Play this game online (Beta) Problems

Michael The Gamer
06 Jan 2008, 10:43
There is some problems with the 'Play this game online' in but I might not mention all of them so you could help post some problems here.

1.Sometimes when you start a game you have to wait a long time and you get nothing on the white screen
2.If you lose a game (and maybe win), It does nothing except if you do like you were still in a game it will says
Error when you play online wrote:*** Error sending data to server ***

there could be more...

Like I said before:
If there's any problems you find when playing a game using Play this game online (beta) feature
Report it here instead of giving e-mailing Alex 157276451 problems from each person finding there are the same problems
That reminds me.
Look at all the posts here before you submit any new ones.
Like I mentioned before but expept its Posting 21381435 problems all the same

Please note:
I made up all the numbers :lol: :lol: :lol: