The Videogame Master Series (Gamera? Gamera!)

Entropic Pen
03 Nov 2013, 19:38
"The Videogame Master" is a nod to the cartoons of the 80's that were more focused on advertising products like videogames and toys, or were lame adaptions of a popular franchise like Ghostbusters, Karate Kid, and the Back to the Future Trilogy. But mostly, this is a tribute to my favorite of these cartoons: Captain N: The Game Master.

The series is about Tyson Vincent who is sucked into a digital universe called "Videoland" along with his little sister, Lexine, and their adoptive father, Tucker. There, Tyson must take up the duty as Game Master and defend Videoland from the terror of their ancient foe, Queen Ishtar with the help of the video-wizard Merlin and Princess Valda.

Notice: I want to re-do most of the series. I feel that I could've done better justice.

Episode 01 The Return of the Game Master: Tyson Vincent is sucked into a digital universe called "Videoland" along with his little sister, Lexine, and their adoptive father, Tucker. There, Tyson must take up the duty as Game Master and defend Videoland from the terror of their ancient foe, Queen Ishtar and her Hench-bots with the help of the video-wizard Merlin and Princess Valda.

Episode 02 Raindrops and Rainbows: Tyson and the gang are going to a festival in Crystal Valley; a video-world based on "Gem Riders", a game Tyson never played because he thought it was too "cutesy". Ishtar plans to exploit this by conquering up three creations of hers, the Insectatrons, to hunt him down after they lure Tyson into the wilderness of Crystal Valley.

Episode 03 Robo-Blaster: Tyson's position as Game Master is put on the line as Master Ainley; the head of a multi-billion credit scientific enterprise, rolls out a machine built with weapons based on the designs of Tyson's Blasters.

Episode 04 Playing with Beamed Power: Ishtar's Forces of Chaos have stolen the orbital solar satellite and they plan to use it to create mass amounts of Powerite to fuel their war machine. Can an invention Dr. Baker shelved long ago help the Power Team in their biggest battle thus far?

Episode 05 Enter the Kilo-Kaiju: It's the Pokémon episode. Yay!

Entropic Pen
01 Jan 2014, 18:49
Am I one of the only two people in this plane of existence who are fans of Captain N: The Game Master? The other being Mark Moore (look up Tuxedomark on Youtube or

If you just heard of Captain N, or seen the Nostalgia Critic's review of it, then I recommend you see original version of the pilot: Kevin in Videoland.
- The original version has Jeffrey Scott's name spelled "Jeffery Scott" in blue lettering.
- It also has Bob Seger's "Shakedown" in the Corridors of Metroid scene

Then go read the first episode of "The Videogame Master"... :mrgreen:

01 Jan 2014, 21:40
I haven't heard of (nor watched) "captain n", only know of and watched "Captain Planet" ( ... Planeteers ), lol.

I have seen: "The Wizard" ( ), too.

Ghost Busters, Back to the Future (epic), and (original: epic) Karate Kid (not new one with jackie chan and will smith's kid in china ~ UGH! ~ horrible movie!) are awesome movies !!! :D

Entropic Pen
01 Jan 2014, 22:10
HegemonKhan wrote:I haven't heard of (nor watched) "captain n", only know of and watched "Captain Planet" ( ... Planeteers ), lol.

I have seen: "The Wizard" ( ), too.

Ghost Busters, Back to the Future (epic), and (original: epic) Karate Kid (not new one with jackie chan and will smith's kid in china ~ UGH! ~ horrible movie!) are awesome movies !!! :D

I recommend Captain N: The Game Master, especially if you love the "It's so bad it's good" type. How bad is Captain N you might ask? It's the father of videogame-to-TV adaptations who purposely spills his drink just to show his kids that this is what happens when you screw around.

Plus, do you mean Filmations "Ghost Busters" or "The Real Ghostbusters"? There's two different shows about paranormal exterminators in the 80's.

01 Jan 2014, 22:19
the movie with the giant marshmellow man... and the laughable vacuum cleaner guns... ectoplasm...

Horribly bad movie: Super Mario Brothers ( ) ... lol

I wish someone would make a Zelda~Link movie... it can be done now with todays CG... it could be really epic... if done well.

Entropic Pen
11 Jan 2014, 02:27
Hidden References:

The Videogame Master series to me personally is showing how we could make a "Captain N/ Super Mario Bros Super Show!"-type cartoon in the era of first person shooters and demands for quality animation: good-humored satire and plenty of cultural references. Reading through these you probably didn't spot some of these well-hidden cues:

> Ishtar's four main robots have the same colors as the ghosts in the Pacman arcade game.
Rapid-Fire: Orange
Skywarp: Red
Razor Edge: Pink
Shockwave: Blue
> The color of Tyson's power suit (purple and yellow) was a cue from the original Nintendo Power story: The Electrifying Adventures of Captain Nintendo, which the main character powered himself up with holograms to appear like he's wearing a purple and yellow suit.

11 Jan 2014, 04:08
I am also fan of Captain N. I've thought for a long time it would be cool to see a game of it, but I can only imagine the headache licensing would cause.

Entropic Pen
31 Mar 2014, 16:42
Third episode is up! Man this took forever to code. But let zygons be zygons.

Edit: Trianglegames just announced that Questcomp 2014 is now a free-for-all in terms of what authors can write. And guess what I'm writing for the contest? An episode of the Videogame Master! But not just "the next episode", but a special episode based on my favorite recurring theme in cartoons that I'm not going to tell anyone in keeping a promise to not give hints/spoilers of my entry into the contest.

So yeah, any out-of-context snippets you'll see are not in any way related to my entry for Questcomp 2014.

#Questcomp2014 #TVGM #OhGodwhathaveIdone #Ijustdoomedthisforumwith #thehashtagplague

Entropic Pen
24 Apr 2014, 17:24
Slight delay with the forth episode. Not because of school work. Not (just) because I'm lazy, but because I'm hired as a cart pusher at my local Home Depot. Don't laugh, cart pushers are an essential part of any store; they are the first and last impression to a customer, and they maintain customer convenience with carts to hold things in! Without cart pushers like me the whole world would collapse in on itself! Anyway... Pokémon!

Ah, Nintendo's most marketable franchise. I can feel money flying out of my wallet just thinking about Pokémon. I'm only three (technically five w/ the QuestComp2014 special and the WIP episode) episodes in and yet managed to resist the marketability of Pokémon... not anymore. I am proud to announce that there will be an episode about Pokémon... just not anytime soon.

25 Apr 2014, 01:23
for male athletes, especially those who play(ed) football (american football ~ rugby with pads), 'pushing carts' is quite fun, hehe. Think of them as like practice sleds to push, hehe. Strength training. Or, in the artic, mush my cart-snow-dogs ;) (girls hate pushing carts though)

(one of my part time jobs when I was younger was at a grocery store. I loved having to go outside to push~get the carts! It was so much fun! But, I collected all the carts in just 10 minutes, lol, having nothing to do for the 50 more minutes we had to be outside, so I would help all the ladies~girls with packing their car, they loved that too, having lots of heavy grocieries to pack, maybe let your boss know, and get a raise, for it ~ good customer service, hehe)

Eaten By A Grue
27 Apr 2014, 18:45
I checked out this series but I ran into errors in the very first scene, present on all three difficulty levels. Here's what I see when the second screen comes up:

Back at the Palace of Power, the mantle of the Deschain Royal Family; Merlin, a video-wizard wakes up gasping. Getting up from his desk, Merlin looked around hysterically, searching for his Communicator. "Now where could I have left it!?" he grumbled.
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'rand_string(link_list)': Value cannot be null.Parameter name: key

Error running script: Cannot foreach over '' as it is not a list

Am I the only one encountering this, or is it a known issue? I hope it gets fixed, as I always enjoyed Captain N and this sounds like a fun tribute.

Entropic Pen
19 May 2014, 11:23
Fourth episode is up and man was it a headache to complete between college finals and my new job at Home Depot. For those who don't know what Home Depot is... you have Google to look it up.

The next episode I am excited about as I was with Raindrops and Rainbows because it's going to be about one of my favorite movies of all time, and my 3rd... 4th... one of my favorite B.I.W.B. (b4 I was born) cartoons of all time, and mixed with a series of movies made infamous by the crew of MST3k (again, Google it); Gamera. I don't wanna spoil much about it since I have a personal experience of figuring out the plots of movies based on their trailers with 70% accuracy.