Playtesters Wanted
06 Feb 2014, 23:29I've been working on my first game for a while, and I think it's almost ready for publishing. Some of my friends have play tested the alpha version looking for broken scripts, etc. and I think I've caught them all. However, most of my friends aren't very experienced with nor truly appreciate text games, and I'm getting a lot of metaphorical pats on the back and congratulations for a game that I know has tons of room for improvement. So I'm about halfway between an alpha version and beta version of the game, I've tapped out most of my feedback resources and so I'm asking for some help.
The game is primarily focused around puzzles and exploration, there isn't truly much of a plot. If you are interested, please just reply to this thread and I can PM you with a copy of the online link. You are welcome to download it from there. This will of course only be shared with the agreement that as a tester you won't share the link, steal code/puzzles/etc., and will give me honest feedback and constructive criticism. All skill/experience levels are welcome, but experienced IF players will be particularly appreciated. All play testers will be credited in an in-game about page by their preferred name.
The game is primarily focused around puzzles and exploration, there isn't truly much of a plot. If you are interested, please just reply to this thread and I can PM you with a copy of the online link. You are welcome to download it from there. This will of course only be shared with the agreement that as a tester you won't share the link, steal code/puzzles/etc., and will give me honest feedback and constructive criticism. All skill/experience levels are welcome, but experienced IF players will be particularly appreciated. All play testers will be credited in an in-game about page by their preferred name.
07 Feb 2014, 11:01PM sent.
07 Feb 2014, 17:43Thanks! PM sent back with the link.

07 Feb 2014, 22:31I'm interested in checking it out!
07 Feb 2014, 22:38Thanks! I sent you a PM.
23 Mar 2014, 02:18I'm super late but if u are interested in more play testers I am interested.
19 Jun 2014, 17:33I had some luck posting here previously, and I'd like to try it again. I'm in a final push to get this WIP into release so that I don't feel as bad devoting time to my newer WIPs without sending my first game into the wild. I would really like to be able to say that I have 'finished' something that is as workable, as fully implemented, and hopefully as enjoyable to play as I am able.
"Wake Up" is my first attempt at making a game. It is largely an exercise in implementing puzzles in a parser based work of IF. As such, it is puzzle-oriented with very little story. It is short and I expect that it could be completed in 30-45 minutes, depending on how long it takes a person to figure out the puzzles.
Most of my previous testers have flaked out on me and none have completed the game (most very new/inexperienced with IF) although the first 1/3 of the game has been fairly thoroughly tested and I have secret commands to help skip sections for easier testing, if desired. I can be private messaged for more information.
The game can be found here.
My call for beta-testers on can be found here.
I have also posted a similar post on
Any help is greatly appreciated and everyone who helps out will be credited as they desire on the 'about' page. Anyone who has previously helped me on this game is already credited as well.
"Wake Up" is my first attempt at making a game. It is largely an exercise in implementing puzzles in a parser based work of IF. As such, it is puzzle-oriented with very little story. It is short and I expect that it could be completed in 30-45 minutes, depending on how long it takes a person to figure out the puzzles.
Most of my previous testers have flaked out on me and none have completed the game (most very new/inexperienced with IF) although the first 1/3 of the game has been fairly thoroughly tested and I have secret commands to help skip sections for easier testing, if desired. I can be private messaged for more information.
The game can be found here.
My call for beta-testers on can be found here.
I have also posted a similar post on
Any help is greatly appreciated and everyone who helps out will be credited as they desire on the 'about' page. Anyone who has previously helped me on this game is already credited as well.
Eaten By A Grue
02 Jul 2014, 05:07I played through to the part in the garden and got stuck at the gate; the keyhole and latch don't count as objects, and all I have are flowers, a thorn, and a doll. I noticed a few problems; directions seem odd at times, or it's not clear what's in the direction you can go, the doll sticks around when it should have been eaten by the monster, and some things are a little confusing (I tried looking in the skull or the skull's eyesocket for a while before I realized you had to smash it.) Overall it works quite well and the puzzles were about the right level; I thought the dark maze where you had to keep track of which direction you were facing was especially clever.
13 Aug 2014, 02:39I've gone 'live' (as it were) with this game and posted it publicly after a few more modifications.
I have added to the 'About' an email address to contact me with further bug reports, and feedback, reviews etc. are of course always welcome on the textadventures site or on the IFDB listing
I have added to the 'About' an email address to contact me with further bug reports, and feedback, reviews etc. are of course always welcome on the textadventures site or on the IFDB listing