Rêves Oniriques

31 Aug 2014, 08:30
Hello all,

I made an interavtive textual game with Quest Software. Yep ! Another One.
This time you try it in bêta version. I'll think i publish it in public version in September.
I'm lokking for testers to play and tell me all bugs Notice this game is in french language. i don't know if there is à french community there,
But, maybe somebody can help me to make an english version, why not ?

I'd like to thanks developpers for this amazing software. It's easy, it's full working. Also i'm à linux user, so i only use the web vesion of Quest.
See You FredTheFred alias Zeulot


31 Aug 2014, 20:36
hey Fred, welcome. You may be interested in http://ifiction.free.fr/

01 Sept 2014, 20:57
george wrote:hey Fred, welcome. You may be interested in http://ifiction.free.fr/

Dear George, i've already visite ifiction.free.fr. I made the The first version of Rêves Oniriques with inform7. It's very powerfull. But i'va already some problems with the french library. I never can't use it and i dont know why...
I gonna to register me to the forum and looking for French palyer for testing my game.
See you there maybe.