Looking For Beta Testers

10 Dec 2013, 06:05
Hi all. It's been a while in development but I think my game will soon be ready to start the first round of beta testing so this is a call to anyone who might be interested in helping out. I've still got a couple of alpha testers working through it but I'm hoping to move on to a beta version in the next couple of weeks. With the holidays coming up I know that some people might be busy, but the ultimate aim is to enter it in Spring Thing 2014 so there is no rush should you be interested but not able to commit immediately.

The Game:
The game is entitled "Weekend At Ruby's" and is an open environment, puzzle/comedy game set at a house party. The gameplay is semi-linear, in that multiple objectives can be pursued simultaneously and in any order, although there will come points where you will need to have completed a certain percentage of one path to make progress on another.

The game is relatively lengthy and may require a number of hours on more than one evening to complete, depending on how difficult you find the puzzles.

The game contains occasional coarse language as well as references to sex, alcohol, and illicit drugs, and therefore is not suitable for children.

If you are interested or if you have any further questions you can email me at liambutler31@gmail.com or if you prefer, by PM or here in this thread. I'm looking for about 3-6 people with a range of ability and experience so please let me know how familiar you are with playing other IF games, how much experience you have at making games of your own, and whether you have beta tested other games before. The only thing I ask of testers is that you are as brutal and pedantic as you can be in your attempts to break the game and in pointing out problems or omissions within it.

Once I have enough volunteers and the alpha testing phase is complete, I will be contacting you by email with a copy of the .quest file. At this stage there are no plans to support a web version due to issues with timers and customization scripts.

Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to help.