rainbow room help

07 Dec 2010, 02:13
i'm stumped. i've gone through all rooms, look in and under everything, tried turning things on, flipping switches... etc, but am 'stuck'. here is my inventory: catalog, frying pan, spoon, fork, spatula, knife, ballerina outfit, roll of tape, empty box, pen, hacksaw, and screwdriver.

i've tried using these items as well, to no avail. multiple visits to rooms to use things and look under things have proven unhelpful, too. a little hint?

07 Dec 2010, 16:52
Same here. I'm assuming it has something to do with the fuses but god knows where they are. I'm guessing the TV but......

12 Dec 2010, 12:20
I've posted a reply on the game thread.

You've picked up a whole load of stuff you don't need ('cept for one item), and missed two that are vital.
"Looking" and "examining" are two different commands, and produce different effects in this game.

Try using them where one would sit or sleep.

Jimmy Janiform
20 May 2011, 20:07
You need to go to the bedroom, obviously you missed something there. You'll find something there that will bring you a little closer to getting the power back on.