Style Editing?
12 Aug 2008, 23:17Working on a new game, but I've hit a snag.
I'm using Standard style, but there's only one thing that's bugging me. The thing that tells you where the exits are is in second person - "You can go x" - but my game is in first person, so I want to have it say "I can go x". I can't find a way to edit styles, though. Is it possible?
I'm using Standard style, but there's only one thing that's bugging me. The thing that tells you where the exits are is in second person - "You can go x" - but my game is in first person, so I want to have it say "I can go x". I can't find a way to edit styles, though. Is it possible?
12 Aug 2008, 23:28Whoops, this should have been in Creating Games, can someone move it?

13 Aug 2008, 04:33I think the answer is in Tools > _____ Messages.
13 Aug 2008, 12:36If you mean Standard Messages, I don't see anything there that could help.

14 Aug 2008, 06:04Oh, you mean - You can go West etc? No, you can't change this. Ask Alex in the Future Requests to add in an option.
14 Aug 2008, 19:50it can be done, but unfortunately, you have to code it. here's my script of how i implement descriptions of rooms and directions. a huge modifcation to ModTypeLib's script.
!addto game
description {
do <TLProomDescription>
'== Alternative room description ==
define procedure <TLProomDescription>
if not ( #tempRoomClear# = #quest.currentroom# ) then {
foreground <&H666666>
msg <|n¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯>
foreground <white>
set string <tempRoomClear; #quest.currentroom#>
set <TLSindescription;$gettag(#quest.currentroom#;indescription)$>
set <TLSalias;$gettag(#quest.currentroom#;alias)$>
if is <#TLSindescription#;> then {
if is <#TLSalias#;> then {
foreground <&H779999>
msg <You are |xn>
if ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = road) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = path) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = roof) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 6)$ = street) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 6)$ = bridge) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 8)$ = rooftops) or ($left(#quest.currentroom#; 6)$ = corner) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 3)$ = Ave) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 7)$ = surface) then msg <on |xn>
else msg <in |xn>
if property <#quest.currentroom#; prefix> then {
msg <$gettag(#quest.currentroom#;prefix)$ |xn>
msg <#quest.currentroom#.|xn>
foreground <white>
else {
foreground <&H779999>
msg <#quest.currentroom#.|xn>
foreground <white>
else {
foreground <&H779999>
msg <You are |xn>
if ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = road) or ($left(#quest.currentroom#; 6)$ = corner) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = path) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 3)$ = Ave) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = path) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 4)$ = roof) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 6)$ = street) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 6)$ = bridge) or ($right(#quest.currentroom#; 8)$ = rooftops) then msg <on |xn>
else msg <in |xn>
if property <#quest.currentroom#; prefix> then {
msg <$gettag(#quest.currentroom#;prefix)$ |xn>
foreground <&H779988>
msg <#TLSalias#.|xn>
foreground <white>
else {
foreground <&H779988>
msg <#TLSalias#.|xn>
foreground <white>
else {
if is <#TLSalias#;> then {
msg <#TLSindescription# $gettag(#quest.currentroom#;prefix)$ |b|cy#quest.currentroom#.|cb|xb|xn>
else {
msg <#TLSindescription# $gettag(#quest.currentroom#;prefix)$ |b|cy#TLSalias#.|cb|xb|xn>
if (#(quest.currentroom):dark# > 0 ) and not flag <illuminate> then {
if (#(quest.currentroom):dark# = 2 ) then {
msg <|nIt is dark.>
if not is <#quest.doorways.dirs#;> then {
msg <|nYou can move |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <#quest.doorways.dirs#.>
foreground <white>
if not is <#quest.doorways.places#;> then {
msg <You can go to |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <#quest.doorways.places#.>
foreground <white>
if not is <#quest.doorways.out#;> then {
msg <You can go out to lxn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <|b#quest.doorways.out.display#|xb.>
foreground <white>
else {
msg <|nIt is quite difficult to see here, because the area is very dark. |xn>
set <TLSobjList;>
set <TLScharList;>
for each object in <#quest.currentroom#> {
set <TLSthisObj;#quest.thing#>
if property <#quest.thing#; invisible> or property <#quest.thing#; hidden> then {
else {
if type <#quest.thing#;TLTactor> or type <#quest.thing#;TLTanimal> then {
if property <#quest.thing#;named> then {
if not property <#quest.thing#; suffix> or ($lengthof(#(quest.thing):suffix#)$ = 0) then {
if not property <#quest.thing#; prefix> or ($lengthof(#(quest.thing):prefix#)$ = 0) then set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# |i$capfirst(#@quest.thing#)$|xi, >
else set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# #(quest.thing):prefix# |i#@quest.thing#|xi, >
else {
if not property <#quest.thing#; prefix> or ($lengthof(#(quest.thing):prefix#)$ = 0) then set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# |i$capfirst(#@quest.thing#)$|xi #(quest.thing):suffix#, >
else set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# #(quest.thing):prefix# |i#@quest.thing#|xi #(quest.thing):suffix#, >
