When commenting on games ....
Michael The Gamer
19 Dec 2007, 08:38and you might see a noobie one like Escape! series by dther99 or Dim series by Tai you dont just go to that game and comment like this
You Might wrote:Wow this the worst game I've seen in my whole life
This is pure s***
Make a proper game you b******
Rating 1 star
The author might start to be angry and start to make a different game using the same skills has the other worst game
A Better Comment Might be this
You Might wrote:Hi <author's name>
This game is not perfect and you should do .....................
and you should Improve this ...................
Rating 2 stars
(.... = Your sentences)
The author might know what went wrong and can improve
You can see the difference
The games like ryan`s own msn this comment you might or should do
You Might wrote:This game is not a good game
It had no ..............
please try to make a proper game
Rating 1 star
I hope you learn from this topic
19 Dec 2007, 13:26paul_one
19 Dec 2007, 18:00Of course commenter's should put in reasons why it was rubbish.
Upping the rating won't help things, nor will saying "it's not all that good" instead of "it's c***".
Michael The Gamer
20 Dec 2007, 10:08davidw wrote:Coming from the worst troll on the forum, that's actually quite comical. Are you planning to stick anyone who disagrees with your comments on your "Hate List"?

Michael The Gamer
20 Dec 2007, 10:14paul_one wrote:Eh, you're half right.
Of course commenter's should put in reasons why it was rubbish.
Upping the rating won't help things, nor will saying "it's not all that good" instead of "it's c***".
I think I stated that
You Might wrote:Hi <author's name>
This game is not perfect and you should do <Write here>
and you should Improve this ...................
Rating 2 stars
Hi <author's name>
This game is not perfect and you should add more detail, more description
and you should Improve the rooms
Rating 2 stars
I think garbage and not perfect is a bit the same but I recommend not perfect so you dont want to upset the author
and the one:
Upping the rating won't help things, nor will saying "it's not all that good" instead of "it's c***".
Was just the example of a bad review
20 Dec 2007, 22:15That's what's wrong with everything nowadays - people do what they feel like and don't expect consequences etc.
People think they are brilliant because they aren't told how sh*t they are.
Managers make big mistakes which are fixed by the guys underneath him and what happens? The guys upstairs make MORE mistakes.
Idiots go on A+/MSCE courses and think they can handle a company's data centre, or they do a quick Java course and think they can program quality applications because they've created 'hello world' apps.
I know how hostile places can be with new guys with screwy idea's - just around summer I got flak because I insulted the yum utility in a Fedora forum (I insulted the package dependency part - which does fall over because of the guys creating the packages etc).
I've gotten my share of bad insults over the years, from many different forums and newsgroups, but if you don't read what they type - and understand what they're saying - then you don't learn and you will be forever dumb and blinded by vanity.
My phone (LG shine) has several problems, I'd tell them that it has really good points, but the firmware has some really bad points.
If I had a phone, by a big company, which was something like those toy kiddie sweet-phone's, then I would tell them how sh*t it was, not that "it's not so great" or "it need improving in the whole phone area'.
.. You get my point?
Michael The Gamer
21 Dec 2007, 09:47paul_one wrote:If you don't upset the author, they won't know anything is /really/ wrong.
That's what's wrong with everything nowadays - people do what they feel like and don't expect consequences etc.
People think they are brilliant because they aren't told how sh*t they are.
Managers make big mistakes which are fixed by the guys underneath him and what happens? The guys upstairs make MORE mistakes.
Idiots go on A+/MSCE courses and think they can handle a company's data centre, or they do a quick Java course and think they can program quality applications because they've created 'hello world' apps.
I know how hostile places can be with new guys with screwy idea's - just around summer I got flak because I insulted the yum utility in a Fedora forum (I insulted the package dependency part - which does fall over because of the guys creating the packages etc).
I've gotten my share of bad insults over the years, from many different forums and newsgroups, but if you don't read what they type - and understand what they're saying - then you don't learn and you will be forever dumb and blinded by vanity.
My phone (LG shine) has several problems, I'd tell them that it has really good points, but the firmware has some really bad points.
If I had a phone, by a big company, which was something like those toy kiddie sweet-phone's, then I would tell them how sh*t it was, not that "it's not so great" or "it need improving in the whole phone area'.
.. You get my point?
I have to say Yes to that..
Michael The Gamer
05 Jan 2008, 08:56Michael The Gamer wrote:"paul_one"
If you don't upset the author, they won't know anything is /really/ wrong.
That's what's wrong with everything nowadays - people do what they feel like and don't expect consequences etc.
People think they are brilliant because they aren't told how sh*t they are.
Managers make big mistakes which are fixed by the guys underneath him and what happens? The guys upstairs make MORE mistakes.
Idiots go on A+/MSCE courses and think they can handle a company's data centre, or they do a quick Java course and think they can program quality applications because they've created 'hello world' apps.
I know how hostile places can be with new guys with screwy idea's - just around summer I got flak because I insulted the yum utility in a Fedora forum (I insulted the package dependency part - which does fall over because of the guys creating the packages etc).
I've gotten my share of bad insults over the years, from many different forums and newsgroups, but if you don't read what they type - and understand what they're saying - then you don't learn and you will be forever dumb and blinded by vanity.
My phone (LG shine) has several problems, I'd tell them that it has really good points, but the firmware has some really bad points.
If I had a phone, by a big company, which was something like those toy kiddie sweet-phone's, then I would tell them how sh*t it was, not that "it's not so great" or "it need improving in the whole phone area'.
.. You get my point?
I have to say Yes to that..
But wait how about free stuff?
Like you can play free textadventures at textadventures.co.uk
You should not complan to them because its free, It doesnt cost you money
If it did charge you money, its s*** and like your post, you should complain
05 Jan 2008, 11:18Michael The Gamer
05 Jan 2008, 11:22davidw wrote:Whether it's free or not is irrelevant. If something is crap, it's crap full stop. What does its price have to do with anything?
So if something is crap and you buy for $56432 or something like that, isnt that stupid

