QuestComp 2013
05 Mar 2013, 06:40For now, scroll down to the post by TriangleGames to get the most in-depth info on rules for you entry. Be sure to express any interest you may have in competing or judging to help us make early estimates!
Currently the rules are:
[*]You must use Quest to run your game.[/*]
[*]You must implement 2 to 3 features of Quest in an "interesting" way. You will be allowed to explain how you've done this, I wouldn't sweat too much over it.[/*]
[*]The theme of this year's competition might be Plague. This one is subject to some change, but if it's still looking that way in a week, I'll edit the post to reflect that.[/*]
[*]Tentative submission deadline is around the beginning of June, be ready to submit by then![/*]
[*]There will be no prizes, except honor, glory, and bragging rights. Maybe you can put it on a resume.[/*]
[*]When the competition is over and the winner has been announced, you may be expected to release the source code of your game, to help others learn to use the software. So don't put your bank info in the comments and don't put your unpatented turbo-code if you want to keep it secret.[/*]
So far, that's it! If you'd like to get a more in-depth look at all that, or especially if you would like to show support for the competition or offer help, since we're still in need you can do so on the QuestComp? topic in the Quest 5 forum.
I'll edit this post to reflect any changes in the rules, and I'll probably post to the topic about updates in the progress of the competition is well. Thanks, and good luck!
06 Mar 2013, 02:11whether I have official permission to tell entrants that the prize includes a custom forums title, and
where the official contest thread should be posted (I was thinking "Site Announcements and Feedback").
If you just want to use THIS thread, I'll edit the "preview" out of this post and send the full version to homeeman so he can edit it into the starting post.
QuestComp 2013
Welcome to QuestComp 2013, the very first Quest exclusive IF competition!
With v5.4 (beta) up and running, Quest has more to offer designers than ever,
like scripts for gamebooks, a new text processor, and script specific code viewing.
So, join the adventure, and be a Questing hero!
Competition Overview
The primary goal of authors entering the competition (aside from making a quality game)
is to use the features and capabilities of Quest in exciting and innovative ways.
Since IF is a text-based game medium, good writing is key to a good game. So, there is also
a creative theme (Plague), to inspire and challenge your writing skills.
Details are in the "Rules For Entrants And Submissions" section, below.
Like the classic hero, your reward will be honor, respect and glory.
Fortune smiles upon thee! There is also no entrance fee.
March 31: Deadline for declaring intent to enter
I also ask that anyone interested in judging please volunteer by this date, as I will be using the ratio of entrants to judges in finalizing both the game length and judging period, should they need to be changed.
May 31: Deadline for submitting finished games
June 31: Date for completion of judging
This date may be extended after entrants and judges have been counted.
NOTE: To allow for time-zone differences, exact cut-off for deadlines is 12 noon GMT (8am EDT) of the following day.
Rules For Entrants And Submissions
With the exception of beta testing (which is strongly encouraged), entrants are not to discuss the contents of their game with anyone until after judging is completed and a winner is announced.
[list][*] All entrants must declare their intent to compete no later than March 31.[/*:m]
[*] Each entrant will submit one(1) game only, no later than May 31.[/*:m]
[*] The creative theme is Plague. You are encouraged to use the theme in any way you like, and you may stretch your personal interpretation as far as it is still recognizable. Just for reference purposes: Plague[/*:m]
[*] Each submission is to focus on 1 to 3 specific features of Quest selected from the following list. MAKE SURE to state which feature(s) you selected when you submit your game.[/*:m][/list:u]
[list][list][*] Auto-mapping
[*] POV switching[/*:m]
[*] Light/Darkness[/*:m]
[*] Multimedia content (use it well, not profusely, IF is text based)[/*:m]
[*] Inserted links within main text body ("ObjectLink" "ExitLink" etc)[/*:m]
[*] Panes and/or UI customization
[*] Direct html text processor[/*:m]
[*] Gamebook scripts[/*:m]
[*] Scope controlled object/exit hyperlink activity[/*:m]
[*] Enhanced list and dictionary attribute types[/*:m][/list:u][/*:m][/list:u]
[list][*] Submissions must be made using Quest 5.3 or 5.4 beta.
