Beggining Of The End

17 Oct 2011, 06:15
Hello everyone,
I made my first game Beggining Of The End and I uploaded version 0.3 in the uncategorised games section.
As I said this is my first game and I would like if anynone can rewiev and comment my game, and possibly give my ideas for locations and bug reports. Soon I will update it to version 0.5, adding new locations and new quests.
Version 0.5 is coming tommorow, fixing many bugs and adding many locations!

18 Oct 2011, 06:12
I need help! I'm planning to make a room that has three buttons, and when buttons 1 and 2 are on and 3 is off an exit will unlock.
Is that possible? I tried fiddling with the "if" commands but they don't work.

18 Oct 2011, 11:21
Hi 100Rads,
you should post problems to the right forum (Quest4 or Quest5 Forum). Which version of Quest are you using?

18 Oct 2011, 16:40
I'm using quest 5.

18 Oct 2011, 20:33
OK, check this file

19 Oct 2011, 06:43
Thanks, Pertex.

21 Oct 2011, 15:51
VERSION 1.0 UPDATED! Now in the horror section