26 Mar 2008, 02:06This game is called Fearscape, it use to be called: Beyond Manage.
For much more Information about the game and to
download the Latest version, the best place to
look is here: http://z9.invisionfree.com/Black_Label_ ... act=SC&c=3
The game is in Alpha 1 stage.
For much more Information about the game and to
download the Latest version, the best place to
look is here: http://z9.invisionfree.com/Black_Label_ ... act=SC&c=3
The game is in Alpha 1 stage.
30 Mar 2008, 22:38The first part of the game will be called: Fearscape: The Beginning.
31 Mar 2008, 13:21Here is the first screenshot of Fearscape showing It's combat system, this is
only a prototype.
http://z9.invisionfree.com/Black_Label_ ... &id=548036
Another screenshot
http://z9.invisionfree.com/Black_Label_ ... &id=548061
only a prototype.
http://z9.invisionfree.com/Black_Label_ ... &id=548036
Another screenshot
http://z9.invisionfree.com/Black_Label_ ... &id=548061
01 Apr 2008, 23:20The genre of Fearscape: The Beginning is, RPG and Survival horror.
Just so everyone knows it has RPG elements like stats, and survival
horror elements like puzzles and frights.
Just so everyone knows it has RPG elements like stats, and survival
horror elements like puzzles and frights.
02 Apr 2008, 09:14I hope the RPG won't count too much in it..
I'm getting quite tired of Final fantasy-esque (there may be a more correct term for this, but I don't know it) genre.
I thank the person (maybe thantos?) who made a workable game which used this heavily in Quest, which has deterred me back into the true IF spirit.
I'm getting quite tired of Final fantasy-esque (there may be a more correct term for this, but I don't know it) genre.
I thank the person (maybe thantos?) who made a workable game which used this heavily in Quest, which has deterred me back into the true IF spirit.

