Who wants to do a collab?

21 Feb 2012, 17:39
I was thinking about making a collab with someone and if it was possible... Any voulenteers? :D
I don't know the topic yet, so you tell me! :)


22 Feb 2012, 08:26
I'm just finishing up my current game, but i'd be down for a collab.

22 Feb 2012, 17:19
Cool :D
What could it be about? I was thinking some sort of murder mistery. Involving a guy with a fedora :)
What do you think?

22 Feb 2012, 22:15
That's actually kinda funny, because the game I'm working on right now is a whodunit murder/mystery game. It's a pretty straightforward solve the murder story, but a lot of the game elements are randomized so the game is different every time you play. It might be kind of fun to do a sleuth style game that has a more engaging story. I've always liked the Tex Murphy series of games and wanted to do something along those lines... Did you have any kind of a story in mind?

06 Mar 2012, 20:23
Boh, do you know what problem sleuth is? On mspaint adventures?
I wanted to make a murder mystery in the style of this (comedy mixed with seriousness)
What do you say?

08 Mar 2012, 08:13
I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to...

16 Apr 2012, 00:52
you can do collabs for interactive fiction!!!!!?? (Excited)

19 Apr 2012, 21:35
Yeah, you can collaborate on pretty much any kind of creative project. Quest works best with Dropbox in my experience.