What game is this?

27 Mar 2013, 22:44
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a text adventure game that I used to play when I was younger. My english wasn't very good at the time, so I don't remember every detail of it. I have some memory of it, I hope someone knows what game this is.
It starts in a room, the character has no memory of it. It's pitch black. Something with a keyhole, but a key doesn't fit. There's a path and a forest. I can enter different rooms and places by saying 'go east/north/etc'.

Thanks in advance!

28 Mar 2013, 07:18
This is a funny request :lol:

Émeraude wrote:It starts in a room, the character has no memory of it.

I think 10% of all text adventures start this way

Émeraude wrote: Something with a keyhole, but a key doesn't fit.

60% of all text adventures does have keyholes

Émeraude wrote:There's a path and a forest.

90% of all text adventures

Émeraude wrote:I can enter different rooms and places by saying 'go east/north/etc

And finally 100 % of all text adventures have rooms which can be entered :lol:

28 Mar 2013, 08:06
Unfortunately that's not really enough info to go on. If you could remember anything specific about the game, like a puzzle or an item or a monster or something that might help. Also, if you could perhaps remember the name of the company that made it, or even around what year it was released could help somewhat.

28 Mar 2013, 10:45
Hmm, well I was quit young at the time, so my english wasn't that good. That's why I didn't get really far into the game ;). I don't think there was any sort of puzzle or anything. Unfortunately I also don't know the year or the company. Guess I'll be trying out a lot of these games!

Thanks anyway for your help :)

29 Mar 2013, 00:45
What was the intro puzzle, I.e first puzzle?

ED: Company! A-haa! That reduces the number of games. Bet it would be Infocom, if you played it in the US, or Magnetic Scrolls or Level 9 if elsewhere.

29 Mar 2013, 20:39
Were there any images or box-art that you can recall, or even the style of art? Whether or not there any in game pictures at all would be something to narrow it down. Do remember anything else that happened in game?
I might try looking up games published any time around or before the year you played it, since you don't know exactly when it was published.