
13 Apr 2016, 19:30
I would like to start this thread in order to challenge and/or motivate us as writers and game designers. The intent is that whoever wishes to offer a challenge or suggestion for a game design, a theme or story, or just simple elements can do so here in hopes that it will motivate others to create or perhaps to push us through a bit of writer's block. Your suggestions are not limited to size or genre or difficulty.

And who doesn't like a good challenge?

Also - if you know of already published games that fit these criteria/challenges, feel free to share!

13 Apr 2016, 19:36
1. A reverse time story or a "How did we get here?" story. I would like to see/play a game that starts at the end and the story works backward solving the question 'How did we get here?' I would consider this a difficult challenge.

2. A humorous text adventure from the point of view of a household pet (I like dogs =). I would consider this a fairly easy challenge.

13 Apr 2016, 20:38
XanMag wrote:Suggestions/Challenges:
2. A humorous text adventure from the point of view of a household pet (I like dogs =). I would consider this a fairly easy challenge.

Snack Time is one example of this. Here are a bunch of others with animal protagonists: ... by=&pg=all

14 Apr 2016, 05:49
Another suggestion: in german we call it "played joke" when actors play a joke on stage or tv. What about a played joke in a textadventure? This could really be a short game so it will not take much time to create it. And I could image interesting ways to do it. Not just doing something like this:

Why can't a blonde dial 911?
She can't find the eleven.

14 Apr 2016, 16:44
not my own blonde joke, but it's somewhat funny (depends more if do it in person, in how good you present/act it):

What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?

.... Is it mine? ....