Clay Pigeon Shooting

26 Sept 2011, 20:23
Hello again people! I have uploaded a new game on, this time about shooting clay pigeons. Although it is just a small game made for killing time, I am pretty satisfied with the result. Enjoy!

28 Sept 2011, 20:47
Tomsa wrote:Hello again people! I have uploaded a new game on, this time about shooting clay pigeons. Although it is just a small game made for killing time, I am pretty satisfied with the result. Enjoy!

Well I gave it a try. I put on the glasses and earplugs. I loaded the gun. I got Bob to release the clay pigeons. How in the heck to I shoot at them?

29 Sept 2011, 06:29
I just played it and I think there are some bugs:

> pull
You shout "pull", and Bob releases the clay pigeon!

The clay pigeon is up and away!
> use shotgun with clay
You hit the clay pigeon, scoring 3 points for a first barrel kill!

> pull
You shout "pull", and Bob releases the clay pigeon!

The clay pigeon is up and away!
> use shotgun with clay
You hit the clay pigeon, scoring 2 points for a second barrel kill!


The clay pigeon is up and away!
> use shotgun with clay
You shoot at the clay pigeon but miss!

The clay pigeon flies further and further into the distance. Now is the time!
> use ammo with shotgun
You crack open the shotgun and pop two shells into the barrel with the skill of a hunter.

> use shotgun with clay
You hit the clay pigeon, scoring 3 points for a first barrel kill!

30 Sept 2011, 21:25
lelo14: You fire at the clay pigeons by typing "fire" :)
You can also use the shotgun on the clay pigeon.

Pertex: Yes, there is a bug in the scoring system, which I did not figure out how to solve. That is why I tell the player in the intro to load BOTH barrels before you pull, even though you have wasted just one bullet on a first barrel kill. This, however, is not nonsense, since this is standard procedure during real life clay pigeon shooting, and, this will also make the scoring right. I have also discovered a bug while playing it is possible to fire before pulling, which is an even bigger error.

Sorry about that...