My First TextAdventure
26 Mar 2012, 11:47Hi. My name is Liam. I am fourteen years old and I currently live in Queensland, Australia. I am a reader, writer and many other things and naturally found the concept of interactive fiction interesting. Quite some time ago I abandoned video games, simply finding them boring. But after reading the novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline I was inspired by the 80's gaming culture mentioned in the book and the text adventure concept. After player Zork, one of the original text adventure games, and researching interactive fiction I chanced upon a link to the Quest website. The software seemed far better to other alteratives so I downloaded it and here I am.
I have recently been dabbling with Quest and have made some progress with my basic test game. I am now searching for some feedback regarding my methods, the quality of the game and the ways in which I can improve. The game is currently unfinished and is using a very basic storyline. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I have recently been dabbling with Quest and have made some progress with my basic test game. I am now searching for some feedback regarding my methods, the quality of the game and the ways in which I can improve. The game is currently unfinished and is using a very basic storyline. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

26 Mar 2012, 16:37Hello and welcome Liam. For your age, this isn't bad. Basic grammar mistakes are to be expected, and can be excused. There are a couple of issues in regards to commands, for example the inability to pick up the dirty clothes after you drop them, and no easy clear way to start the car. Description wise it's acceptable.
All in all, I pretty much knew what I was getting into booting up this game so my expectations weren't ridiculously high. So for what it is, it's decent. Keep at it, keep writing, and I'm sure you'll be able to contribute a good game in the future.
All in all, I pretty much knew what I was getting into booting up this game so my expectations weren't ridiculously high. So for what it is, it's decent. Keep at it, keep writing, and I'm sure you'll be able to contribute a good game in the future.
26 Mar 2012, 21:03Thanks Thanantos. As I said before the game is incomplete and I haven't been able to start on the car functions yet. I have been experimenting with scripts to add detail to my game. So far I have been relatively successful but have encountered a few problems. I have been trying to prevent the player from leaving the house before he has collected the clean clothes. I locked the exit and replaced the defualt locked message with, "You should put on some clean clothes and collect your belongings first." I then added a script to unlock the exit if the player is carrying the clean clothing. When I tested it the locked message was displayed when I was and wasn't carrying the clean clothing. Do you have any ideas?
I have also been considering turning my existing novel into a text adventure. Would you see this as a good idea.
I have also been considering turning my existing novel into a text adventure. Would you see this as a good idea.

27 Mar 2012, 09:47Could you post your game again. I think its different from your first post now
27 Mar 2012, 10:42I'm just making a few changes at the moment. I will attach the new file once I have finished.

27 Mar 2012, 15:15Creativita wrote:Thanks Thanantos. As I said before the game is incomplete and I haven't been able to start on the car functions yet. I have been experimenting with scripts to add detail to my game. So far I have been relatively successful but have encountered a few problems. I have been trying to prevent the player from leaving the house before he has collected the clean clothes. I locked the exit and replaced the defualt locked message with, "You should put on some clean clothes and collect your belongings first." I then added a script to unlock the exit if the player is carrying the clean clothing. When I tested it the locked message was displayed when I was and wasn't carrying the clean clothing. Do you have any ideas?
I'm far toio out of practice with Quest to be of any real help unfortunately. I'm going to attempt to get back in the groove at some point in the future but until then I'm useless for anything other than feedback.
Creativita wrote:I have also been considering turning my existing novel into a text adventure. Would you see this as a good idea.
Sure thing.
27 Mar 2012, 18:50I played it, I basically have nothing much else to add. Thana said it all for me. But like (he..... she.....?) said it was a nice first attempt and an over all solid start, so great job.
27 Mar 2012, 21:58Thanyou both. I'll continue working on it. Hopefully I'll be able to post a new version soon.
28 Mar 2012, 12:00Here is the newest version of my game. It is still very much incomplete. I am also having trouble asking the beggar (in the alley) any questions. Can anybody please point out any errors in the command I have used? Please point out any other errors or ways in which I can improve.
16 May 2012, 23:04As long as the beggar has the bank notes and you type something like "ask beggar about grocer", your command works just fine. If you ask "where is the grocer" it won't understand your command because 'ask' only works in the context "ask (object) about 'topic'" if I read that section of the tutorial correctly.
I dont know if it works if you actually work your way through the game. I just threw the player in the alley and the bank notes on the beggar and started the game
I dont know if it works if you actually work your way through the game. I just threw the player in the alley and the bank notes on the beggar and started the game