It Update

05 Oct 2014, 15:19
Putting into account all the things my previous players have told me, I have made an update. I have worked very hard and some feedback would be appreciated. Link:

EDIT: I don't really know what to make of the most recent comments, but... thanks?

07 Oct 2014, 05:49
Is this version 1.0 or a later version?

I am having problems with Quest at the moment, but for the brief time I played, I can now pick up the jacket, but can not attempt to wear it, nor even know I am actually wearing it, until I am attacked by It. And It seems to be an attack happy little bastard now, as it seems he is quite hard to shake off at times. Is that to off set the damage reduced by the jacket?

The fire extinguisher for the look at room description still seems to be on the wall after I take it. In the Cold Storage room examining steak or meat after attaining it still tells me it is hanging from a hook, even if I am standing in a totally different room. Is it just still attached to a hook or is the wording incorrect for the situation? Also when I tried to “take all” before I had even examined it, “meat” was not even tried to of been picked up. I had to use “take meat” on it's own to do it. That is not a problem to me, except all other items that I am aware of do not have that problem.

In the closet where you start, it says the floor is covered with dirt and what looks like grease. However when you “use broom”, it tells you you sweep it clean. Yet reexamine the floor and it shows the exact message before, the floor is dirty and greasy. And no other rooms so far that I have found even allow you to examine the floor to begin with.

I believe the lobby, the area with all the exacts talks about blood on the floor or what you think is blood, but you can not examine it.

Down in the basement when you find the tunnel, you can go east while it tells you you can barely squeeze through. Then you can go east again and up. However, and this is coming right back through the exact tunnel you just came from, you get the same message of barely able to fit through, but you can not go west any more. Assuming some how your passage is blocked. Unless It resealed the tunnel, which that would mean it would have had to been down there, you are not allowed to go back through. I have yet to make my way back around and down again to check if the tunnel had indeed been resealed or not, but I am assuming it is a game glitch.

You still can not drink the fluids, only eat them, although when you type "eat" what ever, it says you "drink" what ever.

You can only read documents by typing it out fully. I think "doc" or "docs" would be great for short hand.

Besides the jacket which is a visible improvement, what others have you made?

07 Oct 2014, 10:05
This is incredibly strange, because when i play, none of this happens. At the beggining of the game, what version is it ssaying that you are playing? When the game first starts, it should print out the version. What is it?

07 Oct 2014, 19:52

07 Oct 2014, 19:54
Theres your problem! I updated! We are all playing in version 1.14 now! :D

08 Oct 2014, 05:25
Well I had purposely deleted and redownloaded the game. I had assumed that would of given me the most updated version.

09 Oct 2014, 15:35
Well I tried it again, the deleting and the downloading. I am not sure what I did right this time, but I do see that the version is now changed and I am getting more things shown to me as the player before I even start to play. However, as I mentioned before I can not play much of it at the present moment, so I really can not comment too much on the improvements. I am sorry. But it makes me wonder why I can not simply automatically get the new updates when they are available or if not automatically, at least have something that shows an update is available...

09 Oct 2014, 15:45
This is why a period of beta testing is recommended prior to clicking the publish button. IF audiences can be a bit fickle. If you haven't bothered to beta test a game and they discover that after investing some time in playing it, they're unlikely to have a second or third bite at it as they'll be expecting more of the same with the result being your potentially brilliant game dropping completely from the radar.

10 Oct 2014, 05:14
This person initially asked for people to check out his game and when I started playing it intrigued me. When I say I can not play much of it, I am being honest, I can not nor any game for that matter mostly. However, as Silver said, people should really put a game through it's paces before they publish it. I can understand how people can get all excited and want others to play it and hopefully enjoy it, maybe even getting some feed back on it, but if the game is not even halfway finished and looks like a jumbled mess (I am not saying this game is like that, I am merely stating in general.) with typos and things that do not work, etc., most likely those who had tried it will never come back again or even worse, will vote and or comment poorly on it and tell others not to play it and that is something no game maker wants, no serious game maker anyway.

But some times problems can only be found when others player test it. They will try things the game maker never thought of, have different ways of looking at the game world around them, etc. But basic things should be found by the author as well. Anyway, this game has impressed me, what I can play of it anyway. A bit different than the norm I am use to.