02 Apr 2008, 10:59I don't remember making a Fantasy game with Quest before
And it's pronounced Thanatos, not Thantos.

And it's pronounced Thanatos, not Thantos.
02 Apr 2008, 12:17It'll have RPG Elements but it'll be more focused on puzzle solving that you will also get exp for and you
will also recieve Soul pieces, I'm trying to balance it between RPG and Survival horror, but there will
be more then enough Descriptions etc.
will also recieve Soul pieces, I'm trying to balance it between RPG and Survival horror, but there will
be more then enough Descriptions etc.
02 Apr 2008, 12:42Sorry Thanatos... I simply went by my memory - which isn't always 100% accurate.
02 Apr 2008, 21:09I've been working hard on Fearscape: The Beginning.
Combat system is going very well.
ok, here is what's going on.
Combat will be turned based, with strategic elements.
You will have normal attack, both melee and ranged, depending
if you are using a melee weapon or a ranged weapon.
There will be special moves, that may consist of combo
attacks and magic, this has not yet been finalized.
There will be RPG stats, like Fire resist, cold resist, shock resist,
earth resist, light resist and dark resist.
every single monster will also have there own Individual
stats, they to will have ALL of the RPG stats.
so a Bloody Skeleton for example may have great
Dark and Earth resist but may have poor Light and
Fire resist etc.
There are Soul pieces, these act kind of like a score: bragging rights,
but with SP's you can lose these.
A Trap can decrease your SP's, or dieing to a monster, even
going a different route on a puzzle can decrease your Soul pieces.
Some puzzles have multiple ways to be solved, some are better
then others.
The game works like a 3D enviroment, so this game
is very complex, It'll never work online if I upload it, you'd
have to download it then play it, but then again I'm only
now I say It's like a 3D Enviroment because it acts
that way, this has been about 20% complete, it has
been tested and it works very well.
I Won't go into details on how It's being made, but
at first it was a theory, then I spent hours and days
on the 3D Idea and it works even better then I thought
it would.
Not sure if It's been done before but either way the exact
details are a close guarded secret.
There is a reward system already in place, It's about
95% complete, so for example, Killing a Bloody Skeleton
you have a chance of recieving an item and SP's and of course experience.
So you wonder, Bloody Skeleton?, what a screwed up name!,
who are they suppose to be anyways?, They are the Skeletons
of Society or SkelSo, every single monster, at least for the
most part, has a role to play in Fearscape.
The SkelSo's are typically guards of the Jaggernaut!, A Huge
massive building, made of Death Metal and Death stone.
There are a few different kinds of SkelSo's.
so how is the AI?, There will be AI as well, but I cannot
yet work on this until I've completed more of the game.
What about story?, Well I've seen the first part of this
story done before, here it is:
You awake in a dark unknown place, not knowing who
you are, where you are, or why your here.
sound familiar?, but believe me, this is Just the
beginning of this story.
I was going to enable voice and make an option
to have room descs voice read to you, and story
voice read to you, this was already fully implemented
but I decided to completely take this out due to
the fact that this is a text game after all, people should
read it!.
So far the proc count is at 30, so I have 30 proc's
with more being needed.
I'll post more about Fearscape at a later date, stay tune
Combat system is going very well.
ok, here is what's going on.
Combat will be turned based, with strategic elements.
You will have normal attack, both melee and ranged, depending
if you are using a melee weapon or a ranged weapon.
There will be special moves, that may consist of combo
attacks and magic, this has not yet been finalized.
There will be RPG stats, like Fire resist, cold resist, shock resist,
earth resist, light resist and dark resist.
every single monster will also have there own Individual
stats, they to will have ALL of the RPG stats.
so a Bloody Skeleton for example may have great
Dark and Earth resist but may have poor Light and
Fire resist etc.
There are Soul pieces, these act kind of like a score: bragging rights,
but with SP's you can lose these.
A Trap can decrease your SP's, or dieing to a monster, even
going a different route on a puzzle can decrease your Soul pieces.
Some puzzles have multiple ways to be solved, some are better
then others.
The game works like a 3D enviroment, so this game
is very complex, It'll never work online if I upload it, you'd
have to download it then play it, but then again I'm only
now I say It's like a 3D Enviroment because it acts
that way, this has been about 20% complete, it has
been tested and it works very well.
I Won't go into details on how It's being made, but
at first it was a theory, then I spent hours and days
on the 3D Idea and it works even better then I thought
it would.
Not sure if It's been done before but either way the exact
details are a close guarded secret.
There is a reward system already in place, It's about
95% complete, so for example, Killing a Bloody Skeleton
you have a chance of recieving an item and SP's and of course experience.
So you wonder, Bloody Skeleton?, what a screwed up name!,
who are they suppose to be anyways?, They are the Skeletons
of Society or SkelSo, every single monster, at least for the
most part, has a role to play in Fearscape.
The SkelSo's are typically guards of the Jaggernaut!, A Huge
massive building, made of Death Metal and Death stone.
There are a few different kinds of SkelSo's.
so how is the AI?, There will be AI as well, but I cannot
yet work on this until I've completed more of the game.
What about story?, Well I've seen the first part of this
story done before, here it is:
You awake in a dark unknown place, not knowing who
you are, where you are, or why your here.
sound familiar?, but believe me, this is Just the
beginning of this story.

I was going to enable voice and make an option
to have room descs voice read to you, and story
voice read to you, this was already fully implemented
but I decided to completely take this out due to
the fact that this is a text game after all, people should
read it!.
So far the proc count is at 30, so I have 30 proc's
with more being needed.
I'll post more about Fearscape at a later date, stay tune