Your use of Quest's features will be judged individually based on the feature(s) you selected.[/*:m]
[*] EXTRA CHALLENGE BONUS: Include "reviving Bob with the defibrillator" from the Quest tutorial game. As long as the person's name is a derivative of Bob or Robert, this idea may be reinterpreted however necessary to suit the genre you are working in (i.e. a spell named defibrillaticus, or a steam-punk device similar to a defibrillator). [/*:m][/list:u]
Again, this is a preview designed to let people start working on their entries.
06 Mar 2013, 17:03TriangleGames
06 Mar 2013, 17:39Alex wrote:Thanks, those rules sounds good to me. I'll put a page up on the main website in the next day or two, assuming nobody wants to make any modifications.
So, Alex has my complete write-up for the comp and will be putting it up soon. In the meantime, the full rules are listed in the original discussion topic, over here, and people can get started on their games. If anything's unclear about how to declare intent to enter after the new page goes up, I'll explain it then.
Asyranok wrote:So my game, WAKE, is a plague-themed IF. Since I've already started it, would I be unable to enter the competition?
How long have you been working on it?
EDIT: I got a pretty good look at your game while trying to help you fix the problem with reverting to 5.3 (I hope that works out. If not, I would try going to 5.4 again and try to fix the problems there). That game has a lot of work put into it already. You should really make a different one if you want to enter the comp. My suggestion would be to either A) think of a diferent interpretation for "plague" so you don't feel like you're re-hashing the same thing, or B) make some kind of sequel/prequel to WAKE.
OLD wrote:I'm a little torn on that. To me, it mostly depends on exactly how long ago you started it. I know it's been at least a few days, but frankly with the way we rushed from coming up with the idea for the comp to actually "starting" it, I sort of expect people may have already begun working on submissions.
I wish we could've gotten it set-up a little earlier, so people had more time to work, and I hope to provide at least a little more time next year. Also, since this is the first year (and because it was put together very quickly) there's no real prize beyond bragging rights, so I don't expect people to be real touchy about who started when. I'll let you give me some idea how far into it you are before I make a final decision, and if people want to weigh-in their opinions, I'll hear them out. Also, keep in mind that submission games are to be "approximately" movie length (1-1/2 to 2 hours), must be complete and submitted by May31, and will be freely distributed on the site when judging starts. So, if you wanted to make WAKE a bigger game and take more time to work on it, that might be something to consider.
07 Mar 2013, 20:04If my game does end up being allowed for consideration, I will throw it into the mix. Although I don't know if it will be 100% done by the end date. Also, the game may end up being much longer than a 2 hour adventure. If things fall into place, I will be happy to work it into the competition, but I'm not going to mold it around the competition. Thanks for the info.
07 Mar 2013, 20:21Asyranok wrote:Ok, cool. Also, who is "OLD"?
OLD is what I had written before my edit. I don't like to rip out large portions of my own posts when I edit them, because it seems "dishonest." I wouldn't want someone accusing me of trying to "hide" a previous statement.
08 Mar 2013, 20:52Let me know if anything needs changing.
I'm away for the next few days - back on Tuesday 12th March. I'll post a blog announcement and create links from the main website when I get back, presuming everything looks OK.
08 Mar 2013, 21:37sonic102
09 Mar 2013, 00:36TriangleGames
09 Mar 2013, 14:00
I have started getting e-mail from users on intfiction. Well, "a" user, so far.
09 Mar 2013, 19:23Also, TriangleGames you need to send an email to yourself.

09 Mar 2013, 20:48I am working on a game that I've spent dozens of hours on already. I have a 9-5 job as a software QC engineer. My time, therefore, is limited. I am not keen on the idea of working on two projects at once, especially when the second one is under the pressure of a deadline.
First, the possibility of doing two at one time, for someone with my personality, reinforces the idea that I don't need to finish one before starting another. I have a history of starting things and not finishing them - therefore I force myself to complete things before I get started on a related project for fun. That is how I have finished writing my novels and short stories, and is the only way I can make something high quality.
That being said, I have helped teach myself how to finish things at this point - I can potentially do two projects at once and complete both of them at a quality level. But not when I have a limited time. For me, I need to make a quality story in a game. A few rooms with a barely coherent plot and a couple puzzles is an unacceptable result to me. With that in mind, I have spent about 24 hours or more on WAKE, and it has yielded about 1 hour of gameplay.
