We're starting up a group project. Who wants to collaborate? The Pixie has a template and library set up on GitHub...

Richard Headkid
23 Jul 2017, 00:00

Basically, each creator will be submitting their own 'mini-game/side-mission', which will each fit into the grander scheme.

The different 'regions' we submit will each connect to a main hub world...

Anyone interested in joining in on this grand adventure is welcome to submit ideas!

NOTE: This is a Quest text adventure.

I am excited to see the outcome of this project!

This all started in a forum thread questioning the existence of a new text adventure that even almost stood up to an eighties game.

First off, YES! There are quite a few newer games that are very good! (Although they are buried underneath many, many, many games which are... well, to be polite: not.)

Anyway, this led to the discussion about the way they produced the old greats: they had a crew.

This led to a revelation:

We're already a crew!

We're already sort of collaborating on each other's games with every post on this forum!

Who wants in?

PM me or contact me on GitHub!

23 Jul 2017, 16:34

Question: is there a way to see on the github recent or unread postings?

Forgive my nooby-ness.

23 Jul 2017, 16:53

Wondering the same myself...

The Pixie
23 Jul 2017, 18:43

I was wondering that too. It was me suggested using the issues feature of Github, and it is a bit annoying that you cannot tell which are the new posts. Though you do get plenty of e-mails.

Richard Headkid
24 Jul 2017, 00:19
Spoilers removed

Richard Headkid
24 Jul 2017, 00:27
Spoilers removed

24 Jul 2017, 02:11

"We can still comment on the closed issues... but all of those different discussions are an awful lot to soak in."


Perhaps leave a couple open. My votes: genre, magic, the voice, and isn't there one about the map/layout.

Or how about a general issue about the beginning and the end - we sort of have some ideas for how it starts, but what is the end goal? What does the player need to accomplish at the end? I think this will help tremendously with the layout/map and role of the authors.

Richard Headkid
24 Jul 2017, 02:51


That's a good call.

Five or six would probably be okay, but I think I had more than 30 going at once (and more than 30 things concerning each of those churning around in my head at the same time)!

Oh well, lesson learned. The problem is not insurmountable,as the man doth say.

I just realized that I was supposed to be adding everything to the library, and am going back to cut and paste.

I made two attributes which only concern my universe, too. I have them on the player, but I bet I could set them on the room and the other object involved instead, and that would be better for the game on the whole.

"You think you're MULTI-TASKING? No, no, no... You're not doing [EXPLETIVE DELETED]!!!"
-Lewis Black

Richard Headkid
24 Jul 2017, 08:23

I just finished up a remodel on the GitHub repo.

Go directly to the wiki for recent news/stuff.
(I'll make it super-cool in about 5 or 6 hours, but it should already be MUCH less difficult to navigate.)

  • I'm almost done getting it somewhat organized.

  • This, of course, is untrue.

  • I added a side-pane and and important topics footer.

  • Closed a lot of 'issues', but you can still comment on everything, and most topics have wiki pages now (but most are just links to the issues pages).

  • More TODO tomorrow.

Richard Headkid
24 Jul 2017, 16:41

Many updates have been committed with the past 8 hours!

26 Jul 2017, 10:55

I do not want to discourage anyone but would not it be a good idea to start with a small test project? Just to see how the members work together, to find and solve problems with group work, how to manage the code transfer and so on? Just some rooms from every member with some logic and puzzles

Richard Headkid
26 Jul 2017, 14:49


would not it be a good idea to start with a small test project?

That's what I've got going on on my end.

I'm testing out all of the mechanics, especially everything concerning attributes.

if (player.attribute1) { will probably be changed to if (game.pov.attribute1) { to handle instances where the player becomes a different object. (Of course, some situations will demand the opposite...)

I'm basically making mini-projects, then trying to break the game. I've ran across two minor errors so far, but it's all working out better than I ever expected! (Of course, this is just me writing the different bits. I'm fully aware of what will happen the first time we combine EVERYONE's code: creepy crawlies everywhere!)

26 Jul 2017, 15:45

we're doing this, as we're just in brainstorming phase right now (at least some of us, Richard is doing much of the work - least lazy one of us or just of me lol - he's really going full speed into this group project, and Pixie has already done much of the work as we're using his libraries) along with whatever code we do and test, we're having a hub and we each do our own world, so this helps in working together, as our worlds/work-done are separated, and whatever global code, will be reduced, so won't be too bad to coordinate it (a set standard) amongst us. We're learning as we go, about how to do group projects, of what to do first and how to work together and how to standardize our code together. It's a learning process to learn how to do a group project well. And we're certainly open to any such advice and etc about how to go about doing (managing) a group project.

