Shiversword: The Beginning

23 Aug 2007, 15:04
This thread is to discuss my new game. I hope you enjoy it.

23 Aug 2007, 21:24
Yay! um. Okay, I'm a little bit stuck. I'm trying to build a certain item in the rightmost side of the game map for Mr. N. L., but although I have the bottom portion in place, I'm having trouble constructing the top portion. What I have for the top portion is mostly complete: the big orange thing with a suitable front, but it still needs a topper. My problem is getting a proper topper.

Now I did have a topper item during the game, but I lost it when I finished my errand with it, and now the guy I got it from just wants to spout rude Macbeth at me. Is there a way to get that back? Or am I expected to find another topper somewhere else?

24 Aug 2007, 07:06
dswxyz wrote:Yay! um. Okay, I'm a little bit stuck. I'm trying to build a certain item in the rightmost side of the game map for Mr. N. L., but although I have the bottom portion in place, I'm having trouble constructing the top portion. What I have for the top portion is mostly complete: the big orange thing with a suitable front, but it still needs a topper. My problem is getting a proper topper.

Now I did have a topper item during the game, but I lost it when I finished my errand with it, and now the guy I got it from just wants to spout rude Macbeth at me. Is there a way to get that back? Or am I expected to find another topper somewhere else?

The topmost item is not the one used by our rude Shakespeare quoting friend. Had you have tried to have used used it, you would not have been successful. There is another item described elsewhere. A certain young lady with a 'bird' fixation.

24 Aug 2007, 07:46

The topmost item is not the one used by our rude Shakespeare quoting friend. Had you have tried to have used used it, you would not have been successful. There is another item described elsewhere. A certain young lady with a 'bird' fixation.

Well, hm. I did indeed try to use it, and I was unsuccessful as you say. But for all I knew, I must've been able to "say gourdalot" to reverse the effect. (Who really knows how magic works?)

And yes, I did espy the lady and the contents in her description, but nothing obviously suggests itself to let her part company with something she so admires. And really, I did give this some serious thought.

[list]* I admit to seeing a bird of another species elsewhere, but twas not mine to take.
* Wordplay on the item in question might suggest I look for Easter things or bees, but nothing like that can be found.
* The look of the item suggests nun habits and tuxedoes, but those are absent as well, so I can't give her those.
* Birds tend to like fish, but fish are also absent.
* The lady likes sweet things, but of all the edible items in the game, the only sweets are the ones she already has.
* The lady dislikes a particular edible, but I fear I've exploited that avenue of enquiry.
* The lady has senior relatives, but they have their own concerns, and offer me nothing to help me influence her.
* When all else fails, I try to give her everything I own. But not even clean footwear can move this lady's heart. What's a bard-to-be to do?[/list:u]

24 Aug 2007, 07:57
dswxyz wrote:

The topmost item is not the one used by our rude Shakespeare quoting friend. Had you have tried to have used used it, you would not have been successful. There is another item described elsewhere. A certain young lady with a 'bird' fixation.

Well, hm. I did indeed try to use it, and I was unsuccessful as you say. But for all I knew, I must've been able to "say gourdalot" to reverse the effect. (Who really knows how magic works?)

And yes, I did espy the lady and the contents in her description, but nothing obviously suggests itself to let her part company with something she so admires. And really, I did give this some serious thought.

[list]* I admit to seeing a bird of another species elsewhere, but twas not mine to take.
* Wordplay on the item in question might suggest I look for Easter things or bees, but nothing like that can be found.
* The look of the item suggests nun habits and tuxedoes, but those are absent as well, so I can't give her those.
* Birds tend to like fish, but fish are also absent.
* The lady likes sweet things, but of all the edible items in the game, the only sweets are the ones she already has.
* The lady dislikes a particular edible, but I fear I've exploited that avenue of enquiry.
* The lady has senior relatives, but they have their own concerns, and offer me nothing to help me influence her.
* When all else fails, I try to give her everything I own. But not even clean footwear can move this lady's heart. What's a bard-to-be to do?[/list:u]

Sounds like you are missing an item. Perhaps one should take t ones bed and have a think. Something may MATerialise

24 Aug 2007, 08:18
Thanks. I'll give that a try, but unfortunately not right away. Would you believe my save files aren't working? I'll have to restart the game from the very beginning. Fortunately, I make copious notes.

24 Aug 2007, 08:21
dswxyz wrote:Thanks. I'll give that a try, but unfortunately not right away. Would you believe my save files aren't working? I'll have to restart the game from the very beginning. Fortunately, I make copious notes.

I've had a few problems with saving too. AS has others who have tried y other games, got quite far and found it didn't work

24 Aug 2007, 23:56
hmmm. I've replayed from the beginning and I'm still stuck. I don't see what I could've missed doing. I have totally completed everything with S.S. and her home, if that's relevant. I see nothing new in the family home.

25 Aug 2007, 07:27
dswxyz wrote:hmmm. I've replayed from the beginning and I'm still stuck. I don't see what I could've missed doing. I have totally completed everything with S.S. and her home, if that's relevant. I see nothing new in the family home.

It's something in your bedroom. Have you examined everything mentioned in there?

25 Aug 2007, 07:57
ahhhhhh. The penny drops at last.