Nami Adventure

01 Feb 2007, 10:58
Nami Adventure by Matthew Jessup

"This is my first Quest game. I made it so I could have a good laugh. That's why it's silly. And fun. You are Nami. A schoolgirl. Who needs to go to school. Seems simple, but there are a few ways to lose. Made with QDK Lite, so it isn't that fancy. I had fun experimenting with custom room-specific commands and things."

Please post any reviews, comments, requests for help etc. to this thread.

01 Feb 2007, 11:49
I think my first comment would have to be “try writing an introduction to your game that actually makes people want to play it”.

lord of all kobuns
01 Feb 2007, 18:39
Well, I'm eventually going to get QDK Pro, and the game'll be bigger. WAY bigger.

So, any suggestions on the intro? I mean, should I say something about Nami, how old she is, what she looks like, why she lives alone, things like that? I suck at writing intros.

01 Feb 2007, 18:44
Generally, the blurb will contain a brief description of the plot and setting, and provide the reason the player is playing. Also, considering the limitations of the new lite version, why not code by hand or revert to v. 3.53 for the time being?

lord of all kobuns
01 Feb 2007, 18:47
You mean 3.53 allows you to do the stuff like QDK Pro?
All right then. I'll try.

01 Feb 2007, 19:14
The only real limitations of 3.53 are a slight delay in the splash screen, which is available in all trial versions, and the absence of QCompile. Technically, you could write the game in 3.53 and make minor edits by hand or with 4.0 to include new features not present in 3.53. I'm not sure if it's still available for download here, but google provides plenty of results.

lord of all kobuns
02 Feb 2007, 05:30
thanks. I'll do that. It'll be huge.

Well, at least "big".
And weird.
In a good way.

02 Feb 2007, 05:52

I think my first comment would have to be “try writing an introduction to your game that actually makes people want to play it”.

In stead of attacking the person, why not provide constructive criticism?

02 Feb 2007, 06:29
That was constructive criticism. He didn't mean it in an insulting fashion - he just isn't one to mince words. The blurb wasn't particularly appealing to me either, and gave me the impression of a quick game meant to learn the features rather than any real project. I haven't played the game yet, so I'm not sure if my first impression is correct, but it would be beneficial to the author to write an introduction with a more confident connotation.

02 Feb 2007, 10:37
I’d have said that was constructive. The first thing anyone sees about a game is the introduction for it so that’s what either convinces someone this is a game they want to play or a game to avoid. Sorry to say, but the above blurb doesn’t do a very good job of convincing anyone to play the game. It looks like yet another of those games that someone threw together in the space of 5 minutes and probably didn’t even test – your average Quest game in other words.

If Quest is ever going to be taken seriously as an IF system, people need to stop doing this sort of thing. No one rates a system highly if all it produces is crap.

02 Feb 2007, 12:36
007bond wrote:

I think my first comment would have to be “try writing an introduction to your game that actually makes people want to play it”.

In stead of attacking the person, why not provide constructive criticism?

I consider that comment, at worst, to be attacking the game, not attacking the person.