The Upcoming Release of Trizbort

14 Feb 2018, 19:31

The Pixie said: "The next version of Trizbort should have a Quest export function, so you can export your map into a new Quest game."

Holy crap!

I just did this!

1. Clone the current Trizbort repo from GitHub.

2. Open Trizbort.sln with Visual Studio 2017.

3. Build it.

4. Run it.

5. Create a map.

  • I made a two-room map.
  • I marked one of the rooms as the "Start Room" (which automatically created the player object in that room).
  • I added an exit between the rooms on the map.
  • I added a lamp object to the second room (just for kicks).
  • I exported to Quest.


<asl version="550">

  <include ref="English.aslx"/>
  <include ref="Core.aslx"/>
  <game name="A Trizbort Map">
    <author>A Trizbort User</author>

  <object name="secondroom">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <alias>second room</alias>
    <attr name="grid_width" type="int">3</attr>
    <attr name="grid_length" type="int">2</attr>
    <attr name="grid_fill">Transparent</attr>
    <attr name="grid_border">Transparent</attr>
    <attr name="implementation_notes">This is the second room.  (Nothing to write home about.)</attr>
    <description>This is the second room.  (Nothing to write home about.)</description>
    <exit alias="east" to="firstroom">
      <inherit name="eastdirection" />
    <object name="lamp">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />

  <object name="firstroom">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <alias>first room</alias>
    <attr name="grid_width" type="int">3</attr>
    <attr name="grid_length" type="int">2</attr>
    <attr name="grid_fill">Transparent</attr>
    <attr name="grid_border">Transparent</attr>
    <attr name="implementation_notes">This is the first room.</attr>
    <description>This is the first room.</description>
    <exit alias="west" to="secondroom">
      <inherit name="westdirection" />
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />



That is freaking SWEET!!!

NOTE: I only named them "first room" and "second room" for testing purposes (and due to lack of creativity).

Is there a way to set "take" to true?

(If not, I'm DEFINITELY not complaining! This is awesome!)


The Pixie
14 Feb 2018, 22:11

Is there a way to set "take" to true?

What does that mean? Have object takeable? Trizbort does not have a flag for that, so I did not include it. Quest export does support m, f, !, s, s and 2 (with 1 by default).

14 Feb 2018, 22:38

What does that mean? Have object takeable?

Yep. That's what I meant.

It's not like the game doesn't require a little editing after an export anyway. I was really just making sure I wasn't missing something.

I'm not complaining or nitpicking, you see.

This is seriously awesome!

I'm making games (or at least worlds) with it right now.

I'm thinking this is a good option to enable:



You can export/copy Quest code to your clipboard with no header and paste that into a library element!



The Pixie
15 Feb 2018, 07:42

You can also put it into your existing game file in full code view, just paste it in above the last line "".

05 Mar 2018, 15:12

@ The Pixie @ K.V

Hey guys, just found out that version is now available for download - Loving the Quest output Pixie. :D

06 Mar 2018, 05:56

Rock and roll!

The Pixie
06 Mar 2018, 20:44

I have added a blog entry about this.

I will add it to the docs, if I can work out a suitable place...