Need Help With "Settler Of The Wastes"

22 May 2012, 06:46
First I would like to start off by saying I am intrigued with the story. I like how you make the NPCs talk “lively”. However, I am stuck. Perhaps you can help me out. The first thing is I am having a problem with the composter. I under stand this is just a demo and this is your first attempt (I am actually working on a game of my own.) but Ronnie requires five pieces of rotten food items. I found all five. However, how do I make them into compost? When I put them in the composter, until I close it, the items still show in inventory. When I close it the items “disappear”. Yet when I use the “Check Contents” command it shows 0. Why? When I give him the composter he says I am trying to short change him. If I open it and try to give each item individually he says he does not want it. When I try to take them out I can not (But that might be due to my lack of knowledge on these games and their commands.) and if I try putting the items back into the composter it tells me they are already in it. And if I look at the composter it says “A box of eggs, weighing 0 grams”... I am assuming you got this from the tutorial, but not sure why it is in this game unless you used your tutorial for the game. I mean so far I have not even seen a box of eggs, much less picked up and put it into the composter and I doubt the farmer gave them to me. Also after trying multiple things before I posted this, I also tried to “use”, “bury” and “shake” and “turn on” the composter, but it says I can not. And when I drop it it can no longer be picked up...

Secondly, it says in your house you can not go to kitchen from your living room because the roof had collapsed in that part of the house. Yet when you find an alternate route to the kitchen you can indeed go to your living room just fine from the kitchen, but when you try to go back whence you came it tells you yet again it is blocked. How can that be?

Lastly, and I am not sure how important it will be later on, but the water bottle tells me I need to fill it up. Yet I do at the appropriate place and it tells me I filled it. Yet when I check the water bottle with out ever using it it again tells me it needs to be filled up. I tried about three times in a row to fill it, but it just keeps telling me the same exact thing. Why?

Anyway, I was really liking your game a lot actually and I can over look the kitchen exit thing, but the composter is making it a dead end for me in the game and I have no idea when the water bottle would come in handy. Is there a way around composting? Thanks.