05 Jan 2008, 12:19Michael The Gamer
06 Jan 2008, 10:58davidw wrote:Of course it's stupid. But just because something is free is no excuse for it being bad. Only an idiot brings out a game he knows is bad, free or not.
When you sell something when its crap, nobody is gonna buy it
But when Its free some people might take one.
Like I saw a guy got a wallet for free but one of the section in the wallet had a hole in it
But who cares?
It didnt cost money
even if its still crap
Sometimes I go to a bargain store (nothing over $2) and see a lot of crap.
and a lot of people go there
Low qualty (or crappy things) for a small price and you could make something different out of it
06 Jan 2008, 11:58paul_one
06 Jan 2008, 15:19You can buy one for less than $10 (£5) and it'll last you years (mine's coming on for 5 years I think).
If you have something rubbish and something alot better - for free - you'd obviously take the one that's better and leave the rubbish one alone.
Well I certainly do.But who cares?
When you get cheap games in the videogame store (which are rubbish) how far / how many times do you play them?
(my answer is about 30 minutes and never again).
If you're handed a crappy shirt for free, you wouldn't put it on simply because it was for free.
There's several more examples I could give, but simply because it's free (or cheap) doesn't mean you have to except it's rubbish.
You go to the cheap store KNOWING that what you buy is below par - or acceptable for 'the job'.
If you're given a black box, and you find it's got used pants inside, I think objecting to the guy who put the box together and put the used pants inside.
26 Mar 2008, 03:58paul_one wrote:If you don't upset the author, they won't know anything is /really/ wrong.
That's what's wrong with everything nowadays - people do what they feel like and don't expect consequences etc.
People think they are brilliant because they aren't told how sh*t they are.
Managers make big mistakes which are fixed by the guys underneath him and what happens? The guys upstairs make MORE mistakes.
Idiots go on A+/MSCE courses and think they can handle a company's data centre, or they do a quick Java course and think they can program quality applications because they've created 'hello world' apps.
I know how hostile places can be with new guys with screwy idea's - just around summer I got flak because I insulted the yum utility in a Fedora forum (I insulted the package dependency part - which does fall over because of the guys creating the packages etc).
I've gotten my share of bad insults over the years, from many different forums and newsgroups, but if you don't read what they type - and understand what they're saying - then you don't learn and you will be forever dumb and blinded by vanity.
My phone (LG shine) has several problems, I'd tell them that it has really good points, but the firmware has some really bad points.
If I had a phone, by a big company, which was something like those toy kiddie sweet-phone's, then I would tell them how sh*t it was, not that "it's not so great" or "it need improving in the whole phone area'.
.. You get my point?
Man, I hate to get Involved in this convo, but I'm gonna put
my two cents in just because I'm bored and a few things need to be said.
It's called respect, It's a human thing, just because you can
call something crap or shi**y doesn't mean you should.
I Love the online feature of the quest website, ya know where you
can upload quest games?, It could be deemed as Crap since it doesn't
work like it should yet, My game is unplayable on it, but do I disrespect
Alex and his software?, no because I For one have respect.
I Agree that Authors shouldn't just upload any game they make
that's only a minute long with bad spelling, but nobody is perfect, if
the service is there on the internet, people WILL use it, no amount
of insults or disrespect could ever change that.
Let me guess, you were one of those guys under a manager?
Just stop bitching, make games then, argue your point
in that way, at least something will come out of it.
26 Mar 2008, 23:24.. I wonder who that could be!
You're blurring the difference between calling something, and calling someONE something. One is an insult, the other a criticism.It's called respect, It's a human thing, just because you can
call something crap or shi**y doesn't mean you should.
Sure, you should have a BASIC human respect for people. For example, you won't destroy anything that you don't own, or steal something owned by someone else, or just hit someone etc.. But having extra respect for people you should NOT - respect has to be EARNED.
Actually I'm not sure what that says.. I'd personally take it as "my game has 'x' wrong with it - what's occurring", and give bug info back to Alex.It could be deemed as Crap since it doesn't
work like it should yet, My game is unplayable on it
But there is a big difference between "kinda usable" and "crap". Remember that it's a beta, not to mention the fact he already has Quest which DOES work, he's coding something from new to match it.. Ie, a level of respect has been created from an existing product.
Saying to Alex how the online stuff fails is disrespectful? So instead you let him live in ignorance and NEVER have it fixed? Damn, you're an ideal Microsoft user.but do I disrespect
Alex and his software?
There's a difference between stopping, and improving. I for one don't want to stop anyone from using Quest - but I CERTAINLY don't want rubbish out there giving Quest bad rep.if
the service is there on the internet, people WILL use it, no amount
of insults or disrespect could ever change that.
As far as I know, EVERYONE is under a manager (or under someone). But no, my manager is just fine - but higher up, they have no idea how things really work - and it's the same EVERYWHERE. People who need a kick, don't get it, and continue on ignorant until everything falls apart.Let me guess, you were one of those guys under a manager?
Hiding the fact these things are rubbish, means we get MORE rubbish.
28 Mar 2008, 00:10Let me make it a tad bit clearer of the point
I was trying to make.
I'm aware of the quest online feature being in beta, But
i wasn't going into details about Quest because that's
not what this convo is about, I NEVER insulted Alex or
his software in anyway, I merely refered to his software
as you refered to someone elses game, The point
I was trying to make(before you blew it up), Stop bitching,
moaning and complaining and make Quality games using
There is no reason why you cannot simply give somebody
advice on how they can Improve their games, wrather
then Bitch about it calling the Author a loser or wack job(not
saying you did call the author them exact words, but you
get my drift?)
If you hate the author so much, then quit reviewing his games,
simple as that, I to have seen games that were uploaded that
were total sh*t, but I'm not wasting my time to review
that kind of game.
If I review a game, I want it to be at least semi-indepth.
not one that only last a minute with a couple of rooms.
So by reviewing that game and calling it crap or shi**y or
damn dude you suck etc, your no better then he is
because a stupid person would know that everyone
else should already know that sucky of a game IS NOT
really a game.
So lets just call a truce and let authors make
what they damn well please.
P.S: I Totally agree that games that dont have anything into them
shouldn't be uploaded, Maybe in the future there will be requirements
on uploading games, there should be.
28 Mar 2008, 07:35If I didn't know better, Metalgod, I'd swear you don't want people to write reviews of bad games because you're worried what they'll say about yours.

