Games in progress!
19 Sept 2006, 23:42O.K. everybody this is what needs to happen. All of you that are working on a game for quest should respond to this post and tell us a little bit about your project. Things like a quick blurb about the story, how far along you are, single or multiplayer, frustrations and time table for finishing. I am interested to see what everybody has cooking.
20 Sept 2006, 03:01weeeeeeeeeeeeee
20 Sept 2006, 17:21HavenHold
Status: In early development.
Description: A classic style multiplayer RPG, simmilar to a MUD.
Progress: Story yet to come, system half made or so.
Notes: I will probably finish the system and turn it into a library for rpg's... then work on an actual game for it. If anyone would like to preveiw the game, please msn or email me at:
Status: In early development.
Description: A classic style multiplayer RPG, simmilar to a MUD.
Progress: Story yet to come, system half made or so.
Notes: I will probably finish the system and turn it into a library for rpg's... then work on an actual game for it. If anyone would like to preveiw the game, please msn or email me at:
16 Oct 2006, 13:52The Realm of E'tanalesia
Status: In early development
Description: An MMORPG similar to Dragonrealms. The game is designed for true roleplayers and not gamers. Check out the site for more information.
Progress: It is coming along slowly but surely. There is lots to do and only me coding and 5 others coming up with fingers can only code so fast.
Status: In early development
Description: An MMORPG similar to Dragonrealms. The game is designed for true roleplayers and not gamers. Check out the site for more information.
Progress: It is coming along slowly but surely. There is lots to do and only me coding and 5 others coming up with fingers can only code so fast.
steve the gaming guy
20 Oct 2006, 20:15King's Quest V - the text adventure - Full Version
Status: 99.99999% complete.
Description: Full version of my adaptation of the widely popular King's Quest V. Part One is available for download in the archive.
Progress: I was done at the end of July. My VERY thorough beta-tester used the month of August and into September to make a VERY thorough list of errors and details that needed to be changed, added or deleted. In order for me to tackle this to make a flawless game based on his findings, it will take me a little more time. Taking a break at the end of August to have my 2nd son has set me back a bit too. I have to get into the swing of things again to get the ball rolling.
Status: 99.99999% complete.
Description: Full version of my adaptation of the widely popular King's Quest V. Part One is available for download in the archive.
Progress: I was done at the end of July. My VERY thorough beta-tester used the month of August and into September to make a VERY thorough list of errors and details that needed to be changed, added or deleted. In order for me to tackle this to make a flawless game based on his findings, it will take me a little more time. Taking a break at the end of August to have my 2nd son has set me back a bit too. I have to get into the swing of things again to get the ball rolling.
witch wyzwurd
16 Nov 2006, 14:50Congratulations Steve! I didn't realize you had a womb.
22 Mar 2007, 05:11Gold & Glory: Chapter 1 A Dark and Stormy Knight
Status: Stage 1 of 20 (Artwork currently in progress)
Description: A classic style single player RPG. Chapter 1 of 6.
Progress: I have the complete adventure (all 6 chapters) drawn out on paper with every detail. Just need to finish codeing it for Quest. I'm going to try to assemble a few willing helpers to help with the details. There will be tons of things to do with almost everything in the adventure. Will include pictures of everything and sound to add to the experience. You character will also get stronger as the game progresses. The story will be done over chapters just like a novel. Once chapter one is done I will release it as a prelude to the entire game as a teaser.
Notes: The point of this project is to not just make another adventure but to make one that goes into great detail with every item in the relm and make everything read as good as a novel. Where the storyline is the most important aspect of the game.
About the game:
The unusually violent storms in these parts often drive motley collections of intelligent beings to take shelter together for a time. The tradition of storm-peace ensures that all grudges are suspended for the duration of the storm. But some shelters are safer than others, and not all beings honor the storm-peace. Can you solve the mystery of the tor in which you have taken shelter before the storm ends?
A Dark and Stormy Knight is a single player adventure for QUEST. The scenario is set in a barren wilderness area that features one or more tors, or freestanding hills. The action takes place inside one of these tors that has been hollowed out and used as a tomb in the past.
Help Wanted:
If you think you can contribute a little free time to this project I am looking for the following:
Graphics: Are you good with Paintshop? Good with cutting & pasting together images and adding titles? There is alot of pictures to put together for this adventure. I will supply the base images if you are good at dressing them up.
Descriptive Writing: Are you good at writing detailed descriptions for items and places and editing text for gramatical corrections? Then we can use you on this project.
RPG Players: Have you played tons of text adventures? We could use a couple of people to input their general feedback on areas in the game as they are completed and developed. Basically to help with the storyline consistancies etc.
If you want to help out and join the team please contact me by PM here or email at
All team members will get their names in the credits of the final version.
Thanks for your time.
Status: Stage 1 of 20 (Artwork currently in progress)
Description: A classic style single player RPG. Chapter 1 of 6.
Progress: I have the complete adventure (all 6 chapters) drawn out on paper with every detail. Just need to finish codeing it for Quest. I'm going to try to assemble a few willing helpers to help with the details. There will be tons of things to do with almost everything in the adventure. Will include pictures of everything and sound to add to the experience. You character will also get stronger as the game progresses. The story will be done over chapters just like a novel. Once chapter one is done I will release it as a prelude to the entire game as a teaser.
Notes: The point of this project is to not just make another adventure but to make one that goes into great detail with every item in the relm and make everything read as good as a novel. Where the storyline is the most important aspect of the game.
About the game:

