A Train Trip Gone Way To Far
15 Jul 2008, 00:28Yes im making a new game called A Train Trip Gone Way To Far. Im a newbie right now and i plan to do revisions on them. Check spelling and add more challenges. I would use pro if it wasnt FREAKING $40. WHY $40 bucks? Is it really that valueable? ANYWAY the game is going good and they one day lower prices i might make better than towel slapped piece of s**t.
You are on a Train to Las Vegas to go back home to your wife and kids but your train is suddenly stalked by a sniper and a bomb was planted on your train. you must guide your way out of the train and save...yourself! Escape alive in all means possible. Your task:
Eliminate the sniper
Collect all evidence or objects you can find
Get out alive
Because you play the role of Anthoney B. Jones, a detective and FBI agent.
You are on a Train to Las Vegas to go back home to your wife and kids but your train is suddenly stalked by a sniper and a bomb was planted on your train. you must guide your way out of the train and save...yourself! Escape alive in all means possible. Your task:
Eliminate the sniper
Collect all evidence or objects you can find
Get out alive
Because you play the role of Anthoney B. Jones, a detective and FBI agent.
15 Jul 2008, 10:33I have commented the game on the text adventures site.

15 Jul 2008, 11:17And I have read it. Pretty much sums up the entire mess the game is.
You are the first to ever complain about the price of QDK Pro. Why is this? Can't you afford 40 bucks? Or did you spend the last $40 on a WoW gamecard so you can go raid with the rest of your lifeless friends. And even if you had the money to buy QDK Pro, I seriously doubt you would be able to make anything better than the "towel slapping piece of s**t" your game already is.
You are the first to ever complain about the price of QDK Pro. Why is this? Can't you afford 40 bucks? Or did you spend the last $40 on a WoW gamecard so you can go raid with the rest of your lifeless friends. And even if you had the money to buy QDK Pro, I seriously doubt you would be able to make anything better than the "towel slapping piece of s**t" your game already is.
15 Jul 2008, 11:20Hey! I play WOW!
But yes, a craftsmen will always blame his tools. Rendez will blame quest...
But yes, a craftsmen will always blame his tools. Rendez will blame quest...

15 Jul 2008, 11:22And I play WoW too. Doesn't mean I can't insult it. Heh.
I doub't rendez even graduated from craftsmen school.
I doub't rendez even graduated from craftsmen school.
15 Jul 2008, 11:25XD that's funny...
15 Jul 2008, 12:33I play WoW myself
Damn good game.
And yes, $40 is way too expensive for Quest. In fact, considering Quest’s standing in the IF community, I’d say any money was too much for it. Why pay $40 for Quest when you can get the technically superior Inform 7 for free?

And yes, $40 is way too expensive for Quest. In fact, considering Quest’s standing in the IF community, I’d say any money was too much for it. Why pay $40 for Quest when you can get the technically superior Inform 7 for free?

15 Jul 2008, 13:00Because monkeys fly and pigs hurl lumps of poo at passing civilians.
15 Jul 2008, 14:03I hate inform, I tried it out for a while and found it horriable to work with. Quest is much more flexable.
15 Jul 2008, 15:58Hence the reason why there are so many great games written with Quest and so few with Inform.
15 Jul 2008, 16:22elexxorine wrote:I hate inform, I tried it out for a while and found it horriable to work with. Quest is much more flexable.
Flexible? In what way is Quest more flexible than Inform?
steve the gaming guy
15 Jul 2008, 20:46Thanatos,
I'm sure Rendez's game was as bad as it sounds but really, you sounded pretty harsh. It's like, "hi guys, I'm new, play my game"... You respond, "Eat my ****, you groveling dustmite" [exaggeration added for humorous touch
It's interesting that Inform 7 was brought up. I just looked at that a few days ago. I don't have time to make any game these days but it crossed my mind and I had considered it. As far as the cost of Quest. $40 is up there but I have made the "complaint" before that I am not interested in buying it until it has a free standing player. I would want to email an .exe file to a friend who does not have or has not heard of Quest and be able to say, "hey buddy, open this file and play my game".... as opposed to "hey buddy, go to axeuk.com and download Quest and install it and once you do that, open my game file with Quest so you can play it". It's just too much to say!
If I had money to throw out, I would probably send a few bucks to Alex just for the effort....but I don't have that money to throw out. So I'm done walking down that rabbit trail for now...
I haven't tried out WoW yet! Surprising, ain't it!?
I'm sure Rendez's game was as bad as it sounds but really, you sounded pretty harsh. It's like, "hi guys, I'm new, play my game"... You respond, "Eat my ****, you groveling dustmite" [exaggeration added for humorous touch

It's interesting that Inform 7 was brought up. I just looked at that a few days ago. I don't have time to make any game these days but it crossed my mind and I had considered it. As far as the cost of Quest. $40 is up there but I have made the "complaint" before that I am not interested in buying it until it has a free standing player. I would want to email an .exe file to a friend who does not have or has not heard of Quest and be able to say, "hey buddy, open this file and play my game".... as opposed to "hey buddy, go to axeuk.com and download Quest and install it and once you do that, open my game file with Quest so you can play it". It's just too much to say!

If I had money to throw out, I would probably send a few bucks to Alex just for the effort....but I don't have that money to throw out. So I'm done walking down that rabbit trail for now...
I haven't tried out WoW yet! Surprising, ain't it!?

16 Jul 2008, 03:28steve the gaming guy wrote:Thanatos,
I'm sure Rendez's game was as bad as it sounds but really, you sounded pretty harsh. It's like, "hi guys, I'm new, play my game"... You respond, "Eat my ****, you groveling dustmite" [exaggeration added for humorous touch]
I haven't tried out WoW yet! Surprising, ain't it!?
A, It's more of a "hii gyz, im nw, pluy mi gamee"... I respond, "bla bla bla grammer stuff etc etc NO."
B, Is that even possible?
16 Jul 2008, 08:39Does he even know what WOW is?

16 Jul 2008, 11:48Thanatos wrote:B, Is that even possible?
steve the gaming guy
16 Jul 2008, 13:09elexxorine wrote:Does he even know what WOW is?
Are you referring to me? Then ask me!
Weirdos on Wheels?
Wankers on Waffles?
World of Whales?
I can't seem to think what it could possibly mean. Perhaps World of Warcraft! Naw, that's too obvious.
17 Jul 2008, 23:13it's windows vista surely!!
18 Jul 2008, 18:49Don't set us off on Vista!! God, I hate it....

19 Jul 2008, 13:24My Laptop has Vista. It drives me nuts, having to confirm 6 times to open solitare.
19 Jul 2008, 16:25And it's never occurred to you to disable the UAC?

20 Jul 2008, 07:25...
20 Jul 2008, 22:05There's more wrong to Vista than the constant pop-up thing. (Thanatos, you can turn it off if you know where to look for the setting). I hate the feel off it, the price, the way it needs 2gig because of all the checking up it does on you. I'd much rather have something like Ubuntu with Beryl, which'd look fancier than Vista, do everything it can, and, oh yes, it's FREE!! Fucking Microsoft, Bill gates can burn in hell....
20 Jul 2008, 23:59Ubuntu is free? Do you also get a free computer to run it on?
21 Jul 2008, 05:11close enough - the new umpc laptop's are £200.
Or you can go round your local PC shop (or your old loft) and dig out some junk to piece it all together.
Dunno if ubuntu itself runs on a great variety of chips, but linux itself can..
Or you can go round your local PC shop (or your old loft) and dig out some junk to piece it all together.
Dunno if ubuntu itself runs on a great variety of chips, but linux itself can..