Indy Wrestler: My First Quest Game

06 Jul 2013, 16:07
Hello everyone!

I love playing text based games and always wanted to create my own games. I downloaded Quest a couple of days ago and immediately fell in love with it. I played around with the software and ended up with this piece, which I have decided to share with all of you.

Name: Indy Wrestler
You've just graduated from Ka-Pow Wrestling Academy, and your goal is to become a greatest professional wrestler of all time, but to reach that goal, you need to start from the indepened scene as a jobber and pay your dues, just like every superstar in the world did. The competition will be tough. Will you survive and accomplish your goal or will you wander away in the crowd?

1) Wrestle Matches: This is like real wrestling. You don't wrestle to win, you wrestle to entertain the crowd.
2) Train
3) Clean your bed: You'll know why when you play the game.
4) Take steroids (if you want to...)
5) Get to the top in the indy scene.

Link: ... y-wrestler

Please let me know your feedback. :)

Alien Invasion
07 Jul 2013, 02:29
Sorry, but I found this game very annoying.

It's often impossible to follow the rules. You state in the manual that the player should just get over their opponent not co-operating, but would it work like that in the real world? The other guy is an employee too. If the boss says 'pin the opponent at the 60 second mark,' he would do it if he wanted to get paid.

The jobber is given a certain number of offences. Fine, but if that's the case, doing nothing should ALWAYS be an option after those offences have been made, so reputation points will be given fairly, not with-held because a jobber can only attack over and over.

I hope this feedback helps. All the best with improving the game and making more.

07 Jul 2013, 03:16

Thanks for your comments. However both of your suggestions are already in the game...

1) The opponent will pin you if you allow him to. If you keep blocking / countering the moves, then he won't be able to pin you. You need to take his offense when the match is about to finish (15 seconds or below).

2) Yes, you can keep doing nothing after you've performed your allowed moves and you won't be penalized. 'nothing' is not counted in the final match rating.

07 Jul 2013, 03:25
Also, yes, the rules will look difficult at first, because there is no one straight forward way to approach the matches. You need to go into the matches with a strategy, but once you understood the system, the things will become easier.

Alien Invasion
07 Jul 2013, 05:15
I've played around with the game some more and have become better at performing matches.

A suggestion: maybe you could make it possible for the character to get himself a really big pair of these - :lol: .

07 Jul 2013, 08:55
Glad to hear that you are getting the hang of it. Here are a few pointers. I will also include these ingame:

-- Try to avoid performing any move three times in a row, otherwise it will negatively affect the match rating. "Nothing" is an exception and can be performed any times you want.
-- "Pinfall" is not a move. It also doesn't cost any stamina to perform. However it comes under "3 times in a row" rule.
-- "Submission" is an offensive move. Performing it will add +1 to your "Offense Counter".
-- Be careful with performing "Offense" move twice in a row. If the opponent blocks the move the second time, you will be forced to perform it the third time. This is where "the opponent is not cooperating with me" thing comes. When you are in the ring trying to put on a good match, the miscalculations can happen. Your opponent has also has his own moves to worry about.

Excellent idea. :lol: I will get that added in.