28 Mar 2008, 08:09davidw wrote:you don't want people to write reviews of bad games because you're worried what they'll say about yours.
Amen to that.
I posted this to a reply to dther99's Escape the House 2.
Andrew Trewin (Me) wrote:Another peice of crap. Seriously, no grammer whatsoever. Many spelling mistakes.
And taking the key manages to turn on the lights as well! Amazing. Appalling. And btw, there is no humor in this game whatsoever.
With a reply by dther...
dther99 wrote:~andrew only~
you know, you suck. you keep holding me back. your a dis incouraging loser. i hate you.
And instead of adding this into a reply he double posted/spammed with this useful peice of info.
dther99 wrote:oh, and you made me lose my 4 star rating! i hate you ALOT!
To which I summed up my courage against these fearful words to reply.
Andrew Trewin wrote:Amusing.
I havn't really been active lately so I am going to play your game again and see if my feelings about it change.
Alrighty. You can see the key in total darkness yet not the paper clip. The lights turn themselves on magically after taking the key. To win just keep clicking north. There is absolutely no room descriptions whatsoever. There is no Ghost object in the final room.
I am at a loss at how you managed to do this. Did you put any thought in it whatsoever? Why do you, and others like you, continue to create these things and expect a positive responce from the quest community? If the truth hurts you so much I wonder why you continue to upload crappy games into the archive and expect a different reaction.
Try to create a good game. Add challenges, puzzles, unique item combinations, interesting room descriptions. A storyline. Don't get me wrong, I am no master of Quest, and few have actually achieved that. (Not mentioning any names) But for the love of god, wait a few years until your age reaches two digits, then try again.
Saying I suck, well that is just really mature. I just don't know how I am going to live on. And you wonder why people don't like you here. If you get a truthful post about your crappy games you simply swear at them, insult them, and show no respect whatsoever.
Holding you back? How does telling the truth hold you back? As far as im concerned it isn't, I am simply telling you how to improve. I regret the way I reviewed your game earlier, I shouldn't have been so cruel. But unfortunetly everything I said was truthful.
A ''dis incouraging loser''. Creative. If only you could channel some of that creativity into your games. I am not ''dis incouraging'' you. I am simply telling the truth, as I have mentioned earlier.
You hate me. Yeah well, build a bridge and get over it. I don't care if you hate me, your words are just pixels on a screen, and hopefully I will never meet you, so I don't give a shit about your feelings towards me are. If the truth hurts you so much then stop posting games like this and screwing up the archive.
You lost your 4 star rating? I am at a loss at how you obtained it in the first place. The only people who gave positive comments about it where authors as crap at writing games as you are. No offence, but like I said, truth hurts.
And I wrote this all under the influence of virtigo! Im so proud of myself. dther99, please just look outside your window, and think about the possibilities just waiting around the corner for you. This is not a world you belong in. This world of game creating is not the place for one such as you. Maybe in a few years, yes, when your grammer and IQ have gone up a bit, maybe even your maturity. But for now, please just leave. You don't belong in this world as much as quest belongs in yours.
Good Day, I hope you take my advice and leave before you are ground into the dirt by ones much crueler than me.
Sorry, I could have wrote out a long descriptive book on this particular subject but I couldn't be bothered, so maybe this spam of quotes will help... Somehow. WHo knows, maybe these crappy authors will take the hint?
28 Mar 2008, 20:44davidw wrote:So we shouldn't review bad games, simply ignore them? How then are bad authors supposed to know their games are bad? How are they supposed to know how to improve them? If I see an error in someone's game, shouldn't I mention that error in my review so the author can fix it?
If I didn't know better, Metalgod, I'd swear you don't want people to write reviews of bad games because you're worried what they'll say about yours.
Dude Don't even try to predict somebody elses games before you've seen the facts, I've been using Quest for years to know how to write quality games, so don't even try that route with me, don't treat me or look down on me like a child, I Spend hours on my games every day, I use my own host to upload them to.
sure review all you want, people continue to miss the point, Calling the author names or literally calling his game sh*t is a good thing I guess?, Why not something like: This game gets a one star because: Spelling errors, 2 rooms long, and you can't do much in the game, better luck next time.
was that hard?, Maybe to some people being respectful is a bad thing, but in my world it's all I know, but don't EVER compare my games(that you never saw)
to crap, because then your making things personal.
28 Mar 2008, 21:03This Community used to be so helpful, this flaming and
game bashing never existed back then, but
I see allot of that now here in this Community.
People are so determined to defend the fact that
Insulting an author is a good thing, Review his
games, not the Author, have respect and people
shall treat you and your games the same way.
I Know somebody else will once again twist this
post around here and continuing this, but that's
the Internet for ya

28 Mar 2008, 22:26METALGod32 wrote:Dude Don't even try to predict somebody elses games before you've seen the facts, I've been using Quest for years to know how to write quality games, so don't even try that route with me, don't treat me or look down on me like a child, I Spend hours on my games every day, I use my own host to upload them to.
sure review all you want, people continue to miss the point, Calling the author names or literally calling his game sh*t is a good thing I guess?, Why not something like: This game gets a one star because: Spelling errors, 2 rooms long, and you can't do much in the game, better luck next time.
was that hard?, Maybe to some people being respectful is a bad thing, but in my world it's all I know, but don't EVER compare my games(that you never saw)
to crap, because then your making things personal.
What...? Your grasp of the English language is on par with a toddler's and yet you think you can write a good game? I've yet to see a single post by you that wasn't so riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors as to be almost unreadable - and you think you can write a good text adventure? You haven't even grasped the basics of the English language - but you can write a great game in it?
Put your money where your mouth is, Metalgod. Prove me wrong. Write a good game. Or, alternatively, talk endlessly about this masterpiece of a game you've got in the works which we all know hasn't a hope of getting finished.
28 Mar 2008, 22:45davidw wrote:"METALGod32"
Dude Don't even try to predict somebody elses games before you've seen the facts, I've been using Quest for years to know how to write quality games, so don't even try that route with me, don't treat me or look down on me like a child, I Spend hours on my games every day, I use my own host to upload them to.
sure review all you want, people continue to miss the point, Calling the author names or literally calling his game sh*t is a good thing I guess?, Why not something like: This game gets a one star because: Spelling errors, 2 rooms long, and you can't do much in the game, better luck next time.
was that hard?, Maybe to some people being respectful is a bad thing, but in my world it's all I know, but don't EVER compare my games(that you never saw)
to crap, because then your making things personal.
What...? Your grasp of the English language is on par with a toddler's and yet you think you can write a good game? I've yet to see a single post by you that wasn't so riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors as to be almost unreadable - and you think you can write a good text adventure? You haven't even grasped the basics of the English language - but you can write a great game in it?
Put your money where your mouth is, Metalgod. Prove me wrong. Write a good game. Or, alternatively, talk endlessly about this masterpiece of a game you've got in the works which we all know hasn't a hope of getting finished.
See, I knew this would happen, then do me a favor, my spelling errors that you claim I made, correct
them for me and show me what was mispelled, Show me work that YOU'VE done, PROVE me wrong, you
sound like a pissed off child that don't get much attention, I say this because certain ways you
say things in your posts, Every game will have errors in them, even the game I'm working on
will NEVER be perfect, It's called: coding, any programmer who says he never makes mistakes
is a bullshi**er!, even the best programmer in the world will make mistakes.
Also take a look at the bigger picture, Your insulting me and attacking me
for what?, so now everyone is open to bashing and flaming?, not just authors who
don't put out good games? will it ever stop?, or are you just pissed off
at the world? go make some games dude and get off your high horse.
28 Mar 2008, 23:08METALGod32 wrote:See, I knew this would happen, then do me a favor, my spelling errors that you claim I made, correct
them for me and show me what was mispelled, Show me work that YOU'VE done, PROVE me wrong, you
sound like a pissed off child that don't get much attention, I say this because certain ways you
say things in your posts, Every game will have errors in them, even the game I'm working on
will NEVER be perfect, It's called: coding, any programmer who says he never makes mistakes
is a bullshi**er!, even the best programmer in the world will make mistakes.
You ever hear of this little thing called a full stop? It's great really. Y'see, it's the sort of thing you're supposed to use at the end of a sentence instead of a comma. In case your full stop key isn't working, here are a few you can copy and paste into your next post:
METALGod32 wrote:Also take a look at the bigger picture, Your insulting me and attacking me
for what?, so now everyone is open to bashing and flaming?, not just authors who
don't put out good games? will it ever stop?, or are you just pissed off
at the world? go make some games dude and get off your high horse.
How many games would you like me to write, *dude*? IFwiki:
29 Mar 2008, 00:17this here: , is my signature way of typing, I already know It's not
the correct way but It's my way.
Write as many games as your heart desires, more power to ya,
but still doesn't make insulting other authors any more
better, to me you sound a bit cocky but I guess that
is to be expected.
by the way, the use of the period is used quite well
in my game, this post is not a game so I'll type how
I damn well please.
Done Insulting me now?, or do you wish to carry on?
I can do both, chat here and continue to make my game,
It doesn't matter to me.