05 Apr 2008, 00:21I implemented a weather system, took some work and time
but it is complete, I have tested it several times things
seem to work as intended.
Weather will play a role in Fearscape as well, even though
your in a building there are many windows throughout
The Jaggernaut, all of these windows are glassless, so
there all wide open.
Weather could Increase monster ratios, could lower
your Stats temporary, or even Lower that of the
monsters, and many other possibilities.
Combat is slightly being reworked, It will not
be pop up menu drivin anymore, the menu
will be within the game, no pop ups.
but it is complete, I have tested it several times things
seem to work as intended.
Weather will play a role in Fearscape as well, even though
your in a building there are many windows throughout
The Jaggernaut, all of these windows are glassless, so
there all wide open.
Weather could Increase monster ratios, could lower
your Stats temporary, or even Lower that of the
monsters, and many other possibilities.
Combat is slightly being reworked, It will not
be pop up menu drivin anymore, the menu
will be within the game, no pop ups.
05 Apr 2008, 01:18This is the Backdrop story surrounding The Jaggernaut and It's inhabitants!.
The Jaggernaut is a huge building, about 5 floors and about 50 rooms a floor.
SkelSo's inhabit The Jaggernaut, there Called: Bloody Skeletons, but
their local name is: SkelSo's or Skeletons of Society, some simply call
them: The Society.
The Jaggernaut is made out of Death Stone and Death Metal. This
is harder then anything else known!, the walls are typically 2 feet
thick with this compact material.
There are huge square glassless windows through out the Jaggernaut that
allows for the weather outside to creep inside.
The Jaggernaut sits on the edge of a 300 foot cliff that over looks
the Dark Ocean.
It rains here pretty often, but the rain is often contaminated by
many different kinds of forces.
Sometimes the Contaminated rain will turn completely
black!, this usually arouses many of the Jaggernaut's
inhabitants!, and weakening any Spirits or anything that
may actually be alive.
It's always dark here, there is no such thing as a SUN in
The SkelSo's are usually very organized, since they are the
bread and butter of the: Dark Omasses.
The Dark Omasses is the world order in Fearscape, ran
by things you wouldn't want to be cought dead with in
a dark alley.
The SkelSo's usually prevent people givin a chance to
be reborn from escaping The Jaggernaut, that is their
sole sworn duty!.
The Jaggernaut was built eons ago by the leaders of the
Dark Omasses, in the year: 1213 Fearscape time.
It was built to combat the Elisher Dark Rebels, or also
known as The Darklings.
The Jaggernaut was used to hold Dark Souls to help
combat the Darklings, It was a Terrible long war.
But now The Jaggernaut is used to prevent an epidemic, to
prevent Spirits from entering there realm, for if a
spirit managed to escape the Jaggernaut then god
only knows what may accure!.
The Jaggernaut is a huge building, about 5 floors and about 50 rooms a floor.
SkelSo's inhabit The Jaggernaut, there Called: Bloody Skeletons, but
their local name is: SkelSo's or Skeletons of Society, some simply call
them: The Society.
The Jaggernaut is made out of Death Stone and Death Metal. This
is harder then anything else known!, the walls are typically 2 feet
thick with this compact material.
There are huge square glassless windows through out the Jaggernaut that
allows for the weather outside to creep inside.
The Jaggernaut sits on the edge of a 300 foot cliff that over looks
the Dark Ocean.
It rains here pretty often, but the rain is often contaminated by
many different kinds of forces.
Sometimes the Contaminated rain will turn completely
black!, this usually arouses many of the Jaggernaut's
inhabitants!, and weakening any Spirits or anything that
may actually be alive.
It's always dark here, there is no such thing as a SUN in
The SkelSo's are usually very organized, since they are the
bread and butter of the: Dark Omasses.
The Dark Omasses is the world order in Fearscape, ran
by things you wouldn't want to be cought dead with in
a dark alley.
The SkelSo's usually prevent people givin a chance to
be reborn from escaping The Jaggernaut, that is their
sole sworn duty!.
The Jaggernaut was built eons ago by the leaders of the
Dark Omasses, in the year: 1213 Fearscape time.
It was built to combat the Elisher Dark Rebels, or also
known as The Darklings.
The Jaggernaut was used to hold Dark Souls to help
combat the Darklings, It was a Terrible long war.
But now The Jaggernaut is used to prevent an epidemic, to
prevent Spirits from entering there realm, for if a
spirit managed to escape the Jaggernaut then god
only knows what may accure!.
05 Apr 2008, 13:53I can well imagine something terrible would "accure". Good job with the spellcheck.
05 Apr 2008, 17:24Also I'll point something out to anyone who may be
wondering, The story is not implemented into the game
just yet, the game is far from complete and spell
checking will be done at a later date near completion.
Hope this answer some of your questions.
Also I'd like to thank david for being interested in
my game, this is a good sign
Thank you.
wondering, The story is not implemented into the game
just yet, the game is far from complete and spell
checking will be done at a later date near completion.
Hope this answer some of your questions.
Also I'd like to thank david for being interested in
my game, this is a good sign

