Posh's New Year's Eve

15 Jan 2008, 15:53
Hello everyone, I am one of the old ones (year 2002) who recently resurfaced here. I would like to solicit your ideas towards my making of Posh's New Year's Eve 2. So give Posh's New Year's Eve (http://www.textadventures.co.uk/review.php?game=57) a try and let me me know of anything that crosses your mind...

Michael The Gamer
16 Jan 2008, 10:58
OndrejSc wrote:Hello everyone, I am one of the old ones (year 2002) who recently resurfaced here. I would like to solicit your ideas towards my making of Posh's New Year's Eve 2. So give Posh's New Year's Eve (http://www.textadventures.co.uk/review.php?game=57) a try and let me me know of anything that crosses your mind...

This game was short and had to just put 2 commands to win (You should make a game longer)

steve the gaming guy
16 Jan 2008, 15:40
Here's a rhetorical question. Is 'two commands to win' really a bad thing? I recall a game that was given a good score by someone with a comment saying a tutorial could be written quickly because it only took two commands to win.

Hi OndrejSc, I'll have to look into your game sometime.

17 Jan 2008, 01:12

Michael The Gamer
17 Jan 2008, 10:43
The official Posh's New Year's Eve Walkthough
Type the two commands to win
1. Touch posh
2. F*** posh (There is a rude word in that command)

I wonder if that helps thousands (maybe fifty) of people playing the game?