Welcome to the new Quest Games forum!

29 Jun 2006, 18:21
I've split the old "Games and Chat" forum into two separate forums.

What this forum is for

If you've made a game, you can announce it here. If you're playing a game, you can use this forum to post comments or ask for help.

What this forum is NOT for

If you need help making a game, post to the Developer Forum instead.

Any posts not related to Quest games shall be moved by the moderators to the Chat forum.

30 Jun 2006, 03:43
thank youuuuuu!

30 Jun 2006, 12:34
Does this mean the main site is going to be accepting new games and/or reviews? There hasn't been a game added since September 2005 and reviews for almost as long. There's no point in people announcing games they're working on or have completed if they don't have anywhere to host them.

30 Jun 2006, 13:04
I've got a backlog of a few games which I need to add, and I'll add these soon. I realise things have been rather quiet for some time now but this will be changing over the coming months.

I'm still looking at revamping the Quest Games Archive and replacing the system for posting reviews - probably using a system like Mambo. It may be that I just point the Games Archive to this forum for the purpose of reviewing games until this is set up.