P.S Most of your games seem to be in Adrift, I used adrift before to, personally I prefer Quest.
P.S AGAIN, was wondering, do you have a completed Quest game I can look at?, so that I can check
out your mighty talent., but I am for real, do you?.
29 Mar 2008, 00:46Actually it's called a period, It looks like this: .
It's called both, you illiterate ass.
any more better
"Any more better"? The last time I heard English that broken, I was still at nursery school. Are you seriously telling me you're planning to write a game in a language in which you can't even manage to put the words in the right order?
but I am for real, do you?
Once more in English, please.
Irrespective of whether or not you know how to use Quest, Metalgod, any game you write is going to be a first class stinker purely because your grasp of the English language is so poor. You can't spell worth a damn, your grammar is just painful and the less said about whether you make any sense the better. Take a few lessons in how to better understand the language before you try to write a game in it.
29 Mar 2008, 04:58davidw wrote:Actually it's called a period, It looks like this: .
It's called both, you illiterate ass.
[quote]any more better
"Any more better"? The last time I heard English that broken, I was still at nursery school. Are you seriously telling me you're planning to write a game in a language in which you can't even manage to put the words in the right order?
but I am for real, do you?
Once more in English, please.
Irrespective of whether or not you know how to use Quest, Metalgod, any game you write is going to be a first class stinker purely because your grasp of the English language is so poor. You can't spell worth a damn, your grammar is just painful and the less said about whether you make any sense the better. Take a few lessons in how to better understand the language before you try to write a game in it.[/quote]
I Never said: but I am for real, do you?, also I Guess your
not done Insulting me, so I'm gonna drink some beer and stuff
and watch you carry on, I'll continue to make my game as
you continue to make an ass out of your self, even my real
life friend is laughing at you, but that's not cool, just go make
some games dude and stop bitching about crap.
Don't let me start throwing some Insults to, because payback
is a bi*ch, Your an angry dude man, you should go make
more games with Adrift, It's better for ya.

So dude, Give me the name of a Game made with Quest that
you completed so I can check it out?, please?
29 Mar 2008, 09:50I Never said: but I am for real, do you?
Yes, you did. It's right up there on the screen. I can screenshot it for you if you like. You might not be able to write in the English language worth a damn, but I assume you can at least read it? Anyway, nice to know you have a real life friend. I wasn't sure they let you have visitors in that padded room you live in...
And, Metalgod, if you're fed up of people "bitching about crap", you only have yourself to blame. You're the one who bumped up a thread that had been inactive for 10 weeks to insult one of the forum mods.
Now please hurry up and write your masterpiece of a game so we can all have a good laugh at it. I'm betting it'll be so bad it'll give dther99, Gamer and emojo's games a run for their money in the sheer crapness stakes. They're all illiterate as well.
29 Mar 2008, 11:31or if it is there it was a typo not a spelling error.
So, whats the name of the completed Quest game you made?,
I want to play it to see how cool it is.
29 Mar 2008, 12:27METALGod32 wrote:but I am for real, do you?.
You're seriously incapable of scrolling back up the screen?
29 Mar 2008, 21:37done with Adrift, I didn't see any done with Quest.
Can you give me a name of a game you done
with Quest?

30 Mar 2008, 13:03Now fuck off.
30 Mar 2008, 16:16METALGod32
30 Mar 2008, 20:12Thanatos wrote:How about you give us a list of yours? If he can write so many great games with Adrift then i'm pretty sure he could write some with Quest, no problemo.
Now f*** off.
I Never EVER claimed that I Could write great games one after the other.
My point was that he was b*tching about other peoples work made with quest
when in fact he only uses a Lower/easier system like Adrift.
davidw wrote:Why would I want to write a game with Quest, Metalgod? Look at the main site. It's full of one crap game after another. Do I really want to write a game to have it placed alongside some drivel by Gamer or emojo or you? There'd have to be one hell of a lot of changes made to the site, and to Quest itself, before I seriously considered writing a game with it.
Me?, dude I only have 1 game uploaded to it, so quit your lieing man, now your the one b*tching
about how bad people make quest games, yet you don't even use Quest.
I rest my case, I Will nolonger waste my time replying to this post
since my point has clearly been seen yet Ignored and flamed, so
good luck with Adrift.
P.S Quest is far superior then Adrift, Just because you can make
games in adrift does NOT mean you can make games in Quest,
Adrift is easier, while Quest has much more power, I Prefer Quest.
30 Mar 2008, 20:31METALGod32 wrote:I Never EVER claimed that I Could write great games one after the other.
My point was that he was b*tching about other peoples work made with quest
when in fact he only uses a Lower/easier system like Adrift.
If Adrift is a "lower" system, I'd hate to see what Quest is. Have you checked out Gargoyle? Go look at it sometime. All the major IF systems are covered by it. All except Quest. Why? Go figure... Be sure to check out the Treaty of Babel while you're at it. All the major IF systems are included. All except a certain one. I'll leave you to figure it which one yourself.
METALGod32 wrote:Me?, dude I only have 1 game uploaded to it, so quit your lieing man, now your the one b*tching
about how bad people make quest games, yet you don't even use Quest.
So you're telling me that emojo and Gamer and dther99 and the rest are actually talented game writers? Their games are crap and they can't write worth a damn. Every game they've written should be deleted off the site before someone plays them and writes Quest off for good. I don't need to use Quest myself to tell when a game written with it is crap. Just as I'm not illiterate, but I can tell when someone else is ;/
METALGod32 wrote:P.S Quest is far superior then Adrift, Just because you can make
games in adrift does NOT mean you can make games in Quest,
Adrift is easier, while Quest has much more power, I Prefer Quest.
Quest might potentially have more power, but so what? When 99% of the games it produces are drivel, who cares how much power it has? Quest, and Adrift, and all the other IF systems, are a means to an end: writing a game. If the game in question is crap, it doesn't matter what system you write it with.
And for the record, and because you're clearly incapable of searching around the main site, I have written a game with Quest. Just the one. But that was all I needed to know that, unless some huge changes happen, Quest just isn't for me. Play it sometime if you like. It's not riddled with spielling mistaks and I Haven't Included Lots Of Capital Letters And, Commas, When They're Not, Needed, but I'm sure you'll find something to dislike about it.
30 Mar 2008, 21:02people, did I ever say writing bad games was ok?
you said I would upload bad games to, I was defending my self
from something that was untrue.
Then you go on to say how bad my spelling would
be without even knowing how a finished game
by me would even look like.
Do you think that I won't use a spell checker?
If Quest is not what you like, I was wondering, what
are you even doing here then?, You write games
with Adrift, yet you post on the Quest forums
bashing the Quest Authors.
I've used Quest for years man, did I ever complete
a quest game?, I'll admit it: NO I Haven't, but
I Keep coming back to quest because of It's power
and use, I'm a pro user who bought the upgrade to.
I'm using quest for the long haul and plan on buying
future upgrades.
Adrift is ok, I Will not bash that system, but I will
speak the facts, Quest overall is stronger, It has
some bugs but so does everything else.
I don't mind making a solid game next to a Library
of bad ones, that'll just make mines look better.

