Beyond Exile 2.2

30 Jun 2009, 00:26
Beyond Exile 2.2 now has a web page and is located here: ... Exile.html

It is an 8.11 MB download, because it includes over 250 images. I strongly recommend playing this stand alone Build 4.1.60 version because of faster saving/loading time than in previous versions of Q4 (including 4.0.55)

06 Jul 2009, 00:32
"From inside our frame of reference

We can see The News of the World

As a complex contest between Agencies

Nothing is what it appears to be

And the message is always the same

If you don’t obey the code in the text

We will kill you

Consider Bobby Fischer

The World Press made him a hero

For defeating Spassky at Reykjavik

The self-taught Jewish grandmaster

Defeats the atheist Russian chess machine

To become World Champion

But the map’s not the territory

We know Fischer’s a KGB asset

A rabid anti-Zionist

Easily manipulated

Spassky’s the sophisticated Jew

Western sympathizer

Impossible to control

We know Moscow ordered Spassky to throw the match

Ordered Fischer to make preposterous demands

For his title defense with Karpov

So the ambitious young Party apparatchik

Can become the new World Champion

Without playing a game

Spassky’s retired from international chess

Allowed to marry in Paris

Fischer’s subtracted from The News Of The World

Hidden in a Pasadena Christian cult

And eventually allowed to wander

South America


And Central Europe

Like a bearded wraith

Like a fake Wandering Jew

Can you see the territory folding the map?" ... Exile.html

13 Jul 2009, 15:32
Any chance this game will be in an on-line version too ?
Great Job !!

14 Jul 2009, 00:13
I have no plans for an online game at this time.

Here is a page I created to help explain how Beyond Exile, The Book & The Game, came to exist. ... _info.html

Linking to "A Work Of Interactive Fiction" returns you to the host page where you can download Beyond Exile 2.2, it is an 8.1 MB download.


14 Jul 2009, 07:10
I meant on-line in

EDIT: Sorry I misread the beginning of your post. Ok then :-)

18 Jul 2009, 06:14 ... _info.html


To the hip international community

Of travelers at Kuta Beach

Astrid’s a joke

Because she gives herself

To every guy leaving the next day

She’s Swedish

Blonde and ingenuous

Nobody knows her game

Or unreported desire

So in his turn

Busy with late packing and goodbyes

Frank’s intrigued

When Astrid shyly enters his hut

He’s looking for a punchline

Something he once said well

When she reaches up through the thatches

And brings the Milky Way to bed

27 Jul 2009, 00:10
Another excerpt from Beyond Exile 2.2: ... _info.html


While he was in Oregon

GTU fired the administration

And gutted the department of Theology And The Arts

He was no longer Union Poet

He had to graduate in the traditional manner

His Book of Numbers was rejected as a dissertation

And he had to stand for comprehensives

With seven world-famous professors

He’d never met Church history

Systematic theology and worse

It’s vaudeville


The way Frank mugs and dances

Coughing up pebbles from the muddy stream

Of five hundred books

Read seven seconds a page

He’s the Tightrope Walker

The Man Of A Thousand Resources

Improvising context and analysis

In a room of cynical theological orthodoxy

They know he never attended a class

They silently applaud his scholarly audacity

They note the preface to his Book Of Numbers

Was renamed The Will To Greater Orgasm by the Jesuits

And distributed free on campus by the Unitarians

They say T J J Altizer called

And quickly failed him without prejudice

03 Aug 2009, 01:09
Another excerpt from Beyond Exile 2.2: ... _info.html


He knows the Chinese

When they invent eight-legged Poetry

He feels this space

Calling that character over

He's been working for months

On nature sketches

And now he's ready

To be the Way

He unwraps the graph paper

And lines up the magic markers

It's late June in Eugene

He has the bright morning sun at thirty degrees

Slanting across the breakfast table

He has Mind transforming itself

Into pure information

The complete history of human life

Without the interpretations or interpolations

Of a mother tongue

It's knocking

It's here

So he drops the connection

From brain to hand

Lets the numbers rise from the boiling iron

At the swimming center of the Earth

And drop perfectly into the squares

On the lime-green page


Each symbol is magnetically imprinted

With the face of Pythagoras

All creation is volcanic

Frank says to a future Frank

There's no writer

There's no writing

There's only Position

That rare and intricate moment

When one leg of the Mystery

Feels like dancing with the other seven

18 Sept 2011, 06:12
There is a "Let's Play" BEYOND EXILE 3.0 The Director's Cut now available.

It is located here:

A "making of" this project is located here:

...and the Table of Contents for the book/adventure is located here:

You will need a DIVX web player to view these .mov files