This contest requires about a two hour gameplay experience. For me, that would equate to 40 or more hours of work put into my entry. I have two and half months to put in 40 hours of work to something that is merely a hobby - as it is done after work.
So for me, It isn't possible unless my current entry qualifies. I feel like quite a few people will have similar reasons for not wanting to enter, since they want to focus on their current projects. And not only that, but the reward of bragging rights is no more juicy than being rewarded with tons of five star reviews and having your game listed in the "Top 10" category. In fact, that seems like a more desirable goal that being able to put "Winner of QuestComp 2013" under my game's title - because, if I was a new member to the website, or someone that isn't paying attention to the news and forums and only playing games - that would have a lot less meaning that "A Top Ten Rated Game".
Hope this is some useful insight. I'm still excited for you guys!
10 Mar 2013, 02:24I'm quite determined to follow through on my "main game," so my plan for making an entry without "dropping" my main game is to just make sure I do a few minutes of work on it every day. I find that if I can just keep a thing on my list of dailies than it's less likely to fall by the way side, even if progress slows down for a while.
@sonic102: I'll be sure to e-mail me.

11 Mar 2013, 03:14
11 Mar 2013, 12:57
11 Mar 2013, 17:01
12 Mar 2013, 11:06My preference: given the known bugs with the web player, as well its overall sluggishness and the fact that the game will time out and you'll lose all your progress if life calls you away for a certain period of time (which has been a point of contention with Quest games in other IF comps in the past), I'd prefer that for this comp we target the offline player. I think generally features work well enough in both, but I'd like it where if something works well in the offline player and either is broken in the web player or buggy, that we can go with the more stable offline environment as the official judgment platform.
Edit: I just saw this was mentioned in the *other* QuestComp thread.

12 Mar 2013, 14:39sonic102
14 Mar 2013, 03:45EDIT: A message from the past for the present:
Try to reach as many people as possible. Ideally, players should be able to choose whether they play your game in an online browser or offline. Not everybody can be online all the time, or wants to be; not everybody wants to bother with getting the right interpreter. Of course, this is not possible for every platform; but if it's possible, you should do it. Similarly, a game that runs only in Windows is not the best idea.
It's an IFForum post from 2012, and it is a word of warning for us. (I think it was meant for Inform, because of Parchment, but it applies to Quest as well. )
I think Gargoyle can run Quest, because Geas, a part of Gargoyle is a Quest Runner duplicate, but haven't tried it out yet.

14 Mar 2013, 09:52
15 Mar 2013, 21:06(Not that it is a good prize - Alex will turn any good game into an app if the author wishes.)

15 Mar 2013, 22:31
15 Mar 2013, 22:37
Obviously, the game would be free here on this site, but not as an app.
16 Mar 2013, 03:30TriangleGames
16 Mar 2013, 04:01TriangleGames
17 Mar 2013, 14:19Alex wrote:"TriangleGames"
...There's still about two weeks left until the cutoff date for intent to enter, so I'm hoping to see things pick up. A comp of 2 to 4 people would be a little ... adjective
Agreed. I think I'll send a mini newsletter to the mailing list, to see if that captures more interest.
Thanks! I've gotten several more responses already.
We now have 4 confirmed entrants, plus myself (if I don't have to become a judge, instead), and two other hopefuls.
So, that figure has changed from 2-4 then to 4-7 now!
We are going to need more judges! The one(1) confirmed judge I have now will only be able to use the web-player. One of the "hopeful" entrants might drop back to judging (I'm not expecting that), and I am willing to drop out to judge if I have to. That's still not much to work with though.
There is one other person I know of who would make a good "professional judge." He's very honest and very direct; you know, kind of like Simon Cowell. I'm not going to ask anyone to participate directly, it's strictly volunteer. However, members of the community may certainly feel free to make suggestions to one another.
17 Mar 2013, 16:43What I mean is, can a judge focus on the gamplay and mechanics of a story, while another judge looks and the code and inclusion of required functionality?
If that is true, I can be a judge focusing on gameplay/story/mechanics. I am not good enough at quest, nor do i have enough time to go through the code and back end of a game though.
18 Mar 2013, 00:42Asyranok wrote:Does every judge have to focus on all aspects ...
... can a judge focus on the gameplay and mechanics ...
... I am not good enough at quest, nor do i have enough time to go through the code and back end of a game ...
I hadn't really thought about this before, so I had to consider it carefully. Ideally, judges (or at least a judge) would be able to actually review each game's code and examine exactly how the features were implemented. I know that the reality is a good programer can put extremely complex concepts into place, with amazing benefits, that are so seamless a player wouldn't even know about it. However, things being what they are, I can't count on having enough judges with enough programming knowledge to really look at the games' codes with that kind of in-depth scrutiny.
So, I'm hoping that by having a familiarity with a "baseline" (i.e. how a "standard" Quest game looks and performs "by default"), the inclusion of various features will be relatively plain and obvious to the judges. In other words, I expect that games will be judged almost entirely based on the play experience they provide, and not their actual code. If need be, judges should take a brief review of the features in use by reading the wiki entries about those features, so that they can recognize what effect they've had on the gameplay and mechanics.
Based on how Quest works and the ways in which the features affect the games, I believe this will be enough. If any entrants take issue with this "plan," I shall have to strive to find at least one judge who can examine the code more closely, but I can't force anyone to be a judge, so I can't promise that that will be possible. Fortunately, again, I don't believe it would be necessary anyway.
Therefore, while anyone with the time and ability to judge the code itself is encouraged to volunteer and fill that "gap,"
my official answer is that such an ability is not a requirement of being a judge.
Additionally, it is my intention to provide judges with a more thorough "guideline" on how to judge the games, simply to ensure that everyone is working with same ideas in mind and that judging is handled in a consistent and even-handed manner. In my opinion, it would do no good to have some judges critically examining code and others not, especially since there is a fair chance that not every judge will play every game
18 Mar 2013, 13:09TriangleGames wrote:Based on how Quest works and the ways in which the features affect the games, I believe this will be enough. If any entrants take issue with this "plan," I shall have to strive to find at least one judge who can examine the code more closely, but I can't force anyone to be a judge, so I can't promise that that will be possible. Fortunately, again, I don't believe it would be necessary anyway.
For fairness, all judges should have an equal knowledge. So however the game is 'scored' it's not biased with a coding expert compared to those who won't know if the code is impressive or not. It might be important if there is a tie-breaker situation because a 'fancy' bit of coding (with a poorer story) might win over a better written story (with no 'fancy' coding) and that might be unfair if the point of text adventures, in truth, is the story not the 'gift-wrapping'.
So the best way to judge it is by the perception of a player so all judges are on equal-footing.
If coders wan't to know how it's implemented then leave it to the end of the competition and a tutorial thread could be given on it.
18 Mar 2013, 17:52I think the idea of having the code available for people to look at and learn from is a great idea, but I don't think it should be a judging criteria for the competition.
18 Mar 2013, 18:31Many thanks to Phillip Zolla for sponsoring a first prize of £100 in the QuestComp!
18 Mar 2013, 18:42
I'll just say that judging is to be based on the play experience and not the code as a rule. Makes things easier for me!
Also, I've just noticed Alex's announcement! So, huzzah again! Thank you very much Phillip!
BTW: For any silly Americans (like me) who don't already know, that's apx. $151 in U.S. currency.
18 Mar 2013, 19:13A couple of things have occurred to me that leave me unsure what the general view on that is. One is the fact that many games have a lot of "flavor text," which could use up a person's time reading scenery descriptions or fiddling with "throw-away" items. The second is that it takes much longer to finish while trying to figure everything out. Where as, if a person already knows what to do, they could blast through the game in a fraction of the time.
So how do I, as the designer who already knows what to do, estimate how long it will take a player to complete the game? Is there a rule of thumb, like "each room should take apx. 2 minutes," in the same way that screenplay writers expect 1 page to be roughly 1 minute of screen time?
18 Mar 2013, 20:02TriangleGames wrote:I've been meaning to ask about how people usually "measure game length" for text adventures. In other words, what exactly does "two hours" mean?
