
21 Jan 2009, 08:02
Well I guess I'll show some pictures of Traders in game and behind the scenes
sooner then I wanted, Just to show that I am indeed working on something and
am not all talk.

I Won't mention any details yet since I Don't want to get ahead of my self
and make false promises, These are only pictures.
This shows the creation screen.
This shows a procedure in action.
This shows some procedures.
This shows a random procedure.
This one shows an event and my own pause proc in action.
This one shows some simulation in action.

Again I wont talk much about the game yet, That'll come more later when It's
almost ready to be uploaded.

Also I have to say this game I do in my spare time, after all I do
have a family.


steve the gaming guy
21 Jan 2009, 14:24
aargh, my work office blocks the photobucket website so I'll have to wait til I get home.

21 Jan 2009, 16:11
Ok, I'll start posting pictures and stuff on my own site so that everyone can access it.
Let me know when you have seen them, if you still can't I'll post them on my site.

Thanks :)

22 Jan 2009, 01:24
Wow! :shock: :o This looks awesome! I cant wait for it to come out ( or at least a demo!) Bravo! :D

22 Jan 2009, 01:46
Thank you, I'm not gonna rush it I really do want it to get completed, I to want to see
complete good quality games on Quest.

So far I say I spent about a week on it with endless nights, so about 7 days and about 16 hours a day
on Traders.

Again I don't want to say to much about Traders, but
I can say the first version will be a demo but a complete demo not half made, where
you play against one NPC Character with AI.

22 Jan 2009, 12:40
Looking forward to it. I would offer to help, but I'm moving at the moment.

06 Apr 2009, 12:25
Just to let everyone know, I'm still working on this game.
It's much more complex then originally thought so I'm working
on it off and on, The Inventory system and the backbone design
is taking time since It's complex.

The Game is actually smart, because I'm making it have Intelligence(back bone of the design).
so bare with me and no this game is not forgotten.