(P.S. --- Yay! Pertex is still around!!! Wasn't sure who of Alex' team left quest for good to do other things, or who's still staying with quest and is just might be currently busy in real life or other things or are helping behind the scenes/developing quest/managing servers/website/etc management type of stuff)

Richard Headkid
26 Jul 2017, 16:48

Richard is doing much of the work

Bah! This is a misconception.

Pixie has already done much of the work as we're using his libraries


We're learning as we go, about how to do group projects, of what to do first and how to work together and how to standardize our code together. It's a learning process to learn how to do a group project well. And we're certainly open to any such advice and etc about how to go about doing (managing) a group project.

Also correct! And there's always room for more collaborators!

Richard Headkid
26 Jul 2017, 17:03

We may be over-achievers.

I won't link to or reference the source, but this is from the synopsis of a game on this very site:

This game took over 6 hours to make!

27 Jul 2017, 13:55

Maybe I have not quite understood the concept yet but it sounded to me already after an extensive game. It would be a shame if things went wrong after some time because you made mistakes in the beginning, which you have not yet known and which you could easily have cleared in the beginning.
I do not think I'll find the time to work, but I'll follow the project and write comments from time to time

(P.S. --- Yay! Pertex is still around!!!

Sure I am still around! And you are right I am really busy at the moment (even no time to play World of Tanks:´-() But I am still reading posts. And there's nothing to do for me because there a so many competent Quest developer available so new threads are answered in minutes.

Richard Headkid
27 Jul 2017, 15:23

Maybe I have not quite understood the concept yet but it sounded to me already after an extensive game. It would be a shame if things went wrong after some time because you made mistakes in the beginning, which you have not yet known and which you could easily have cleared in the beginning.

I concur!

The beauty of the way Pixie has this set up:

  • Each contribution (i.e., each player's 'dimension') is a separate library.
  • The main game file (the template) consists of only one room and two commands.
  • Pixie wrote a 'main' library to go along with the template, which contains all of the functions, commands, etc...
  • All updates are submitted through GitHub, so it (allegedly) would be easy to revert to a previous version of any file.

(NOTE: I am new, and I'm sure there are aspects I'm not taking into consideration.)
(MURPHY'S LAW - Anything bad that can happen, will happen.)

I do not think I'll find the time to work, but I'll follow the project and write comments from time to time

Please do!

The more perspective we can get, the better.

Best wishes!

Richard Headkid
27 Jul 2017, 16:23

I think we should submit all new commands for 'approval'.

The problem is the pattern.

Making sure to start our custom commands with our initials to keep from having two or more commands with the same name would be pointless if we didn't keep up with a list of COMMAND PATTERNS.


Richard Headkid
27 Jul 2017, 18:01


Please reference ISSUE 42 on GitHub.

This message has been brought to you by:


How do I get out of the hub?

  • Hint 1: Have you tried using the phonebooth?
  • Hint 2: What? There is no phonebooth? Try the next hint then!
  • Hint 3: Enter TRAVEL.

27 Jul 2017, 18:04

I think the hub should be like a world itself, with places that connect to each world from there...
The main hub is just s virtual world that holds the common code, and have all the worlds connect to each other...

27 Jul 2017, 18:13

Getting a ton of emails about the game storming process is not a problem, in fact, it is quite helpful.
This is the easiest way to stay up to date with the changes.
Just set-up a folder in your email account, and send all new emails from (all of us) to that folder.

Anyway to unfork???
And, I would like 2 new issues opened...
Hub code: any updates to the hub is posted here...
Worlds: we summit our world codes here, and updates.
Then, when we start putting all this together, we will have a source for everyone contributions...
And we can see how this all fit together.

Richard Headkid
27 Jul 2017, 18:35

Anyway to unfork???

I'll find out, but everyone should be listed as collaborators, so you can just submit your stuff to the master branch.

UPDATE: Go to Settings in your fork. The very last option is DELETE.

You cannot retrieve anything you delete, so be sure to clone or download the repo as ZIP or TAR before you do this! You never know what may be in there!

You can mirror a repo, and pull and push, too, but it's all beyond me!

Once you add or edit a file, you'll be prompted to COMMIT. Just check the CREATE A NEW BRANCH option, then you can create an issue: "JUST SUBMITTED AN UPDATE!", which will alert everyone immediately.


After that, we'll merge it right in! If it messes something up: one click and we reversed what we just did! (In fact, one click and I can take it back to any revision ever committed!)

This is better than creating your own fork for many, many reasons.

And, I would like 2 new issues opened...

I think you can just click NEW ISSUE, but I'm not certain.
UPDATE: I added these issues.

Hub code: any updates to the hub are posted here...

The threads get LONG that way, and scrolling through them isn't very much fun at all.