The unusually violent storms in these parts often drive motley collections of intelligent beings to take shelter together for a time. The tradition of storm-peace ensures that all grudges are suspended for the duration of the storm. But some shelters are safer than others, and not all beings honor the storm-peace. Can you solve the mystery of the tor in which you have taken shelter before the storm ends?
A Dark and Stormy Knight is a single player adventure for QUEST. The scenario is set in a barren wilderness area that features one or more tors, or freestanding hills. The action takes place inside one of these tors that has been hollowed out and used as a tomb in the past.
Help Wanted:
If you think you can contribute a little free time to this project I am looking for the following:
Graphics: Are you good with Paintshop? Good with cutting & pasting together images and adding titles? There is alot of pictures to put together for this adventure. I will supply the base images if you are good at dressing them up.
Descriptive Writing: Are you good at writing detailed descriptions for items and places and editing text for gramatical corrections? Then we can use you on this project.
RPG Players: Have you played tons of text adventures? We could use a couple of people to input their general feedback on areas in the game as they are completed and developed. Basically to help with the storyline consistancies etc.
If you want to help out and join the team please contact me by PM here or email at
All team members will get their names in the credits of the final version.
Thanks for your time.
22 Mar 2007, 15:28The Art

Story: Set in the distant future, you are a man or woman that begins an investigation on why three children were abducted from a missionary 15 years ago. Learning about their whereabouts and origins only reveals a darker and more sinister plan from far away planets that could threaten the existence of the entire solar system. Set against a corrupt government, insurrectionists, and the great artisans, your list of allies grows fewer as you continue to answer the mysteries that could lead you to the destroyer of all things.
Description: Single Player RPG. MUD type format, with puzzles. Sounds can be enabled/disabled.
Progress: About 85% percent done. A smaller working version of the game will be available next week.

Story: Set in the distant future, you are a man or woman that begins an investigation on why three children were abducted from a missionary 15 years ago. Learning about their whereabouts and origins only reveals a darker and more sinister plan from far away planets that could threaten the existence of the entire solar system. Set against a corrupt government, insurrectionists, and the great artisans, your list of allies grows fewer as you continue to answer the mysteries that could lead you to the destroyer of all things.
Description: Single Player RPG. MUD type format, with puzzles. Sounds can be enabled/disabled.
Progress: About 85% percent done. A smaller working version of the game will be available next week.
22 Mar 2007, 20:45GATHERED IN DARKNESS:
Format: Single player adventure.
An eccentric genetic engineer, a forgotten evil God, a strange and sinister religious order, a powerful bloodline, a beautiful woman, a tropical paradise, horror, terror, fear, death, and one hell of a case of mistaken identity…
Your impending murder draws nearer with each passing second. Can you find a way to stay alive, escape your surroundings and discover the horrid mysteries gathering in the darkness around you.
Fully interactive environment. Use your five senses to gather information about everything mentioned in all descriptions. (Want to know what the floor smells like…go ahead and find out).
Journal feature that keeps track of the story, clues to puzzles, and your current goals.
Built in hint guide with three levels of hints (extra vague to hand-holding level).
Action packed text “cut-scenes†that help drive along the exciting story.
Nine chapters of twists and turns.
Multiple solutions to many puzzles.
Multiple endings.
A different and unique way to kill yourself in almost every room in the game (in case you get bored).
Epic sized game.
90% complete.
The main paths through the story from beginning to end are coded and debugged. All that I am doing now is making sure that if you are in a room that you can hit the wall, try to take the carpet; etc… all the little things. The first six chapters are finished with that and I am working on the last three right now. Soon boys and girls…soon.
Format: Single player adventure.
An eccentric genetic engineer, a forgotten evil God, a strange and sinister religious order, a powerful bloodline, a beautiful woman, a tropical paradise, horror, terror, fear, death, and one hell of a case of mistaken identity…
Your impending murder draws nearer with each passing second. Can you find a way to stay alive, escape your surroundings and discover the horrid mysteries gathering in the darkness around you.
Fully interactive environment. Use your five senses to gather information about everything mentioned in all descriptions. (Want to know what the floor smells like…go ahead and find out).
Journal feature that keeps track of the story, clues to puzzles, and your current goals.
Built in hint guide with three levels of hints (extra vague to hand-holding level).
Action packed text “cut-scenes†that help drive along the exciting story.
Nine chapters of twists and turns.
Multiple solutions to many puzzles.
Multiple endings.
A different and unique way to kill yourself in almost every room in the game (in case you get bored).
Epic sized game.
90% complete.
The main paths through the story from beginning to end are coded and debugged. All that I am doing now is making sure that if you are in a room that you can hit the wall, try to take the carpet; etc… all the little things. The first six chapters are finished with that and I am working on the last three right now. Soon boys and girls…soon.
23 Mar 2007, 09:22Most people seem to be making rpg's at the moment...
23 Mar 2007, 16:19seriously, huh?
25 Mar 2007, 08:27it'll be good to finally hav a long, decent game to play!
26 Mar 2007, 08:25Lol... yeah...