Importing Character Traits Between Games

16 Oct 2013, 21:32
I think I have read through all the forums and I did not see if this was addressed. If it was, I am sorry for missing it.

I was curious about the ability to import the player´s traits from one game to another. So if you have a game that is, say part one of a series, you can import the progress, such as increases in abilities and money to part 2.

18 Oct 2013, 16:02
There has been discussion about this (mostly offline), but there is no current way to support this in Quest. I've done some experiments trying to generate a downloadable file, but it just doesn't work reliably or in all cases.

You *could* dump out text that the user would then copy and paste to a file, and then have them copy/paste it back in to the new game, to be parsed and converted to state. If the info to be transferred is small enough (e.g. player stats) then you might be able to fit it into a single line. But that method is (really) error-prone and leaves it open for people to hack the values and become super-players. :)

18 Oct 2013, 17:29
Ok. Thanks. Quest uses XML, correct?

I have two possible work-a-rounds.

First, I can make some games that appear to have character growth, but it is actually predetermined growth of characters, so Episode 2 would start with all the character traits of the end of game Episode 1 character.

Second, when we finish the game we are working on (not a quest game) I can have one of my programmer develop an exporter/importer program.

How large can you reasonably make the text games before they become unruly, or super slow to load?

Rob Corra

18 Oct 2013, 18:01
I personally haven't had any slowness due to size. I have had slowness due to the algorithms I tried to put into place. :) Perhaps someone else has experience with that (or perhaps Alex could answer what the memory requirements would be roughly for objects, attributes, etc). I have had a concern about the Undo information saved per turn, as that could grow without bounds, impacting larger games.

I also find that the web player is slower than the desktop one, both in terms of the turnaround needed for the screen to update as well as the script execution, possibly because the Quest servers are slower or more loaded than my laptop.

18 Oct 2013, 18:25
ok. Thanks.

I will continue to play with this and see about the exportation. If I come up with something, I will post it here.