Integrating Quest Into Theatre Project

16 Aug 2014, 19:00

I'm the artistic director of a theater company called Twin Alchemy Collective in Austin, TX. Our website is being built right now, so unfortunately I can't refer you to one. I'm currently developing a project that is part site-specific theatre, part geo-caching for narrative, and part old Sierra text adventure/point-and-click game. I'm using Quest to create a program that participants can interact with on their smart phone (in addition to downloading an original soundtrack). Only instead of experiencing the story at home on your computer or device, you will have to travel all over Austin to specific locations to solve riddles, read private journal entries, watch old home movies, find clues, and discover the mission you've been sent on. In this way, it's like a reality-reality video game where you experience everything in real-time as you read about it.

This project is meant to be experienced alone, with a small group of friends, or with just you and your dog over the course of a month at everyone's own pace. It could all be done in one weekend (about 8 hours total), or spread out over a month. It's meant to be a very intimate experience.

We're currently raising money for our theatre season, including this project. If you skip to 2:00 there's a mockup trailer of what this project will look like, as well as how Quest fits into all of this. If you'd like to see this adapted for your hometown, I'd love to get the names of some theatre companies you think might be a good fit with. If you believe in this project, sharing it with friends, or even pitching in $5 would go a long way in boosting our visibility. Thanks so much for your consideration. ... /x/3052877


17 Aug 2014, 06:54
Good luck with the project, it looks like it's off to a good start.

I posted a link at the Intfiction forum, ... =4&t=15985 .

17 Aug 2014, 16:15
George, thank you so much for everything! I will endeavor to do as much of this as I can on my own, but I'm sure I'll probably be back. Thanks for your support!