Peace out.
30 Mar 2008, 21:25METALGod32 wrote:Dang it fine I'll reply...LOL, I Can't speak for other
people, did I ever say writing bad games was ok?
you said I would upload bad games to, I was defending my self
from something that was untrue.
If your games are anything like your forum posts, they'll be bad indeed.
METALGod32 wrote:Then you go on to say how bad my spelling would
be without even knowing how a finished game
by me would even look like.
Do you think that I won't use a spell checker?
You've posted 133 messages on the forum so far and I'm betting not even one of them has been free of spelling mistakes. And not just spelling mistakes, but grammatical errors, wrong word useage, etc, etc. I'm guessing you're typing your posts into a word processor and then copying and pasting them onto the forum (hence the weird line lengths), yet even then they're still only just about readable. So do I think you'll use a spellcheck for your games? No. Do I think it would make any difference if you did? Also no. Your forum posts read like they were written by a pre-schooler. It's hard to imagine someone with a grasp of the English language as poor as yours ever managing to write a decent game.
METALGod32 wrote:I've used Quest for years man, did I ever complete
a quest game?, I'll admit it: NO I Haven't, but
I Keep coming back to quest because of It's power
and use, I'm a pro user who bought the upgrade to.
Yes, and 3 years ago you went on at lengths about some uber masterpiece of a game you were writing with Quest which everyone told you would never be finished. And guess what? 3 years later and it's not finished and, as you haven't mentioned it in ages, I doubt it ever will be. You can talk about being a "pro user" all you like, but without a decent game to back you up, it's not likely you're going to impress anyone.
30 Mar 2008, 21:47a word proc to use for forum posting, that'll
take way to much time.
I Remember that, 3 years ago or so I did indeed made
forum threads and posts on an Idea for a game I was
working on, and I never completed, It's called: An Idea.
But at least I put the Quest software to use, also this was way
back when I was very new at quest, maybe YOU should
put the quest software to used instead of b*tching.
It's people like you that really destroy this community, not
the Authors that don't make good games, It's people like
you who don't even use quest yet you bash Quest Authors,
can you tell me why?.
You never did tell me the name of your Quest game?
I Must add, another reason my posts look like the way they do is because
I'm so use to typing in Quest, this is why the lines aren't so long.
30 Mar 2008, 21:53Tell me, for how many years did you walk around with a messy bottom before your mommy told you how to wipe it?
30 Mar 2008, 21:57I have 12 years of Internet experience, also I will now report
this thread to alex, because now your taking this whole thing
out of Quest community and into real life.
30 Mar 2008, 22:05Consider me impressed.
(PS - in case you're wondering, the ENTER key is the one marked 'enter' on your keyboard. It's generally quite easy to spot as all the other ones don't have 'enter' on them.)
30 Mar 2008, 22:22have anything better to do then bash people?
I reported your last post by the way, just so you know.
because your not even talking about quest anymore, your
simply bashing people.
Never saw the foe/ignore option till now, added you to my
foe list and now will never see a post by you again.
Goodluck with Adrift.
30 Mar 2008, 22:31even Started Spieling Staff, Wrang An
Putting Commas, In, Where,
They Aren't Needed. Next Thing YoU Know, I'lL Be
Ending All My LiNeS ShoRt...
31 Mar 2008, 02:51
31 Mar 2008, 06:58One day Andrew was googling around the internet when he decided to make some text games with a program he found called Quest. Andrew begged his mama to buy the full version for him and she did. Andrew made two games, Backstreet boy and Assasinating Dr. Froth.
Then Andrew met a person called METALGod32. Andrew decided to try out a game by him, but was so confused by it because the author kept changing the name of it every few days. Andrew persisted. This game was so crap that soon Andrew's pony fur turned brown and he could no longer fart rainbows and all his pony friends died of cancer for some reason. Andrews mama banned Andrew from the internet because of these crap games turning Andrew emo but it was too late. The crap ass games had infected him, and soon andrew chopped off his wings and threw himself off of a tower in his magical castle and plummeted to his doom.
The End.
Btw, just so everyone knows, METALGod32 = Michael the Gamer. No lie. His Textadventure.co.uk user = Michael.
31 Mar 2008, 08:34Thanatos wrote:Once upon a time there was a little purple pony who had wings and farted rainbows and lived in a magical castle in the clouds with all his other magical pony friends. His name was Andrew Trewin, aka Thanatos.
One day Andrew was googling around the internet when he decided to make some text games with a program he found called Quest. Andrew begged his mama to buy the full version for him and she did. Andrew made two games, Backstreet boy and Assasinating Dr. Froth.
Then Andrew met a person called METALGod32. Andrew decided to try out a game by him, but was so confused by it because the author kept changing the name of it every few days. Andrew persisted. This game was so crap that soon Andrew's pony fur turned brown and he could no longer fart rainbows and all his pony friends died of cancer for some reason. Andrews mama banned Andrew from the internet because of these crap games turning Andrew emo but it was too late. The crap ass games had infected him, and soon andrew chopped off his wings and threw himself off of a tower in his magical castle and plummeted to his doom.
The End.
Btw, just so everyone knows, METALGod32 = Michael the Gamer. No lie. His Textadventure.co.uk user = Michael.
Yes I am Michael on there BUT not Michael the Gamer, ask Alex if you don't believe me.
my game on there is: Beyond manage, recently renamed: Fearscape: The Beginning.
Love your fable by the way, should make
that into a game, at least that way something
comes out of the trash talk.

