Quest game in this year's IFComp

07 Oct 2007, 10:25
There's a Quest game "Gathered In Darkness" by Dr. Froth in this year's IFComp.

You can download it from this page.

Alternatively, you might find it quicker (as I did) to just download the entire games package from a mirror:

The rule on discussing competition entries has been relaxed this year, so we're free to discuss the game here. And any of the other games of course - even though they're not written in Quest, I do really recommend you try them out, just to give you an idea for what other people are doing with text adventure games.

08 Oct 2007, 16:03
Just to clarify, everyone who isn't an IFComp entrant can discuss the games. Entrants who do that run the risk of their games being disqualified.

08 Oct 2007, 18:02
Ah yes. We are deprived of davidw's rantings until the end of the competition :)

08 Oct 2007, 18:54
Oh dear!!

I'm sure he'll save up a reply or two and add his valuable insight once he's able.

Here's hoping the game's not too bad!