Thank you.
05 Apr 2008, 17:43Here are a couple of new screenshots that show off
the new CS and the weather system.
The WS is Intelligent, so It'll update according
to the current conditions.
The new CS
The WS
the new CS and the weather system.
The WS is Intelligent, so It'll update according
to the current conditions.
The new CS
The WS

06 Apr 2008, 03:34Looks decent. Grammer should be a priorety (Excuse crappy spelling), not implemented at the end of game creation.
06 Apr 2008, 04:03Thank you
It's a priority, everything in the game is considered priority, so will
the grammar, and I do update some grammar as I go along I'm
having someone in real life that I know is very good at grammar and
spelling to edit any of the text as needed.
She already agreed and she lives with me, so I'm hoping
we can fix all grammar and spelling mistakes.
It's a priority, everything in the game is considered priority, so will
the grammar, and I do update some grammar as I go along I'm
having someone in real life that I know is very good at grammar and
spelling to edit any of the text as needed.
She already agreed and she lives with me, so I'm hoping
we can fix all grammar and spelling mistakes.
08 Apr 2008, 20:09I iplemented a cool working stat system.
It works intelligently to. this means that for an example if you
put points into strength, the more points you put into strength
the more is needed to increase strength.
You gain more stat points by leveling up.
Below are the available stats in Fearscape
STRENGTH: This stat will increase your base damage, this
includes base damage with skills and magics as well as ranged weapons.
Increasing strength also increases your carry cap.
yes, Fearscape has a carry cap now.
AGILITY: Agility will increase your movement speed, perhaps you can attack first and more often then your enemy.
ENDURANCE: Endurance increases your health.
STAMINA: Stamina increases your energy, most things
done in Fearscape costs energy, from fighting to solving
ARMOR: Armor increases your defence.
DISTANCE: Distance increases your range, this is important
for magic users or ranged users.
All stats are fully implemented, including the intelligent
stats menu, here is a screenshot of it.
It works intelligently to. this means that for an example if you
put points into strength, the more points you put into strength
the more is needed to increase strength.
You gain more stat points by leveling up.
Below are the available stats in Fearscape
STRENGTH: This stat will increase your base damage, this
includes base damage with skills and magics as well as ranged weapons.
Increasing strength also increases your carry cap.
yes, Fearscape has a carry cap now.
AGILITY: Agility will increase your movement speed, perhaps you can attack first and more often then your enemy.
ENDURANCE: Endurance increases your health.
STAMINA: Stamina increases your energy, most things
done in Fearscape costs energy, from fighting to solving
ARMOR: Armor increases your defence.
DISTANCE: Distance increases your range, this is important
for magic users or ranged users.
All stats are fully implemented, including the intelligent
stats menu, here is a screenshot of it.
13 Apr 2008, 14:49You may want someone to just rewrite everything you write rather than edit (not attempting to be derogatory here). Just because the storyline is grammatically correct doesn't mean the vocabulary will be particularly stimulating, nor the content sport graphic imagery.
13 Apr 2008, 19:05I Will surely consider that.
Thank you
Thank you
19 Jan 2009, 03:19Necroposting this one to, since this one is my Thread and I have an update on this one.
Remember I'm METALGod32
I Lost this game when my PC was wiped, just letting everyone know i didn't willingly just abandoned
this game, I spent many hours and days on this one, but It's gone now due to a computer wipe.
Remember I'm METALGod32
I Lost this game when my PC was wiped, just letting everyone know i didn't willingly just abandoned
this game, I spent many hours and days on this one, but It's gone now due to a computer wipe.
steve the gaming guy
20 Jan 2009, 14:55Necroposter! AAAAHHH!!! Just kidding.
20 Jan 2009, 18:15A computer wipe? Ha! Good one. Not heard that excuse before.
"Guys, I was just about to unleash my epic masterpiece on the world and dazzle you all with the sheer genius of it, but, goddamnit, the computer wiped and I lost everything. Sorry, fellers, but you'll just have to wait for- What's that? Back ups? What are they?"
"Guys, I was just about to unleash my epic masterpiece on the world and dazzle you all with the sheer genius of it, but, goddamnit, the computer wiped and I lost everything. Sorry, fellers, but you'll just have to wait for- What's that? Back ups? What are they?"

