the "wider Empire".

Now, I would like to ask whoever would be happy to please provide feedback on the following lines:

-What did you think were the interesting/boring parts of the game?
-Which planets/areas/concepts do you think would be nice to develop further?
-Is the game too hard/easy?
-How long did it take you to finish it?
-Comments of my writing style?
-Is the layout confusing/do you "get lost" in the game?
-Obviously, would be nice if you could report any bugs and grammar mistakes, typos, etc

I still probably need a few more days with it, though I thought I would send this out today to see if there are any volunteers?

06 Oct 2014, 19:09
I'd be willing to take a look at it. You can PM me if you wish.

07 Oct 2014, 03:14
Thanks for that, much appreciated. Please give me a few more days, as I want to proof-check it myself a bit more, its always a bit embarrassing to release something that has too obvious problems with it.