for real though, your mamma bought you quest????, I didn't
say that, you did!, it was in your fable.
31 Mar 2008, 17:42Note to concerned Michaelphiles: no Michaels were harmed in the making of this post.
31 Mar 2008, 20:24to Adrift, we don't need Quest bashers here.
by the way, see Fearscapes screenshots?, that proves it's not just
talk, now go on back to Adrift and let the real Questers use quest.
Even Michael the Gamer is better then you, he at least uses Quest!.
31 Mar 2008, 21:04Screenshot? What does that prove exactly other than you're a dab hand at creating really unappealing screenshots?
BTW, what happened to a) not responding to me anymore and b) adding me to your 'foe' list so you won't ever see another post by me?
31 Mar 2008, 22:00So, dude, what's the name of your Quest Game?, I want to see your
screenshots, oh yeah you don't use quest, you just bash quest
because It's to hard for you to use, you keep saying how you cannot
read my post?, can you understand english?, or do you talk another
language called: bashing/flaming?, I'm here to stay dude so keep trying

You are a community destroyer, because all you do is Insult and bash.
so two can play this game, but I'll at least use Quest.
What's your birthdate?, and no lieing either.
These Forums need more Quest users and less of the trash talkers
who hide behind a PC and their mother.

31 Mar 2008, 22:08You know the worst thing that could happen to Quest? Idiots like you writing a game with it. The main site is already full of trash and now here along comes a clueless wonder who can't even type a simple forum post without spelling mistakes galore thinking he can write a game. From the screenshots, your game just looks like an embarrassing RPG mess that will a) most likely never be finished and b) is better off left unfinished in any event. Do everyone - particularly the Quest world a favour - and don't ever finish your game.
31 Mar 2008, 22:16way Adrift will have more better games for your enjoyment.
I Say dude all the time DUDE, so get over it.
You sound like a whiner, this is why I'm quite
sure that you are in fact a teenager.
You bi*tch more then a blond, here try this.
"Record yourself on tape, everything you post here, then
replay it back to yourself", You'll see just how stupid
you sound.
so is this all you do?, bash and flame?, why aren't
you using Adrift?, I know It's easier for you
so go for it man and enjoy.

31 Mar 2008, 22:34METALGod32 wrote:You mean, do YOU a favor by not finishing my game?, because this
way Adrift will have more better games for your enjoyment.
"More better"? Jeez, your English gets worse every day. Your logic as well. By you not finishing your Quest game means there'll be more Adrift games? You want to try explaining that again in something approaching common sense?
METALGod32 wrote:I Say dude all the time DUDE, so get over it.
You sound like a whiner, this is why I'm quite
sure that you are in fact a teenager.
And I say you're an illiterate idiot who's borderline retarded because you act like an illiterate idiot who's borderline retarded. BTW, I'm 34. What about you? Hit your 15th birthday yet, little boy?
METALGod32 wrote:"Record yourself on tape, everything you post here, then
replay it back to yourself", You'll see just how stupid
you sound.
Which bits exactly? The bits where I point out that you can't spell, that your forthcoming game stinks or that I think you're an idiot? Those bits?
METALGod32 wrote:so is this all you do?, bash and flame?, why aren't
you using Adrift?, I know It's easier for you
so go for it man and enjoy.
You're right about one thing. Adrift is a *lot* easier to use than Quest. A lot better as well. Which probably explains why a) it's generally regarded as a better system, b) a lot more people use it, c) there are actually some decent Adrift games out there.
31 Mar 2008, 22:41so WHY do you even come here?, you never answered
my question, The only Idiot I see is you because your
coming to these forums bashing people and quest and
yet you don't even use it, your the retard here and
the whiner.
31 Mar 2008, 22:46you REALLY are an Idiot...LOL, Never knew it till I surfed the forums.
Your not even as good as an Idiot, your a prick, now I know who I'm
arguing with, this will be fun and amusing, I LOVE screwing with
guys like you

31 Mar 2008, 23:00Also hilarious that you stuck me on your 'foe' list and then continued to respond to every post I make. Are you in love with me that much?
31 Mar 2008, 23:06
I Just cant resist now I have to reply to you now.
college professor?, Dude are you joking?, Your like
Pee wee herman or something, actually I take that
back, your not even that smart, lets see, maybe Donkey kong!.
With that note, I'm off to bed, Argue with you later

31 Mar 2008, 23:07
31 Mar 2008, 23:46davidw wrote:Hit your 15th birthday yet, little boy?
I havn't hit mine yet, and more grammically correct than this retard is. I think.
MetalGod, your on the fast track to being banned. So just be quiet, sit in the corner and eat a cookie.
01 Apr 2008, 09:30he b*tches and moan about Quest Authors, Insults people etc and he doesn't
even USED Quest!, now HE is the one that should be banned, he also caused
probs before, and my gut Instinct tells me that he is your real life friend.
I For one use Quest often and pay for the pro version and purchase
the upgrades, will continue to do so, know why?, I for me LIKE Quest
unlike Davids fonky a** who just B*tches about Michael the Gamer and
other Quest Authors who at least USED Quest, where did they all go I wonder?,
maybe david scared them off!.
I Remember the cool authors who use to help people including me
when I was new at Quest, where are they I wonder?, (points at david),
As I said, this Community does not need someone Like david.
Now I can't be certain that it's all davids fault, but I do know that
he sure in he** didn't help matters any, I replied to this thread
by saying It wasn't ok to insult people, or flame people, then I
get attack just for doing that, Yet your saying I should get banned?
Sure I bumped a old thread, but to me it is NEW because I've been
away, so if It's not closed then I have every right to bump it.
I think the only reason why you defend david is because you know him in
real life.
If that's so, tell him to stay in the Adrift community and stop
spilling over into uncharted waters, he tries to act as if he
knows all about quest yet he doesn't use it.
It's Like me going to the adrift community acting like
i'm a friggin pro at Adrift, It's just STUPID!.
he still NEVER answered my question of WHY he even comes to
the quest community?, shouldn't he be making games with
the easier one: Adrift?.
To david: know why there is less people here, two reasons, a community
Idiot scared them all off and quest is harder to use then adrift, now that
is the truth!.
david reminds me of someone who does nothing but b*tch about
a game yet still enjoys it and plays it, these are the people I
target, upon finding out exactly how david is, that open
the gates for me called: no remorse.
01 Apr 2008, 16:58So let's see:
Me and Thanatos agree that you're an idiot so obviously we're real life friends? Er... I'm not even sure that dignifies an answer, but here's one for you: maybe you're such an idiot that it's obvious to everyone on the forum? For what it's worth, I've never met him, or any other forum member, in real life and don't know any of them outside of the forum.
I've driven away all the good Quest authors? The only two I actually consider good Quest authors are still here. Who else have I bashed then? emojo, Gamer, dther99, Unknown, o'Vaughan, Michael the Gamer and you. Quick question, Pop Pickers: how many good games have that bunch of incompetents written between them? I'll give you a clue. It's slightly less than 1. (And for the record, Michael the Gamer doesn't use Quest. We should be thankful for small mercies, I guess.)
I don't use Quest so therefore shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on the games written with it? What absolute crap. I don't direct films either but this doesn't stop me going to the cinema.
Why should you be banned? Gee, there's so many reasons I wouldn't know where to start, but maybe you should consider doing the Quest community and banning yourself. It already has enough talentless authors spewing out fifth rate drivel without you adding to the problem. Why not do Quest a favour and quietly slink away and never release your game?
01 Apr 2008, 18:52I also already know that the only thing you ever talk about
is someones spelling, that's your best come back.
That's just crazy, Still, why do you come here?, still NO answer.
Your a prick dude, act like one, type like one and you are one.
I only speak the truth, You say how I make crap games yet
I only ever uploaded one game, so your telling me that my games
are crap simply from looking at one?
now you'll say: no, I know your games are already crap simply
by the way you type, see that's an idiot for you, same line after line.

