
27 Jan 2009, 16:22
Hey all, Just wondering.

Am I the only one who is currently making a game with Quest?

Not sure if this post should go here or in chat, but if it goes in chat then
go ahead and move it there :)


29 Jan 2009, 14:04
I'm on and off making an engine, which is based on the old HavenHold one but will allow people to make an orpg without QDK or typing ASL, not sure if that counts as a game per say though. Once it's done I prolly use it to remake HavenHold. Uni is keeping me on my toes atm though, so don't hold your breathe.

Lyte is still working on The Art, talked to him last night.

Not sure about anybody else...

29 Jan 2009, 19:50
what language is the engine being done in? same as quest?

30 Jan 2009, 09:30
No, Orcish.

English, silly.

30 Jan 2009, 14:48
Yeah, making in for Quest, coding in ASL. The user makes their game like some muds do it, they log in and use special commands to add rooms, etc. Alex needs to sort out those saving bugs (repetition of lines, etc), otherwise the save file going to be huge though. They have to save before shutting the server down otherwise the game is lost. Only thing I'm having trouble with atm is them making races, as races have multiple choices on features such as hair, eye colour and so forth (any suggestions are nice). The commands are usually stuff like '/create room bar1, Tavern' (after comma is alias), and '/edit object desc Meep'. Also the object creating system is mad atm as it has types, bases, etc (hierarchical) but makes it once you've put a few items in, making new similar ones is nicer. So any object may by like 'clothing/shirt/redshirt/redshirhclone001' basically 'type/subtype/base/clone'. It's being made for TMSC, she posted ages ago asking for help and I've been working on it since then, on and off. It has some nifty features, I may start a thread about it once I've got some more work on it done so people can have a mess with it and tell me what they think so far. ^_^

30 Jan 2009, 16:41
Awesome that sounds sweet, so will this be a resource you can add into quest? or is it something that's by itself?

Yeah once you get more done on it make a thread to let us know more about it.
so far it sounds very good.

30 Jan 2009, 23:37
Its a resource that runs from Quest, not an add-on.

As far as I know.

31 Jan 2009, 09:25
It's a library, you have to use the base game asl too to make it work. The asl is only 1kb though, everything is in the library. Also once I do it, everything will be changable, like responses and such, and I'm going to try have add-ons for it so people can have different ways of doing things, like battle system maybe.

31 Jan 2009, 10:27
So it is, but isn't, Quest. I greatly support a Battle System creator. With options such as Turn Based or Real Time, variables such as strength and whether they increase or decrease base damage, bla bla bla. I'm full of ideas, if you ever wanna discuss them in our next MSN chat :D

31 Jan 2009, 19:06
Making stats cahngable will go on the list, to assign strength or whatever as damage or attack speed, etc... If you want to make more suggestions, I may as well make a new thread...

01 Feb 2009, 03:41