Revenge of the Shadow Masters (level 1 ONLY)

24 Mar 2011, 21:09
This is the beginning of the sequel to "The Quest to find the Dark Hills" by: Slackers Inc. In contains only Level 1 of the game, but we wanted to release it and see what the public has to say about how we're doing thus far. Keep in mind it isn't a finished product and modifications are being made almost each week. We'd love to hear any feedback from our prospective fans. :)



- This is the asl file only. If you want the resource files for the pictures and sounds you can download them here:

- Also I'm not sure why but the online version doesn't seem to work properly. You can't get out of the cave even if you have the objects you need. It does work offline though.

29 Mar 2011, 07:11
I have a problem with firefox with your game, but I think its a problem of quest. When I start the game online (!) , it shows the starttext with "press any key to continue". If you do so with the ENTER-key, there are no objects and no exits visible.

29 Mar 2011, 10:45
This sounds like a similar problem to the one I fixed yesterday - I'll take a look.

31 Mar 2011, 09:47
Now fixed!