YOU should do the quest community a favor by going back to Adrift.
you act like someone who is on the communities side, yet I know
that your merely a wolf/troll in disguise, I have 12 years of Internet
experience, I can build my own computers.
anyways, the fact is I have 12 years of experience to know
better when I see a troll or trouble maker, TELL me now why
you think I should be banned, or messed with?, come on
tell me, I dare you.
you constantly tell me how bad my spelling is, yet the spell checker
tells me otherwise.
All I ask from you david is this.
1. Give me the name of a completed Quest game that YOU did.
2. Give me one reason why I should be banned, before answering this look at the forum rules.
3. Tell me why you come to these forums, the real reason.
If you cannot answer all 3 of them, then you really are a troll/community destroyer,
and your simply a real prick.
I already know you'll Ignore them question however and yet again
play your line: "your spelling sucks, the way you type sucks."
P.S: I'll continue to use quest and make my game, just so you know

01 Apr 2008, 19:08METALGod32
01 Apr 2008, 19:25
01 Apr 2008, 19:40the game was very simple and short though, but
over all It's pretty good.
Is that the only one by david?
01 Apr 2008, 20:26And yes, Metalgod, I *will* comment on your spelling again. I *will* comment on your grammar again. You're writing a text adventure, for god's sake, and your grasp of the text you're trying to put together is amateurish at best. You can brag about 12 years of internet experience all you like (as if anyone actually cares less), but the sad truth remains that someone with as poor a grasp of the language as you have will never ever be able to write a game worth a damn. You could be a top notch programmer but if you can't string a sentence together, any game you write would still suck.
But don't let me stop me. Go ahead. Write your game. Release it. Let everyone tell you how bad it is. Then, maybe, you'll finally accept the truth of the matter. Better still, go announce your game on RGIF and see what they think of an illiterate writing a text adventure. They'll tear you to pieces.
01 Apr 2008, 20:41telling me to go elsewhere and to announce my game?
under the impression that I wont run a spell checker
of some sort before I release the finished game?.
See this is where you take stupid to a new level.
I think you really are smart, you just play stupid.
also I already have somebody in real life to check
for grammar errors.
but your convinced that my finished game will
be full of spelling mistakes and grammar errors.
you have been on these forums WAY to long dude.
take a break, make a game, take a chill pill
just don't overdose.
You still NEVER answered my last two questions.
01 Apr 2008, 20:57But carry on like this if you like. By the time you finally wake up and smell it, you'll have pretty much guaranteed that no one here will want to play your game anyway.
01 Apr 2008, 21:34davidw wrote:His defence to every insult said to him was to repeat himself endlessly
This is exactly what you do I noticed, constantly
tell me one thing that doesn't even change.
Yes your on my ignore list, this way I have the
option to read what the CI says, from now on
your only known as the CI to me.
also, I must add that you were swearing as well.
so you just refered this kid you knew to yourself.
I Don't care wether people play Fearscape or not, this
is a hobby for me, also once It's complete I won't just
mention it here in the quest community.
There is freedom of choice wether to play my game, I'm
just going to do the best I can at making my game, the
rest is up to everyone else.
I actually enjoy figuring probs out while making
a game, I treat it like a puzzle.
01 Apr 2008, 22:58METALGod32
01 Apr 2008, 23:05in any competition, I'm doing Fearscape for fun
and for fun alone.
Keep trying.

02 Apr 2008, 09:09What the hell is the point of ignoring someone only to then put EXTRA effort in and clicking the "view post" link.
ONLY teenagers, or the unemployed have that much time.. So I have to agree with David/Thantos on either count:
1) You're either an idiot for wasting everyone's time.
2) Or a teenager who has too much time to waste.
Who would brag about being able to build their own computers? I've been building them since I was around 14, and I wasn't bragging about it back then.
If you've had 12 years of net experience - then where is it?
You can'#t even read an ifwiki page properly. RGIF isn't a competition.
David, from your posts I'd guess he did hit a nerve (earlier on).. I noticed a slight drop in your own spelling and several missing words.
I don't agree that you can be a good programmer and extremely poor at English (or whatever the native language is).. I feel they partly go hand in hand, as the structure and flow of both is important..
In fact I ask myself "why do I come here?", and I don't come up with a clear answer anymore.. Sometimes it's for a laugh, sometimes it's because someone needs help grasping the basics of programming, and sometimes it's to add a tiny bit to my 'community project' (which BTW has never had another person contribute to it).
Let's see... The original point of this thread (don't say 'your game's crap' to people who's games ARE crap) was pointless and meaningless - as the poster couldn't distinguish between criticism and personal attacks.. Funny, seeing how this topic has devolved into personal attacks.
Are you two really gonna make me lock this topic too?
And then METAL-michael-ovaughn-dther99-emojo-unknown-gamer-god will consider it unfair, make a new thread and david will inevitably reply, and you'll both spout on with this drivel.