20 Jan 2009, 21:44

21 Jan 2009, 02:05Yeah a computer wipe may sometimes happen unexpectedly due to
virus or other things, But it's ok david not everyone understands this Logic
virus or other things, But it's ok david not everyone understands this Logic

21 Jan 2009, 06:08And the game you've been rambling about for X amount of years, and have made X amount of forum posts about, and posted X amount of screenshots of, and spent X amount of time working on... you didn't back it up? Even once? You've never heard of CDs, DVDs, memory sticks, online storage, even e-mailing the thing to yourself via an online e-mail account?
For once, it'd make a refreshing change for someone to come out with the truth - "I made grand claims about a game and then realised there was no way I could deliver so I pulled the plug on it" - than fall back on the oh so tired excuse of "my computer crashed and I lost everything".
For once, it'd make a refreshing change for someone to come out with the truth - "I made grand claims about a game and then realised there was no way I could deliver so I pulled the plug on it" - than fall back on the oh so tired excuse of "my computer crashed and I lost everything".
21 Jan 2009, 07:16Yes i thought of backing it up, and I did once on a memory stick.
But It's time consuming constantly backing up an unfinished game and I spent about a month
on it to be exact NOT 5 years like you claim.
There is so much Discouragement on this site and I feel this is what overall hurts
the site on getting good quality games, I Have one demo on this site that was also wiped during the
same computer wipe, It's called: Beyond Manage.
Do you want me to upload a bunch of crap games or do you want good quality games?, If you don't
want either then why do you even care?, get over yourself.
aren't you that same guy who was screwing with me before?, I Have no idea why your still here.
It's Harassment.
But It's time consuming constantly backing up an unfinished game and I spent about a month
on it to be exact NOT 5 years like you claim.
There is so much Discouragement on this site and I feel this is what overall hurts
the site on getting good quality games, I Have one demo on this site that was also wiped during the
same computer wipe, It's called: Beyond Manage.
Do you want me to upload a bunch of crap games or do you want good quality games?, If you don't
want either then why do you even care?, get over yourself.
aren't you that same guy who was screwing with me before?, I Have no idea why your still here.
It's Harassment.
21 Jan 2009, 17:33Ah, quit getting your panties in a twist. I'm only messing with you.
And having a good chuckle at the idea of someone using the old chestnut "my computer died on me and I lost everything" instead of coming up with the truth that "I started something I couldn't finish".
"My computer died on me and I lost everything" - oh, I never get tired of hearing that little gem.

And having a good chuckle at the idea of someone using the old chestnut "my computer died on me and I lost everything" instead of coming up with the truth that "I started something I couldn't finish".
"My computer died on me and I lost everything" - oh, I never get tired of hearing that little gem.
22 Jan 2009, 00:12I Didn't lose everything, I'm not stupid, I Backed up files that i need to, I Make games as a hobby, I Do not get
paid for it so to make the over all story short I Could care less what you think and what you say, I Make
games on my own time not yours, I'll just take action, Once the first version is done I'll upload it
since your dieing to play it
You'll be ok.
paid for it so to make the over all story short I Could care less what you think and what you say, I Make
games on my own time not yours, I'll just take action, Once the first version is done I'll upload it
since your dieing to play it