I'll just put this link on the main page. (It's the same thing as just searching for UPDATE while on the issues page.)


I just tested the link in a browser in which I'm not logged into GitHub, and it worked perfectly. It brings up every issue with UPDATE in the text. (Once you select an issue, it will display the entire thread concerning said issue.)

I'll make sure to include a tag HUB UPDATE or LIBRARY UPDATE when posting new issues concerning either.

Check out all the links I've put on the main repo's page and all the stuff I've got in my Wiki.

It's already an insane amount of stuff, and I've got it fairly organized.

There's a THIS JUST IN section on both the main page and the wiki.

The issues keep everyone up to date on every little thing. They are easily searchable. We get an email when someone creates an issue or comments on one...

I've also got all sorts of Pixie's stuff and other helpful things set up to be more easily accessible from the wiki.

(If you haven't seen the option to view the wiki, look above the list of files in the master branch while on that page.)

Richard Headkid
28 Jul 2017, 02:25

Just found this (I'm kinda slow sometimes):

It's easy to set it up where you get online notifications rather than email notifications. (You can also choose both.)


Richard Headkid
28 Jul 2017, 14:00


That should list all Issues, newest first.

Richard Headkid
29 Jul 2017, 03:52

I just discovered two programs that are quite useful.

Both can be installed with npm, and both download every file from each: your gists and your repository's issues. They are downloaded as .md files. (Well, mine are... of course, that is what I save them as...)

  • getgists
  • offline-issues

Richard Headkid
29 Jul 2017, 14:23

I don't know if this is the opening for my dimension, for the next game, or for my own game (if no one digs it), but I kinda like it...

You are in an awe-inspiring hangar, computer screens filling every square inch of the walls. Their human-input-interfaces rested just below them. You shudder when you try to imagine the days when there was human contact of any kind.

You don your personal environment protective equipment, which you once referred to as your 'Pee Pee' within earshot of General Gist... You still have no idea how you survived that one!

Back on task, back on task... You've been alone for far too long, and your mind is racing because of all the SCREENS!

All the different games on all the different screens! Each just waiting for YOU!

You've had worse assignments before, right?! What sort of challenge could a computer game with NO GRAPHICS possibly offer someone like you anyway, right?



by David Agnew

Main Hangar

2419 Orbit
362 Revolution

You are in an awe-inspiring hangar, computer screens filling every square inch of the walls. Their human-input-interfaces rested just below them. You shudder when you try to imagine the days when there was human contact of any kind.

29 Jul 2017, 17:16

I'm a little confused by your 3rd paragraph - couldn't quite follow. Maybe I'm dense.

Other than that, sounds very cool. Is this an idea for the hub or the beginning of your "world"?

Richard Headkid
29 Jul 2017, 18:18

I'm a little confused by your 3rd paragraph - couldn't quite follow. Maybe I'm dense.

You're not dense, good sir.
I habitually start my stories about a third of the way through. (Plus, I started talking like Yoda for some reason in that bit...)

(I also love the games which come with the backstory you need to read in the game's manual before you play. Ever played A Mind Forever Voyaging??? It may be a masterpiece.)

Back on point...

I edited some of the above excerpt. How does it read now? (I don't want to lose anyone before the title is displayed!)

(Speaking of titles being displayed: I'm also bad about clearing the screen and displaying a new title splash upon entering certain locations or doing certain things. (Go north from the domain of the kid in that sample game I sent for an example.) I can avoid that if we feel it detracts from the overall game. I'm just creating any and everything that comes to mind, then testing out how things work together. I can switch my location descriptions and stories once we have decided upon the plot.)

Is this an idea for the hub or the beginning of your "world"?

I've been wondering the very same thing.

It could be my gateway, the main hub, or my own thing.

It just popped in my head, so I thought it best to write it down and pass it around.

I like the Pixie's first concept, but DarkLizerd makes good points, too. (See the story-line issue on GitHub.)

I, for one, can't wait to see what we come up with once we get rolling!

29 Jul 2017, 21:11

Well then, I think it is time we got rolling...
I think everyone should summit a small world, cave, town, dungeon, something that we can knit together so we can see how it all fits together. It does not need to be anything fancy, and it doesn't even need to be a final version. Even if it is just a chain of rooms with descriptions.
I, for one, want to see how all the parts will come together.
And then, we may decide what we want for the hub world and how the parts connect.

Richard Headkid
29 Jul 2017, 23:08


I've got two libraries/gateways in the master repo.

I'll be adding onto them, but at least you can get a taste of my insanity!

The Tower of Hanoi in rhLib3 is meant to be one of four towers. Each tower is in a different dimension.