02 Apr 2008, 10:38METALGod32 wrote:Banned?, for what?, Defending my self??, David is the one that should be banned,
he b*tches and moan about Quest Authors, Insults people etc and he doesn't
even USED Quest!, now HE is the one that should be banned, he also caused
probs before, and my gut Instinct tells me that he is your real life friend.
You are not the only one who has/had problems with David. Even I did. David has probebly experimanted with Quest, simply not uploaded a game, or bothered to complete one. I have never used Adrift before, let alone googled it, but if it is easier to use than quest (no offence Alex) then there is a lot of logic in him using Adrift rather than quest.
David has been here a lot longer than you. So have I. So you must learn that argueing with David at all is pointless. You can't win. I, and many other, would know.
And as for me being his friend in real life, I am not. I know nothing about him, except that he is 35, his name is David something and he is passionate about getting rid of bad quest authors before they start a plague of crap/retarded games such as the sword masters.
METALGod32 wrote:I For one use Quest often and pay for the pro version and purchase
the upgrades, will continue to do so, know why?, I for me LIKE Quest
unlike Davids fonky a** who just B*tches about Michael the Gamer and
other Quest Authors who at least USED Quest, where did they all go I wonder?,
maybe david scared them off!.
There are no "upgrades". There is Trial Version and Pro Version. The rest are referred to as "upDATES".
"I for me" As in "I for one"? Ah, I getcha. Calling people a "fonky ass" is behaviour that a 35 year old man uses. Sure.
Where did they go? They got banned for doing the exact thing your doing now. You are *NOT* defending yourself, you are insulting David. And David, we all know how fucked up this childs grammer is. No need to rub their nose in it too much, especially as your only insult.
METALGod32 wrote:I Remember the cool authors who use to help people including me
when I was new at Quest, where are they I wonder?, (points at david),
As I said, this Community does not need someone Like david.
They are all still alive and well. They are just selective about where and when they post on these forums. Sure, David isn't prefect, no-one is. You cannot simply exile him with your magical finger pointing because his opinion is harsh.
METALGod32 wrote:Now I can't be certain that it's all davids fault, but I do know that
he sure in he** didn't help matters any, I replied to this thread
by saying It wasn't ok to insult people, or flame people, then I
get attack just for doing that, Yet your saying I should get banned?
Michael the Gamer was banned, and has been banned for some time. You replying to this thread that is only going to be heard by the insulting flaming person (David) will obviously result in this response.
METALGod32 wrote:Sure I bumped a old thread, but to me it is NEW because I've been
away, so if It's not closed then I have every right to bump it.
I think the only reason why you defend david is because you know him in
real life.
It may be new to you, but not to us. You have no right to bump it, you have a privilege, which can be easily taken away by Alex if you don't stop bumping. The Mods arn't always around to lock every thread. And as I have mentioned before, I do not know David in real life.
METALGod32 wrote:If that's so, tell him to stay in the Adrift community and stop
spilling over into uncharted waters, he tries to act as if he
knows all about quest yet he doesn't use it.
Congratulations, you managed to use correct grammer in that sentence. Bravo.
We can tell him all we want, but reality is he isn't going to go. David is very enduring and you two can continue bickering all you want, but in the long run David *will* win. So why bother?
He doesn't act like he knows all about quest. He *knows* when he see's a good game/author or not. And he see's that you arn't one. As do I.
METALGod32 wrote:It's Like me going to the adrift community acting like
i'm a friggin pro at Adrift, It's just STUPID!.
Like I said, David has never actually said that he uses Quest at all. Refer to the last quote reply.
METALGod32 wrote:he still NEVER answered my question of WHY he even comes to
the quest community?, shouldn't he be making games with
the easier one: Adrift?.
Like you saw in his wiki, he has already made enough. Adrift and Quest are in essense the same thing, so why SHOULDN'T he be here?
METALGod32 wrote:To david: know why there is less people here, two reasons, a community
Idiot scared them all off and quest is harder to use then adrift, now that
is the truth!.
You say that is the truth? Have you even asked any of the people? David is not a scary person. Maybe to you, but not to most of us here. There are many people here, just selective about there posts, as I have previously said. And the only person that was ever scared off, if you can call it that, was Michael the Gamer, who was banned for exactly what you are doing now.
METALGod32 wrote:david reminds me of someone who does nothing but b*tch about
a game yet still enjoys it and plays it, these are the people I
target, upon finding out exactly how david is, that open
the gates for me called: no remorse.
You sound like a complete idiot. What are you, a Hitman using his powerful secret weapon of bad grammer?
Both of you should just shut the fuck up. (Sorry about my language.) Seriously. Your big boys argueing about little shit. Get over it. You can both argue and flame and spam all you want until a Mod closes this thread, but why not simply avoid that completely and just SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Thank you.
paul_one wrote:why do I even come here?
Because we love you

02 Apr 2008, 12:40My point has already been made.
Thanatos wrote:There are no "upgrades".
There was to an update that I had to purchase, from 3.53 version to 4.2 version.
I Find it funny how people are so quick to defend david when
it was david in the first place who started this whole mess.
nowonder he keeps it up for so long, he is never warned.
Even when he attacked me personally first, remember?, about my mother?, scroll back,
I reported it only to have a mod do nothing about it yet close the report.
Thanatos is saying that It's perfectly ok for david to bash and insult
Quest Authors, so you tell me, whats wrong with this picture?
paul_one wrote:What the hell is the point of ignoring someone only to then put EXTRA effort in and clicking the "view post" link.
ONLY teenagers, or the unemployed have that much time.. So I have to agree with David/Thantos on either count:
1) You're either an idiot for wasting everyone's time.
2) Or a teenager who has too much time to waste.
Again, because so I can Optionally read his posts, I thought
I stated this before?
Why don't a mod simply close this thread?
I'm merely defending Quest authors who get bashed/flamed by a non
quest user, take that how you like.
paul_one wrote:You can'#t even read an ifwiki page properly. RGIF isn't a competition
as stated, I don't care for RGIF, so manbe that explains why I never even looked it up?
paul_one wrote:And then METAL-michael-ovaughn-dther99-emojo-unknown-gamer-god will consider it unfair, make a new thread and david will inevitably reply, and you'll both spout on with this drivel.
Now your saying I would make a thread as stupid as this, Lock it and see.

Have I ever made a thread anything like this?, NO, and never intend to, surprise
you have not locked it long ago, I kind of hope you do.
I don't brag about building my own computers, there was a specific point
that I was making.
02 Apr 2008, 12:59Who's saying "oh David, you're our hero, this newcomer's just not right"?
It may seem like that since you've got quite a lot of things which you're trying to push out there (this seems to be one of them).
David's simply poking at you and that's wrong too... But he isn't doing anything else.. Everything else YOU'VE brought up (well, except Thanatos nit-picking over upgrade/update).
So having the posts on the screen wasn't enough of an 'option' for you?
It's not much of an 'option' if you ALWAYS click on "view".. The whole point of it is so that you DON'T look at his posts.
It's like not buying something from a corner shop because it's expensive - and then going to another store and buying the same item for MORE money - more effort for the same outcome.
You're not defending any other users, you're attacking David (and him you).
If you didn't even look up the RGIF, then how would you even know what it's for? It could be a central database of interactive fiction games. It could be the holy grail of places to put games so that everyone can view them..
Simply because you don't know what it is, you should try to find out what it is - so that you can make an informed comment about it, rather then just ignoring it like a 15 year old girl (or coincidently my 22 year old sister).
I didn't lock it before because I was fairly busy.. I'm taking time out of my holiday now to do this, and yes - it's being locked.
Sounds like something which is meant to impress/show a level of achievement to me.. I'll let you in on a secret: levels of achievement or skill matter little outside of a job application form.I have 12 years of Internet
experience, I can build my own computers.