You'll be ok.
22 Jan 2009, 06:04Redsun:
So... I'm confused. You lost the game? It's gone due to a computer wipe? But you didn't lose it? You still have it? If you're going to tell lies about alleged computer wipes, at least try and be consistent.
You say that but you continue to reply to every single one of my comments.
Are you familiar with the phrase "wouldn't touch it with a bargepole"?
I Lost this game when my PC was wiped
It's gone now due to a computer wipe
I Didn't lose everything
So... I'm confused. You lost the game? It's gone due to a computer wipe? But you didn't lose it? You still have it? If you're going to tell lies about alleged computer wipes, at least try and be consistent.
I Could care less what you think and what you say
You say that but you continue to reply to every single one of my comments.
Once the first version is done I'll upload it
since your dieing to play it
Are you familiar with the phrase "wouldn't touch it with a bargepole"?
22 Jan 2009, 06:43You said I Lost everything, I Meant I Lost everything related to the game, but not
other files on my PC, most were backed up.
Of course your confused, not everyone is perfect but like I said you'll be ok.
I Would like to know however of why somebody who claims to love
IF games would not even touch A quality IF game or how somebody such
as yourself can already say without a doubt that such and such game
is horrible, talk about confusion.
I do have to give you respect though and appreciation for not bombarding
my new thread with these posts.
I Think you'll play my game, you just wont let anyone know, because if you really do love
IF games then you'll at least check it out, It's ok the game wont bite, I Haven't implemented that part yet.
other files on my PC, most were backed up.
Of course your confused, not everyone is perfect but like I said you'll be ok.
I Would like to know however of why somebody who claims to love
IF games would not even touch A quality IF game or how somebody such
as yourself can already say without a doubt that such and such game
is horrible, talk about confusion.
I do have to give you respect though and appreciation for not bombarding
my new thread with these posts.
I Think you'll play my game, you just wont let anyone know, because if you really do love
IF games then you'll at least check it out, It's ok the game wont bite, I Haven't implemented that part yet.

22 Jan 2009, 12:43Notice how David only appears when he finds a chance to insult someone
And please don't fight. It is immature, and pointless.

And please don't fight. It is immature, and pointless.
22 Jan 2009, 17:56Redsun wrote:You said I Lost everything, I Meant I Lost everything related to the game, but not
other files on my PC, most were backed up.
Of course your confused, not everyone is perfect but like I said you'll be ok.
I Would like to know however of why somebody who claims to love
IF games would not even touch A quality IF game or how somebody such
as yourself can already say without a doubt that such and such game
is horrible, talk about confusion.
I do have to give you respect though and appreciation for not bombarding
my new thread with these posts.
I Think you'll play my game, you just wont let anyone know, because if you really do love
IF games then you'll at least check it out, It's ok the game wont bite, I Haven't implemented that part yet.
Oh dear god. You're actually going to claim your game is quality? Please spare me. Spare the world. Spare everyone with an interest in IF. Spare yourself the agony of reading reviews of your game which will tell you how bad it is. You can't even type a single forum post without it being littered with typos yet you're going to write a quality game? Heck, it'd be something if you managed to get a forum post out with the lines at normal lengths.
22 Jan 2009, 17:58Thanatos wrote:Notice how David only appears when he finds a chance to insult someone![]()
And please don't fight. It is immature, and pointless.
Coming from an illiterate toddler, that's actually quite funny. When I think of you, Thanatos, I picture a little kid standing in the middle of a classroom in a pile of his own poo and berating the other kids for not acting mature.
22 Jan 2009, 19:29Then I need say no more, actions will speak louder then words and I Never stated my game will be Quality.
You translated that wrong, I Meant that I'm Attempting at making a Quality game.
Talk about panties in a twist.
You really do get confused quite easily. but you'll be OK.
You translated that wrong, I Meant that I'm Attempting at making a Quality game.
Talk about panties in a twist.

You really do get confused quite easily. but you'll be OK.
22 Jan 2009, 21:25TruE buT At leAst i kNow wheRe tO puT Capital LetteRs iN Words.
22 Jan 2009, 21:46Good for you, Here is a pretzel (8), don't eat it all at once now. 

30 Jan 2009, 09:26It's a shame that all 1039 of David's post have never ever directed any sort of kindness to anyone in the forums.
steve the gaming guy
30 Jan 2009, 15:06No, not all have been kind but in the past, I have laughed out loud at some of the remarks towards the more deserving members (who have since been banned).
30 Jan 2009, 16:45David is like a thorn, he Isn't so bad without the thorns though just give him Oxygen and he'll be fine.
whatever you do don't give him fuel...LOL
I Think he liked my pretzel though(8)
whatever you do don't give him fuel...LOL
I Think he liked my pretzel though(8)
30 Jan 2009, 21:06Ah, quit whining like a little toddler, Thanatos. I know you're probably still in nappies, but, even so, considering the amount of mud you sling around here, it's quite amusing seeing how you turn all high 'n' mighty on others. What was it about people living in glass houses...?

30 Jan 2009, 23:30Mhm. I sling mud. Looked in the mirror lately? 

30 Jan 2009, 23:40Did I ever claim otherwise? But you, you sad little attention-seeking nothing, acting like a total arse one minute and then pretending to be a moderator the next? You're so desperate for acceptance, you'd sell your own mother if you thought it might gain you an ounce of popularity.

30 Jan 2009, 23:44I wonder what happened in your life to make you such a hateful little man.
EDIT: What's this? Read my post but no cruel reply? Did I hit a nerve?
EDIT: What's this? Read my post but no cruel reply? Did I hit a nerve?

31 Jan 2009, 00:27Surrounded by idiots like you, I guess.
And what's this about me not replying? I hadn't even read the post, you gormless little git. But here's my reply just so you can feel like you make a difference. Now toddle off to bed, stick your dummy in and dream your dreams that you actually serve a purpose here other than as a source of ridicule.
And what's this about me not replying? I hadn't even read the post, you gormless little git. But here's my reply just so you can feel like you make a difference. Now toddle off to bed, stick your dummy in and dream your dreams that you actually serve a purpose here other than as a source of ridicule.

31 Jan 2009, 00:35Hey, just because your a fat epileptic kid jumping up and down on his bedspread downing painkillers with one hand and shakily masterbating with the other doesn't give to the right to treat every here like they peices of shit. You are not higher than everyone else, and have no right to be so cruel to everyone who even looks at you funny.
It is sort of funny though, that when somebody gets a mask to hide their identity behind (ie the Internet) they turn into the biggest most loud-mouthed asswipes since, well since ever.
It is sort of funny though, that when somebody gets a mask to hide their identity behind (ie the Internet) they turn into the biggest most loud-mouthed asswipes since, well since ever.
31 Jan 2009, 00:56I actually think David isn't so bad, he is just trying to shake people
to get a response.
to get a response.

31 Jan 2009, 00:58You havn't read enough of his posts then.
31 Jan 2009, 01:19oh believe me I read all I need to read.
But I Figure you need to say something positive in his posts, to keep us all sane.
so that's why I try to be somewhat positive.
But I Figure you need to say something positive in his posts, to keep us all sane.
so that's why I try to be somewhat positive.

31 Jan 2009, 01:31Trying to keep sane from what an insane man is saying.
Kinda like the blind leading the blind.
Kinda like the blind leading the blind.
31 Jan 2009, 08:37Thanatos wrote:Hey, just because your a fat epileptic kid jumping up and down on his bedspread downing painkillers with one hand and shakily masterbating with the other doesn't give to the right to treat every here like they peices of s***. You are not higher than everyone else, and have no right to be so cruel to everyone who even looks at you funny.
I'm certainly higher than you when it comes to spelling and "grammer". Remember putting "grammer" in your sig, eh, Than? Eh? Eh?
your = you're
masterbating = masturbating
peices = pieces
And those are just the ones I can be bothered to point out.
It tickles me pink - a bright shade of pink if you're wondering - at just how bad your spelling becomes when you get truly riled. I'm almost tempted to dig out that post of yours about me from a while back which was so littered with mistakes it was almost unreadable. Nice to know I'm getting to you anyway. If you weren't such an easy target, I'd have no reason to hang around this forum.
Thanatos wrote:It is sort of funny though, that when somebody gets a mask to hide their identity behind (ie the Internet) they turn into the biggest most loud-mouthed asswipes since, well since ever.
I quite agree. What's your excuse?

31 Jan 2009, 10:24Also funny how the only comeback to can make against someone is to insult their grammer. Yep, with an e! Sue me.
My excuse? Hmm, let's think. Oh, got it. You?
My excuse? Hmm, let's think. Oh, got it. You?
31 Jan 2009, 11:53I've also called you a bed-wetting little scrotum, Than, or were you so focsed ohn ur bade speeling tat u dint notuce?
31 Jan 2009, 15:19Enough of this crap please.