"Play Online" feature works under Linux

07 Nov 2008, 17:26
I've just spotted that the "Play Online" feature of textadventures.co.uk now seems to work correctly under Linux - I'm pretty sure it didn't before, so presumably Mozilla or Adobe have fixed whatever it was.

That's a screenshot of it running on Firefox 3.03 in Ubuntu 8.04 - click it for a bigger version.

08 Nov 2008, 02:21

11 Nov 2008, 00:37
still only produces an empty text-box for me :( .

Firefox 3.0.2 / flash 10 / java 1.6.0 (through new firewalled, NAT-router, updated -newest- firmware)

No firewalls on the server itself.

Only thing I'd be tempted to think is that Ubuntu have buggered about with Firefox's (or iceweasel's) source code a little and managed to bungle a work around.
Or perhaps you have a special plugin?

11 Nov 2008, 17:00
That's better than when it caused Firefox to crash.

12 Nov 2008, 03:58
ok, mine's a bit hit and miss still...

I'm now able to get a "connected" and maybe get the intro to the game.
Whenever I try to execute a command all I get back in blank lines.

21 Mar 2009, 22:41
I've fixed various problems with the "Play Online" feature. Something in the latest versions of Firefox and Flash seemed to make things go a bit funny, including the blank lines problem that paul_one mentions.

I found some erratic results with earlier versions of Flash, so download the latest version if you're still seeing anything weird.

It should now work under IE6/7/8, Firefox and Chrome.

It's now hosted on a proper server in a data centre somewhere, instead of an old PC sitting under my desk - which was getting incredibly hot! It was crashing all the time before, so things should be a lot more stable now.

Please let me know if you see anything else strange happening...

22 Mar 2009, 08:33
Only took you about 4 months. Better late than never though :D

23 Mar 2009, 00:05
I can also officially state that this works with Firefox 3.0.7 and Flash 10 (latest one from the adobe yum repository), in Fedora 10.

Works on all the games I tried out, connected just fine, went into playing the games all well.