Carnival of Shadows Walkthru

28 Dec 2013, 12:05
Commands are in CAPITALS – everything else are just instructions/info.

EXAMINE WASTEBIN. GET MATCHES. Go to the Campfire. EXAMINE or X BILLY THE PINCH. He's dead. E, N. GET CONCRETE. Go to the Ferris wheel and type GO TO FERRIS WHEEL to get on it. DROP CONCRETE. X WHEEL. X SEAT. GET DIARY. READ DIARY. OUT. Dodge the debris. GET METAL ROD. Go to the Lion's Cage. UNLOCK CAGE (with the metal rod). OPEN CAGE. IN. The Lion goes for a walk. Go to the Artiste's tent. OPEN CHEST. GET IRON KEY. GET GREASE. GET HAMMER. Go to the House of Curios. USE GREASE ON CABINET. OPEN CABINET. IN. USE HAMMER ON CEILING. You fall down a trapdoor. X BODY. GET ID CARD. Go to the Caravan. GIVE ID CARD TO RINGMASTER. He storms out. OPEN CUPBOARD. GET SCREWDRIVER. Go to the Ghost House. PULL SKELETON. GET WIRE. Go to the Arcades tent. UNLOCK COIN SLOT (with wire). X COIN BOX. GET COIN. Go to Madame Selene's tent. GIVE COIN TO MADAME. Your fortune is told. GET BELLADONNA. EAT BELLADONNA. You're protected. Go to the Carousel. X HORSE. USE SCREWDRIVER ON SADDLE. X HOLE. GET SILVER KEY. Go inside Lion's Cage. UNLOCK TRAPDOOR (with iron key). OPEN TRAPDOOR. D. UNLOCK CASKET (with silver key). OPEN CASKET. GET SILVER DAGGER. Go to the Big Top. GO TO CIRCUS RING. USE HAMMER ON CRATE. GET WOODPILE. OUT. Go to the Campfire. USE WOOD ON FIRE. USE MATCHES ON FIRE. The Werewolf appears. USE DAGGER ON WEREWOLF. Further investigations are found out...

If there are any errors above just let me know!