A couple of things have occurred to me that leave me unsure what the general view on that is. One is the fact that many games have a lot of "flavor text," which could use up a person's time reading scenery descriptions or fiddling with "throw-away" items. The second is that it takes much longer to finish while trying to figure everything out. Where as, if a person already knows what to do, they could blast through the game in a fraction of the time.
There is no way anyone can write a game to be sure that it can be solved in 2 hours. The judges own personal time management should be considered to play the games not the length it takes to play a game.
A suggestion, therefore, is that each game is played for exactly 2 hours for example. If the game is finished before that then good. The game's story will have been assessed from beginning to end and can be judged on that score. If the judge is still playing it at the 2 hour mark then obviously they save their position and request a walkthru to the game (which our esteemed organizer should have copies of from each entrant). Then with this walkthru they can quickly finish the game and assess the story like the more quicker solved games.
So all games are NOT assessed by length of play but by their story, playability, presentation, etc. What do you think?
19 Mar 2013, 04:30TriangleGames
19 Mar 2013, 14:25QuestComp wrote:Judges are encouraged to play each game as long as they want and try to finish each one. However, they are not required to finish before voting (especially if the game takes more than about 1-1/2 to 2 hours). There is no minimum time length that must be spent on each game.
I looked to other well known comps when considering how to write up our own, so I'm looking back at them again now. Spring Thing makes it clear that judges are not required to finish the games, and are not required to play any minimum length of time.
Spring Thing wrote:Judges are encouraged to spend as long as they want on each game, and are encouraged to try to finish each one. In the end, however, they are not required to finish before voting (especially if the game takes more than about two evenings to complete). Nor, for that matter, is there any particular minimum time length that must be spent on each game.
IF Comp actually goes so far as to say that judgments must be made on "at most the first two hours," leaving it to be assumed that judges may stop sooner.
IF Comp wrote:Judges must base their judgement of each game on at most the first two hours of play. If a judge is still playing a game at the end of a cumulative two hours of playing time and wishes to continue playing it, the judge must rate the game and not change that rating later before continuing play. Authors may write a game of any length they desire, but should keep this rule in mind when determining the length of their entry.
Although "catching the audience's attention" is an important part of good writing, I personally would prefer if judges actually were required to play a certain amount of time, to make sure each game gets a fair chance to impress them. If a game starts off slow but improves as it goes along, it would be a shame for a judge to only play the opening piece. Clearly that's not usually the case in other comps, though. So, what are your thoughts on it? Is the rule we're using fine the way it is, or should we consider modifying it?
EDIT: To be clear, making the judges play a minimum time would be my personal, emotional, preference, but I'm not sure it's actually appropriate for this kind of comp, especially since neither of the "big name" comps do it that way.
19 Mar 2013, 19:26homeeman
19 Mar 2013, 20:15It's very hard to be strict about something that's so casual and community driven, but because it's set up that way you don't really have to. The people that agree to judge are hopefully agreeing to do so for the right reasons, and even if they aren't, they can't do too much damage. Especially not if there are a lot of judges.
20 Mar 2013, 13:19Based on comments from a few potential entrants, I'm wondering if people would like more time for game design. The only real reason I made the deadlines as short as they are was to minimize overlap with IFComp, which I expect to start relatively soon based on the timeline of previous years. However, if a consensus shows that participants would like the deadline for game submissions pushed back by a couple of weeks or even a month, I'd be willing to consider that. So, raise your hand if you want the game submission deadline extended...and then also post something, since I can't actually see your hands.

20 Mar 2013, 13:35There's no waving smiley, so you can use your imagination.

20 Mar 2013, 13:43sonic102
21 Mar 2013, 04:00
22 Mar 2013, 08:00cdutton184
22 Mar 2013, 10:30sgreig wrote:Is there any rule against collaborations for QuestComp? Or does it have to be a completely solo effort?
I would say historically there's no reason not to. After all, Colossal Cave Adventure was a collaboration.
22 Mar 2013, 19:49The only rule I would give is maximum collaboration limit 10.
24 Mar 2013, 11:18TriangleGames
25 Mar 2013, 15:30We also have ... 1(one) judge! (unless I drop out of competing to judge)
So, if you have any friends that might enjoy playing some text games, feel free to point them in this direction...
