One Room Game Competition

19 Nov 2007, 20:03
Just a note to check out this year's One Room Game Competition. Voting is now open and there's a Quest game in the pile for the first time.

Please note rule number 9:

9) Silence. Players are asked not to discuss the entries in a newsgroup during the (very brief, indeed) judging period. We think it's fair for this reason above all: a public discussion can influence one judge's opinion (why there are ten threads about game X and nothing for game Y? Maybe X is better than Y?… Look what they have discovered in game X; yeah, but there's something interesting in game Y, too. It's too late, I've just voted). Opinions and suggestions can be send privately to the authors (I encourage you to do so), and authors must reply privately also.

steve the gaming guy
19 Nov 2007, 21:50
aw... I would have tried to enter that one... I would have made a crazy complicated single room puzzle (or puzzles).

Maybe I'll do one anyway for fun!

19 Nov 2007, 22:07
You did not know about it?

Hmmm... I'll try and keep the forum posted about the comps coming up to the best of my ability. There are quite a variety each year. Everyone who writes should give one or more of them a go.

19 Nov 2007, 22:49

I have listed all the comps for next year that I can think of as well as the one I just made up for this christmas.

Steve...enter it. Enter Yuletide Froth... because if you do not enter it than you will not have done so.

steve the gaming guy
23 Nov 2007, 16:08
It's my own fault. I haven't been visiting here as much as I used to. I've been super busy!