sword masters

02 Jan 2008, 15:37
i have made a new rpg.
i am also in the prosses of making a movie which i will post on the forum as soon as it is finnished :lol: :roll:

steve the gaming guy
04 Jan 2008, 15:56
Speaking of watering down the archives, hello there and welcome!
I see you've been adding games. Are making one each day? I've never seen so many "sequels" in such a short period of time. :shock:

04 Jan 2008, 17:18
"prosses" "finnished"

Really encourages you to play the games, doesn't it? :cry:

04 Jan 2008, 19:50
i only have the lite version so my games have to be short.
it is like a book with chapters.
my new games are going to be longer because my dad showed me how to make a big game in one room.

04 Jan 2008, 19:55
i am glad that you posted something on my topic but next time can you not make fun of my dislexia.
i also dont have enough time to make good games beacuse i live like 30 miles from my school so i barely have time to play computer games.
i got quest a while ago and made lots of games.
i then discoverd this website.
i then posted them on the site.

04 Jan 2008, 19:58
im now posting my games on my school website that i made in about 2 hours.
this is the address.

04 Jan 2008, 20:19
Now call me cruel if you will, but if your spelling and grammar aren't very good, why are you making text adventures (which are, after all, nothing *but* spelling and grammar)? I can't draw to save myself so the amount of art you'll find me producing is... zilch.

04 Jan 2008, 20:30
I must admit that I have dyslexic problems but I didn't want it to stop me from creating games- something that I enjoy doing. It is good to do something new regardless of a 'disability' as opposed to not doing it because of it! Well done and keep writing

04 Jan 2008, 22:47
"I can't draw to save myself so the amount of art you'll find me producing is... zilch." You think the people who draw great art never had a time when they couldn't draw either. The only real difference is that they kept trying, so they got better. I have dyslexia, but you'd hardly notice nowadays, because I write as much as I can...

Michael The Gamer
05 Jan 2008, 08:29
Has I went to textadventures.co.uk and
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I see 2 pages of Filled with new Text Adventures all of them by emojo.
And when you go to emojo's Profile I see a lot of adventures

28 Oct 2014, 13:55
So did you finish the game and what are the class of each character are they all swordsman?
Hope you finish it and make a good one =D.
zombie weapons

28 Oct 2014, 15:12
Almost seven year bump. Must be worthy of some kind of prize.

28 Oct 2014, 16:51
This thread brings back memories. Emojo indeed wrote all manner of games, the only things they had in common was that they were all awful.

28 Oct 2014, 17:53
There were a few people crying over attacks on dyslexia. The problem is, given that text adventures by their very nature use words to convey what is happening, typos are considered to be a bug so criticism of that nature is entirely valid regardless of the reasons behind it. You wouldn't forgive having your limb amputated instead of some simple work on your varicose veins in case you offended the blind surgeon the hospital decided to employ. Bad analogy. But still.

30 Oct 2014, 11:29
I've often wondered at that myself. In real life, I've known perhaps a couple of people who are dyslexic whereas on various IF forums I've known dozens. It seems strange that a hobby which is nothing but text and grammar attracts people who have a disability which automatically puts them at a disadvantage.

Of course, as my more cynical side likes to wonder, I suspect a good deal of them aren't dyslexic at all and instead use that as an excuse for bringing out games they know are terrible.

30 Oct 2014, 12:39
There's also this brilliant invention called a spell checker. Not entirely fool proof, but good enough to point out typos such as 'finnished' and 'prosses'.