Publishing WIP games for testing
11 Sept 2012, 00:29Hey there. I have this question about the policy of publishing incomplete games for the purpose of allowing some friends who volunteered to test and provide feedback, while using the web player. I know I could just pass the .quest file, but I wish I could burden them the least possible, since they're already helping out of their own volition. After all, that would mean I had to ask them for download and install a program they don't know of. Plus, I guess that publishing the same entry after each update would be easier to manage.
So, is it ok or should I stick to presenting files after all? If so, are there any guidelines I must follow? I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but my searches turned nothing.
So, is it ok or should I stick to presenting files after all? If so, are there any guidelines I must follow? I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but my searches turned nothing.
11 Sept 2012, 06:08I do this all the time for the games I'm working on. When you upload the game, just set the game to Private instead of Public. Then you can just send your testers the link to the game so they can play it.
31 Mar 2013, 21:51Or you could make it public for a public beta...