Cabin Fever

28 Dec 2007, 22:28
Hello Everyone,

My game "Cabin Fever" has just been uploaded into textadventrues. This game came in 6th place during the 2007 One Room Game Comp. I think all of you will enjoy it. There was a walkthrough that I submitted with my game to the comp that I did not upload into textadventures. If anyone needs it, please leave a post here and I will PM it to you.

I do not know if any of you are wanting to play "Gathered in Darkness" or not, but it is coming. I am finishing the massive editing required from my journey into the IFcomp of 2007.

***Please NOTE: Cabin Fever purposely disables the side panes of Quest. Do not override that feature or the game will not work properly.******


Dr. Froth

29 Dec 2007, 01:16
I played a bit of it, get stuck after putting most of the puzzle together... Forgot to read the walk-through...

31 Dec 2007, 16:50
Here is the Walk-through if anybody wants it:

* Spoilers Below*

Open closet
Take box
Open box

The next four can be done in any order:
X boots
X window
Look under bed
Move couch

X sink
Take line
Chew gum
Stick gum on line
Take piece

Open door
Take ice
X dresser
Take matches
Take wood
Light fire
Melt ice

X stove
Take cheese
Open pantry
Take crackers
Put cheese on crackers
Drop cracker (or give cracker to mouse)

X fire
X table
Take pitcher
X toilet
X water tank
Open tank
Take water
Put out fire

Open dresser
Drink bottle

Well that is it. Hope you liked it.

Michael The Gamer
05 Jan 2008, 08:44
Dr.Froth wrote:Here is the Walk-through if anybody wants it:

* Spoilers Below*

Open closet
Take box
Open box

The next four can be done in any order:
X boots
X window
Look under bed
Move couch

X sink
Take line
Chew gum
Stick gum on line
Take piece

Open door
Take ice
X dresser
Take matches
Take wood
Light fire
Melt ice

X stove
Take cheese
Open pantry
Take crackers
Put cheese on crackers
Drop cracker (or give cracker to mouse)

X fire
X table
Take pitcher
X toilet
X water tank
Open tank
Take water
Put out fire

Open dresser
Drink bottle

Well that is it. Hope you liked it.

And what is the x surrpose to mean?

05 Jan 2008, 11:19
You play text adventures and you don't even recognise the abbreviation for the most commonly used word of them? You really need to examine just why you're here.

Michael The Gamer
05 Jan 2008, 11:23
davidw wrote:You play text adventures and you don't even recognise the abbreviation for the most commonly used word of them? You really need to examine just why you're here.

Wait I know its examine!

14 Jan 2008, 00:15
A Walkthrough was just posted above, If you would kindly SCROLL UP. :D

Michael, you repulsive little thing you,
Congratulations on getting it right. Now go sit in a corner. :evil:

14 Jan 2008, 07:49
Michael the Gamer wrote:

Can I browow a Axe? Anyone?
I want to smash the Corner! :lol:

Its borrow, not browow, and its an, not a.

And the corner is made of cement, I doubt someone as weak as you could make the slightst indent in it, even if you could lift the axe in the first place.