Seeking Help

Izziquel Alec
30 Mar 2012, 18:42
Hello. I'm very new here, and I have no earthly idea how to make a text adventure game, but I have several ideas and thoughts about storyline, items, enemies, rooms, I just need someone to help me bring them to life. I am asking for someone who is good at programming these games to reply to this message, and I would also like you to be able to make my vision into a.... Well, not REALITY, but, you know what I mean. I will give you all the credit that is due (Which would be half of the credit, at least.) and will help you out with ideas that you need. I want a to establish a mutually beneficial collaboration with you in this. Please reply to this topic stating your skills at this and an example of something you've done if you wish, and I'll message you if I choose you. Please note, I'm not going to PERSONALLY choose anyone. It is based on what you have demonstrated, but I will accept all the help anyone can give me. Thank you.

-Izziquel Alec

30 Mar 2012, 21:43
I suggest that you learn how to operate the software so that you may create your own game. It is incredibly easy to use. I have been able to teach myself many functions of the software and create a third of my first game in a very short time. To not try would be lazy. The creation of the game is also half the fun.