I am very open to suggestions on enticing more judges. Fortunately, there's still a little over two months until the game submission deadline.
The Pixie
26 Mar 2013, 08:01You do need more than one judge though!
28 Mar 2013, 08:04TriangleGames
28 Mar 2013, 19:41... I am at a loss for words ... suggestions?

EDIT: I decided on a solution. I'm gonna try to make it work in a different game. Perhaps that will help me figure out what's wrong. If not, I can ask for help with the game that is not for the comp. If anyone has a problem with this policy, PLEASE LET ME KNOW, otherwise anyone else in this situation should apply the same method.
28 Mar 2013, 20:18So, my wordy rant aside, I would suggest that you subtly make a post regarding your problem, and quietly neglect to specify that this problem is for your QuestComp entry (if possible) for the sake of some discretion. The textadventures website is by far my favorite community that I've found to be a part of, and that's what community is about, right?
28 Mar 2013, 20:22sonic102
29 Mar 2013, 00:43entr.ants (12 right now)
29 Mar 2013, 20:42The Pixie wrote:I would have no problem with authors also being judges, though obviously they cannot judge their own. You might want to normalize a judge's score before adding them in though (easier said than done I admit). You may well find some people fail to complete their game and could then judge too.
You do need more than one judge though!
Yeah, we may have to move in that direction. What do you mean by, "normalize a judge's score before adding them in?"
30 Mar 2013, 07:19
30 Mar 2013, 11:24sgreig
30 Mar 2013, 17:56Seeing as how all I've managed to implement so far is an elevator, would anyone have any objections to me doing this game as my QuestComp entry?
31 Mar 2013, 04:29TriangleGames
01 Apr 2013, 17:50sgreig
02 Apr 2013, 05:48
02 Apr 2013, 11:45Theguy4
06 Apr 2013, 19:51TriangleGames
07 Apr 2013, 12:40Congratulations, you found the Easter Egg!
So, now that that's done, we can fix it.

07 Apr 2013, 13:19Theguy4
08 Apr 2013, 19:37
08 Apr 2013, 20:15On the judging itself, I've started thinking about exactly how to format the process. I've read a lot of stuff online, and it was mostly confusing because it didn't really apply. Right now I'm thinking of asking for two scores: "overall" theme & fun, and technical, wherein the technical score would include both how well Quest's features were used and more mundane details such as how consistently objects were given descriptions, how many "bugs" were found, etc. So, everyone should feel free to contribute their thoughts on judging while I'm still making those plans.
08 Apr 2013, 22:18I'm wondering if we've really gotten the word out about judges for this comp or not. I see people on the TA website talking about games all the time, and all you really need to be qualified for this is to be someone who plays text adventures.
Is there anything we haven't tried to reach people who don't look to the forums? Just people who go to the TA website to play the games. Some people just don't like forums, after all. I'd point to that direction if we're starting to fear we won't have judges.
09 Apr 2013, 00:32TriangleGames
10 Apr 2013, 13:13BTW: I've had very little free time lately, I would have liked to be on the forums more, and as it is I haven't even touched any of my own game projects in about two weeks. However, I do look in frequently, and I'm keeping tabs on things.
11 Apr 2013, 04:44Will this work?

11 Apr 2013, 17:11davidw
11 Apr 2013, 17:43Alex
11 Apr 2013, 17:50homeeman
12 Apr 2013, 15:20We've got ten entrants for this thing: that's huge compared to Spring Thing's 3, which seems to be a fairly respected among the community.
I've been thinking about entering IFComp this year, but my QuestComp entry wouldn't be on the table for that for a couple of reasons: one of which is that several elements have been inserted into it specifically to make it fit with the competition. IFComp's only stipulation is that the length of your game is under two hours. That's a lot of extra criteria to have to meet as compared to other entrants. In one sense, it might be cumbersome to make a game that can do well in both environments, and it's probably just completely unnecessary for us to go through all this trouble.
15 Apr 2013, 08:57Luther Beach
03 May 2013, 21:27
12 Jun 2013, 12:38I also have two statements from entrants who were working on games but thought the deadline was a month later. I suspect this MAY be because I brought up the [i]idea[i] of extending the deadline, but it was never actually changed. Since I have reason to believe there might have been some legitimate confusion (and there are only two other entries), I told both these people they could send in what they have and I'll include them in the competition marked as "incomplete."
Before I send out the official list of entries, I'd like to hear other people's feeling on the situation.
On another note, I'm planning to follow up on the comp by ironing out all the details that caused problems and set things in motion to be better sorted out and announced in advance for next year, for the sake of setting up whoever may be going to be organizer next year.
12 Jun 2013, 16:53Luther Beach
12 Jun 2013, 20:08homeeman
14 Jun 2013, 06:05I have a very ambitious goal I was going to submit (and intend to finish all the same) and in an attempt to make it more complete at (the perceived) time of submission, I decided to perfect some of the mechanics I was going to make a part of the game before I worked on the environments and the story.
In other words, before I made anything that anyone could actually play through, I set up a combat system and a mechanic in which time progresses as you explore, and some other things. At the time of writing, I'm still debugging those and looking for new features to add to all that instead of making rooms and objects that players could interact with. I really don't have anything that's fit for submission.
I'll be glad to judge, but I am somewhat shocked at how drastically our ranks have shrunk at the time of submission. Surely everyone wasn't as ambitious as I was?
14 Jun 2013, 06:25TriangleGames
15 Jun 2013, 12:38Well, if anyone wants to submit a late entry within the next couple of weeks, feel free. I sent out the links for games that are in this morning in an e-mail that follows:
My e-mail wrote:Okay, it's two weeks past the deadline. This is what's ready for judging, so here they are.
1. “Worship the Pig” by Heal Butcher ... ip-the-pig
2. “Pest” by Jonathan Estis ... v2t9w/pest
Score as 1 - 10, mark any discussion threads in the forum appropriately so people aren't led into spoilers accidentally, and I encourage you to post reviews on the game's page.
Since things are already off-kilter, we'll judge until we're done judging, but no more than a month from now.
If anyone else pops in and says, "hey, I got my game finished!" I'll leave it up to the judges whether they want to review the late entries.
18 Jun 2013, 08:24Luther Beach
18 Jun 2013, 15:32My vote would be to let you update. (After all, I imagine this would then apply to all entries.

Just occurred to me -- I must be slow this month -- are the entries supposed to be set from "unlisted' to "public", so they show up on the main website?
18 Jun 2013, 16:01homeeman
18 Jun 2013, 16:30We wouldn't want anyone adding extra content to their games after the deadline, and while it wouldn't be impossible to demonstrate that new content hadn't been added in an update, I'm not sure it's worth the hassle, or the possibility of someone crying "foul play" (I'm attempting to be general enough to maybe help establish rules for future QuestComps as well).
18 Jun 2013, 17:49The Pixie
18 Jun 2013, 21:07homeeman
18 Jun 2013, 21:08Come to think of it, I'm not 100% sure that it has been eradicated, but I've never been able to recreate the bug myself.
19 Jun 2013, 00:53That said, I believe some things still don't work as well in the web player as when downloaded, and any judge who CAN download the entries SHOULD, for that reason.
28 Jun 2013, 05:56The Pixie
01 Jul 2013, 21:02Neither game had any credits to beta-testers. They seemed pretty free of spelling and grammar mistakes, and I found no bugs, so perhaps they were tested. Always test you games, and always credit the testers - you would be marked down for not doing so in the "big" contests.
The rules require games to focus on a coupe of Quest-specific features, and to state those features up front. I think they both did use some features, but neither made clear what the features were up front, so I felt unable to judge them on how they did it.
02 Jul 2013, 04:28The Pixie wrote:I have now reviewed/judged both games. Two criticisms about both of them:
Neither game had any credits to beta-testers. They seemed pretty free of spelling and grammar mistakes, and I found no bugs, so perhaps they were tested. Always test you games, and always credit the testers - you would be marked down for not doing so in the "big" contests.
The rules require games to focus on a coupe of Quest-specific features, and to state those features up front. I think they both did use some features, but neither made clear what the features were up front, so I felt unable to judge them on how they did it.
For the record, I did give credit to my beta-testers... in the credits... at the end of the game. But apparently it's too hard for anyone to be able to finish. >_>