22 Aug 2007, 05:43
OK guys...I need some help.

The IF comp portion of my game has been completed and I need some Beta testers and regretfully there is not a lot of time to do it in. A special patch is needed to load my whole game but I have made a special file that only has the IF comp portion that can be opened and played on Quest 4.0 or later.

Anybody want to beta test chapters 1-3 for me.

Send me a pm with email info and I will send you the file.

Dr. Froth

26 Aug 2007, 05:35
Thanks to all of you that responded to my need for a beta tester.
I will send you the file in the next 2 days or so...

I just broke my wrist in 3 places and that has been keeping me down...

Take care

Dr. Froth

witch wyzwurd
26 Aug 2007, 12:28
Dr.Froth wrote:I just broke my wrist in 3 places and that has been keeping me down...

I can understand breaking your wrist in one place, but 3 places?! The same wrist?... I mean, like how, like once in the bathroom, then once in the bedroom, and finally in the kitchen? 3 places?! Damn!

28 Aug 2007, 05:56
Not only did I break it in 3 places but now they are going to do surgery on it...tomorrow...on my 30th birthday...crap! :(