else set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# #(quest.thing):prefix#>
set <TLSobjList;#TLSobjList# #(quest.thing):prefix#>
set <TLSobjList;#TLSobjList# #@quest.thing#, >
if ($lengthof(#TLSobjList#)$ >0) then {
set <TLNlengthOf;$lengthof(#TLSobjList#)$ - 1>
set <TLSobjList;$left(#TLSobjList#;%TLNlengthOf%)$>
set <TLSobjList;$TLFcontentFormat(#TLSobjList#)$>
if ($instr(#TLSobjList#;_and_)$ >0) then {
msg <However, you can still make out |xn>
foreground <&H779988>
msg <#TLSobjList# |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <here.|xn>
else {
msg <However, you can still make out |xn>
foreground <&H779988>
msg <#TLSobjList# |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <here.|xn>
msg <>
if ($lengthof(#TLScharList#)$ >0) then {
set <TLNlengthOf;$lengthof(#TLScharList#)$ - 1>
set <TLScharList;$left(#TLScharList#;%TLNlengthOf%)$>
set <TLScharList;$TLFcontentFormat(#TLScharList#)$>
if ($instr(#TLScharList#;_and_)$ >0) then {
msg <|n#TLScharList# |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <are apparently here.>
else {
msg <|n#TLScharList# |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <is apparently here.>
if not is <#quest.doorways.dirs#;> then {
msg <|nYou can move |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <#quest.doorways.dirs#.>
foreground <white>
flag on <directional>
if not is <#quest.doorways.places#;> then {
if not flag <directional> then msg <|n>
msg <You can go to |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <#quest.doorways.places#.>
foreground <white>
if not is <#quest.doorways.out#;> then {
if not flag <directional> then msg <|n>
msg <You can go out to |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <|b#quest.doorways.out.display#|xb.>
foreground <white>
else {
if (#(quest.currentroom):store# > 0 ) then msg <|n#quest.lookdesc#|n>
else {
msg <|n#quest.lookdesc# |xn>
msg <|xn>
set <TLSobjList;>
set <TLScharList;>
for each object in <#quest.currentroom#> {
set <TLSthisObj;#quest.thing#>
if property <#quest.thing#; invisible> or property <#quest.thing#; hidden> then {
else {
if type <#quest.thing#;TLTactor> or type <#quest.thing#;TLTanimal> then {
if property <#quest.thing#;named> then {
if not property <#quest.thing#; suffix> or ($lengthof(#(quest.thing):suffix#)$ = 0) then {
if not property <#quest.thing#; prefix> or ($lengthof(#(quest.thing):prefix#)$ = 0) then set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# |i#@quest.thing#|xi, >
else set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# #(quest.thing):prefix# |i#@quest.thing#|xi, >
else {
if not property <#quest.thing#; prefix> or ($lengthof(#(quest.thing):prefix#)$ = 0) then set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# |i#@quest.thing#|xi #(quest.thing):suffix#, >
else set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# #(quest.thing):prefix# |i#@quest.thing#|xi #(quest.thing):suffix#, >
else set <TLScharList;#TLScharList# #(quest.thing):prefix#>
set <TLSobjList;#TLSobjList# #(quest.thing):prefix#>
set <TLSobjList;#TLSobjList# #@quest.thing#, >
if ($lengthof(#TLSobjList#)$ >0) then {
flag on <ObjectsInRoom>
set <TLNlengthOf;$lengthof(#TLSobjList#)$ - 1>
set <TLSobjList;$left(#TLSobjList#;%TLNlengthOf%)$>
set <TLSobjList;$TLFcontentFormat(#TLSobjList#)$>
if ($instr(#TLSobjList#;_and_)$ >0) then {
msg <You can see |xn>
foreground <&H779988>
msg <#TLSobjList# |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <here.|xn>
else {
msg <You can see |xn>
foreground <&H779988>
msg <#TLSobjList# |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <here.|xn>
if (#(quest.currentroom):store# > 0 ) and not flag <ObjectsInRoom> then {
else msg <>
if ($lengthof(#TLScharList#)$ >0) then {
set <TLNlengthOf;$lengthof(#TLScharList#)$ - 1>
set <TLScharList;$left(#TLScharList#;%TLNlengthOf%)$>
set <TLScharList;$TLFcontentFormat(#TLScharList#)$>
if ($instr(#TLScharList#;_and_)$ >0) then {
if not (#(quest.currentroom):store# > 0 ) or flag <ObjectsInRoom> then msg <>
if not (#(quest.currentroom):store# > 0 ) and not flag <ObjectsInRoom> then msg <|n|n>
msg <$capfirst(#TLScharList#)$ |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <are here.|xn>
else {
if not (#(quest.currentroom):store# > 0 ) or flag <ObjectsInRoom> then msg <>
else msg <|n>
msg <$capfirst(#TLScharList#)$ |xn>
foreground <white>
msg <is here.|xn>
if not ($lengthof(#TLScharList#)$ >0) and (#(quest.currentroom):store# > 0 ) then msg <>
' else msg <|n>
if not is <#quest.doorways.dirs#;> then {
msg <|nYou can move |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <#quest.doorways.dirs#.>
foreground <white>
flag on <directional>
if not is <#quest.doorways.places#;> then {
if not flag <directional> then msg <|n>
msg <You can go to |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <#quest.doorways.places#.>
foreground <white>
if not is <#quest.doorways.out#;> then {
if not flag <directional> then msg <|n>
msg <You can go out to |xn>
foreground <&HC7884D>
msg <|b#quest.doorways.out.display#|xb.>
foreground <white>
flag off <ObjectsInRoom>
flag off <directional>
end define
steve the gaming guy
15 Aug 2008, 18:19Very nice, lyte.
Thanatos, do you have any games out there in the archive? Just curious.
Thanatos, do you have any games out there in the archive? Just curious.

16 Aug 2008, 03:18Yeah, Backstreetboy Demo and Assassinating Dr. Froth.