I don't have the whole thing in my head yet (and probably never will), but here's a rough outline:

  • There are at least two towers with the same level of difficulty, although the puzzles need not be similar

  • My tower has a Clay Ring in it. (Symbolizing the force lines of the earth, of course.)

  • Someone else's tower has a metaphor for another element, probably water, since that's an easy one.

  • Once two rings have been collected, a third tower appears somewhere.

  • The third tower should be fairly difficult. A maze. A puzzle. Then, at the top, a fight. The player can see the scope of the Towers of Hanoi from the top of the third tower, and he sees that there is a fourth tower.

  • This is where the ether would come into play somehow. It's also as far I've imagined things.

I have a Green Piece of Crystal somewhere in one of my worlds as well. (I think someone mentioned crystal pieces... If not I can file 13 it or find a funny thing to do with it.)

NOTE: If the player is carrying rh_spec_object3 in your world, feel free to change it into whatever you please. (It doesn't appear in the game unless the player tries to use rh_spec_object1 while in the hub, so it may not exist.) It's a towel which reads PANIC in my world, but I think it's something else in other worlds...

ANOTHER NOTE: There will most assuredly be a blue phonebooth making an appearance somewhere in one of my parts... Even if it's old, broken down, and just an homage.

I can't remember if I fixed it, so: If you find yourself in the dark, just enter FROTZ ME. (I was playing around with magic, and I can't remember if I removed that bit before I uploaded it to GitHub.)

Anyway, I advise copying your game folder first, then adding my libraries to the game in the copied folder.

I've had three extra libraries tied together recently. I added one thing that caused an error, and it took me an hour to figure out which damned library it was in! (They all play well together now. I've been actively trying to cause some errors and fixing them as I go.)

30 Jul 2017, 01:24

Towers of Hanoi... laughs, make sure you know your recursion for solving its puzzles, or you'll be trapped in them forever, winks, and laughs evilly, muwahaha.

Richard Headkid
30 Jul 2017, 01:31

Towers of Hanoi... laughs, make sure you know your recursion for solving its puzzles, or you'll be trapped in them forever, winks, and laughs evilly, muwahaha.

HK, you gonna design a tower?

People will talk about how hard it was to get through all of the towers for years...

...as they curse David Agnew for having designed them!

Richard Headkid
30 Jul 2017, 01:34


You can USE ABACUS to travel to the hub. (You will eventually have to actually USE the abacus to get anywhere with it. Little notes in random places with equations... I.e., you have to solve 2 + 3 on the abacus before it will take you to the hub...)

31 Jul 2017, 03:45
I edited some of the above excerpt. How does it read now?

Perfectly fine.

Richard Headkid
31 Jul 2017, 05:55

I edited some of the above excerpt. How does it read now?
Perfectly fine.


I edited it again, just a little bit. (It probably won't be the opening in the end, but I like SOMETHING to be there...)

There is a VERY ROUGH AND LOOSELY PIECED TOGETHER but playable version in the master repo.


You can enter t or travel to travel from the hub or any gateway. (I altered the command pattern to travel;t.)

I have two objects that will take you back to the hub from anywhere. I can set attributes so this only works from my dimension, if that would please everyone.

I have one of my dimensions set so you can't enter TRAVEL from the gateway until you have the required object from that dimension. (The abacus or the BOOM will take you to the hub, no matter what though.)

I'm not attached to anything I've written, per se. I'm simply creating things to see how they piece together.

Richard Headkid
31 Jul 2017, 05:58

You are in an awe-inspiring hangar, computer screens filling every square inch of the walls. Their human-input-interfaces rested just below them. You shudder when you try to imagine the days when there was human contact of any kind.

You don your personal environment protective equipment, which you once referred to as your 'Pee Pee' within earshot of General Gist... You still have no idea how you survived that one!

Back on task, back on task... Your mind is wandering... Gist will have your head if you don't complete at least ONE Quest!

You glance around, scanning all the different games on all the different screens! Each just waiting for YOU!

You've had worse assignments before, right?! What sort of challenge could a computer game with NO GRAPHICS possibly offer someone like you anyway, right?

You approach the nearest screen and log in.
One particular title catches your eye: DIMENSIONS OF INFINITY.
You boot it up, and a prompt appears:




by David Agnew

2419 Orbit
362 Revolution

This is a small area, not much larger than the inside of a blue phonebooth.

There are no obvious exits.

Enter TRAVEL to choose a destination.

Richard Headkid
31 Jul 2017, 06:21

You are in a forum.

You see no obvious exits.

You wonder what The Pixie has in store for us!

You jump in place.

>frotz self
This isn't that kind of game! You can go 'F' yourself on your own time!

You are carrying:
   no tea
   a schw'r'napp