Moonlit Mansion

29 Dec 2013, 18:29

I'm not sure if you can upload exe files for games here, i tried but nothing happens...
i finally uploaded/finished my text adventure game (well i made it ten years ago... but
who counting... lol) i finally have it on a website, feel free to give it a go, or just come
along and view the site (as the games does cost £3.70 to download) but feel free to just
view the site of facebook page :)

the website is

Chris M :)

29 Dec 2013, 23:02
Was this made with Quest?

30 Dec 2013, 00:18

No, i'd not heard of Quest until today, it's from a program that was around 10 years ago (as the game was made back in 2003)

30 Dec 2013, 17:29
You should post this on the general site instead, this forum is Quest-specific so there are far fewer people reading here.

30 Dec 2013, 17:50
This site and forum are not Quest-specific, posting about other IF is fine.

31 Dec 2013, 00:14
thanks for the advice, do you mean another section in this forum, or a whole new site?

31 Dec 2013, 01:17
He was referring to another site. Here's a link for

While all forms of interactive fiction are welcome and discussed here, this is also the primary site for users of Quest.
So you might find a broader audience at then you would here.

BTW, the game looks cool! Also, what DID you use to make it? Just curious.

31 Dec 2013, 10:32
thanks for the link :) i will check it out.
glad you liked the game, i created it on something called Neobook, it's not really designed for making things like adventure games, but i managed to make a few games like it over the years :)

thanks for your help
Chris M

31 Dec 2013, 10:40
TriangleGames wrote:He was referring to another site. Here's a link for

No, Alex wants to say that you can upload games not created in Quest, too! But it's only possible to upload games created with HTML here. Exe-files are not possible

31 Dec 2013, 14:57
thanks for the added information :)

05 Jan 2014, 21:28
Just a quick update, just in case anyone was curious about The Mystery of the Moonlit Mansion Game, there is now a FREE
demo available to try (after a request from another forum) on the demo download page of the site.!demo-download/c1j02
here above is the link. sorry to bother you all, just thought i'd conclude my post about the game, and give you a chance to try it.


11 Jan 2014, 09:00
I was really interested to try this out, but after the intro, I'm not able to do anything. I can see a hallway with two doors, and I can turn the music on and off and click Help, but when I type something and hit the Enter button, nothing happens (the text is not even registered), and if I hit the Enter key instead, it just beeps at me. I also can't click on anything in the picture - not sure if you're supposed to be able to. I hope your demo was meant to be more than that...

Some thoughts, on the meager amount I saw:

1) A way to skip the opening sequence would be nice.
2) Something more full screen would be helpful. The font is soooo tiny...
3) On the first game screen, it's "dining room", not "dinning room".

Sorry. That's all I can offer.

Oh, I do like the music. :)