Escape the Prison

07 Aug 2010, 08:12
You are all welcome to play my game "Escape the Prison" on . It is not highly original and is VERY short. The party system is an experiment, let me know what you think about it. Instead of having separate inventories for each of the characters, I let an inventory donkey follow the party, like the beast of burden in Dungeon Siege.

31 Aug 2010, 20:06

I stared playing around with your game today and I like your idea of switching characters. I have a question though... I went to switch my character to 'Tara the Thief' and it said 'You cannot choose her...she is dead!' This made me wonder why you had added her to the character list menu. Why add her if you can't switch? So I opened the game in QDK and found this..

If the flag "tara dead" is set
Then { Print "Tara lies lifeless on the floor." }
Else Print "[SIZE 00]Tara is a slender brunette with a big cleavage."

After seeing the 'else' I figured that Tara's suppose to be alive, at least at the beginning of the game. That would allow you to switch to her character. The flaw is that under the Game setup you have it to set up to 'Set the flag "Tara dead" to on'.

Having said that, back to my question.. Is it supposed to be like that? Is she supposed to be dead at the beginning?


Ah, I see. She IS supposed to be dead at the beginning. It took me a moment. Very good! I only have one suggestion..

A) As you were going for a mouse driven style game, change it from 'look' at available characters, to 'use' available characters to show the

B) You might like to add a global command for something like 'change character' to display the character list menu as well.

Just a suggestion, and again good job!

04 Sept 2010, 22:08
Thanks for the feedback, it is very much appreciated.

On your comments:

"A) As you were going for a mouse driven style game, change it from 'look' at available characters, to 'use' available characters to show the

Yes, 'use' the available characters instead of 'look' would probably been more appropriate. I think my intention was to let the player 'look' at his/her available choices.

"B) You might like to add a global command for something like 'change character' to display the character list menu as well."

Actually, I DID make a command called "change characters", which was accessed through an extra window menu (game/display), but I ended up making an inventory object that was tied to a menu instead, since the inventory is the first place the player looks at when playing a game using panes.

Do you happen to have any suggestions on how to create separate inventories by the way? At first I thought of creating container objects, i e "Tara's inventory", which would be given to the player whenever Tara was unavailable (read: the current character), but this would lead to several problems, like 1) You would have an inventory within the ACTUAL inventory, and 2) Additional stuff picked up from the ground need find their way into the right inventory container through the use of variables, so a lot of "select casing" is probably needed.


I could make room called "hidden", and put all things that do not belong to the current character there. It makes my head hurt just to think about it.

05 Sept 2010, 01:48
The objects wouldn't necessarily need to go into a 'hidden room'. You could just make them inaccessible, and then pending on which character they choose it would make them accessible. Like even in this game 'Escape the Prison' I noticed you created a hidden room. You didn't really need too. You could of just put the 'available characters' object, and the 'spell of resurrection' object in the cell room. Made the spell unavailable, but then when the player chooses Hans...

Make "spell of resurrection" accessible
Give "spell of resurrection" to the player

.. so two ideas.

A) You could make something of a backpack object like I did, and the player could add the objects into that. They'd still have to be whatever specific character in order to use said object.

B) You could make a different backpack for each character and and they'd only be able to 'take' certain items if it pertained to their ability. So like ONLY Tara would be able to 'take' the leather pouch. and add it to her backpack but no one else could.