RPG Elements, Game Mechanics, and Game Design

19 Aug 2013, 18:02
HK edited (version): 3-31-14 (2.0)

Character System:

Organism Classification (Life Taxonomy):

(my apologies for my "nerdiness", I've learned a lot, and like to use that knowledge, since I've taken the time and effort in~to learning it, lol. So forgive my "academic lectures" below, lol)


a memorization trick of mine: "King Paul Cried Out For Good Soup!" = Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

(example: humans)

Life: living (actual: organic = organism), undead (actual: debate of whether a Virus is "alive", lol), non-organic~mechanical (machine, robot, android, cyborg).
Domain: N/A (actual: Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya = animals ~ plants ~ fungus, and debate of whether a Virus is "alive", lol)
Kingdom: Animal (actual: animalia)
Phylum: N/A (actual: Chordata = having a backbone ~ spine ~ spinal cord = being symetrical = having a left and right side)
Class: Mammal (actual: Mammalia = having breasts = mammalian glands = milk secretian~production)
Order: Primate (actual: Primate)
Family: Ape (actual: Hominidae = Great Apes: humans, gorillas, chimps, bonobos, orangutans. Lesser Apes: gibbons. Monkeys are NOT apes, we are NOT monkeys, we're APES, Greater Apes, to be exact. Apes don't have tails. Monkeys have tails. There's two types of Monkeys: Old World Monkeys = can't hang from their tails, baboons are an Old World Monkey, and New World Monkeys = able to hang from their tails)
Tribe: humanoids ~ humankind (actual: Hominini = hominids = hominins = humans only)
Genus: Man ~ mankind (actual: Homo = Man = mankind. So, Homo by itself, despite how it is commonly used, doesn't mean homosexual~gay~lesbian, but when you attach homo to the front of a word, it changes from meaning "Man" to meaning "same", such as in homosexual = liking the same sex, or homogenus = same things in a mixture~group = chemistry)
Species: humans (actual: Homo sapiens sapiens = modern humans. Sapien means "wise", so Homo sapien means "wise man", and I guess Homo sapien sapien thus means "very wise man", lol)
Race: european, african, arabian (Middle Eastern: mix~sum of Europe+Asia+Africa), asian, american (actual: no such thing as race, due to some major reasons: we're, throughout our entire history, constantly RE-interbreding anyways, extremely few ~or no~ people with truely pure ethnic bloodlines. Besides, all of our ethnic bloodlines trace back to a single historical "Adam" and "Eve" in South Africa. So, technically, we're actually all "africans", some of whom then moved, roughly in order I hope, to the middle east, to central asia, to east asia, to SE asia, to australia, to the americas, and finally to europe, destroying the neanderthalinis living there. The DNA~genetic difference among humans is neglible: the difference between humans and chimps is but 2% DNA~genetic difference and the difference between humans and a potato plant, yes you heard~read that right lol, is only an 8% DNA~genetic difference !!! Lastly, as we all know, it causes social conflict ~ violence, as "racism" ~ "us vs them ~ in-group vs out-group", or the root of all negative '-isms': "in the Bible it's known as: Pride, and in modern sociology, it's known as: Rankism; aka: I'm better than you!", among us humans)

so, now we can try to construct any type of character~organism:

(for example, a dwarf)

Life: living
Kingdom: animal
Class: mammal
Order: primate
Family: ape
Tribe: humanoid ~ human kind
Genus: dwarvenkind or ??? or N/A
Tribe: dwarven or ??? or N/A
Species: dwarf
Race: ??? or N/A

this allows for a very complex use of characters and the coding involved, otherwise, just use the conventional races: humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, hobbits~halflings, half-orcs, or whatever, as your "npcs" and "pcs". But this enables a lot of coding usages. I like, for example, a concept from the Diablo games: "sword" weapons get 150% damage bonus against "animals", the "blunt" weapons get 150% damage bonus against "undead", and "axe" weapons get 150% damage bonus against "demons". This is now possible by having the more complex organism~character classification system, and many other such coding uses. It also is just more in-depth character descriptions, which makes for a much more "rich" gaming experience, it helps give the feel of a "world" to play within your game, with its own history, organisms, and etc.

Character Conflict System:

1. do you want specific "monster" ("hostile") and "npc~townspeople" ("friendly") distinguished permanent types of characters?
2. or, do you want a "hostility~diplomacy~relationship" sytem (a scale: 0-100), where any character can be (and can change between) either "hostile" or "friendly" as you anger or please them by your actions?

Character Stats (Attributes) System:

Primary Attributes:

strength (str), endurance (end), dexterity (dex), agility (agi), perception (???), personality (???), charisma (cha), alignment (evil~chaos, neutral, good~law) (ali), leadership (???), luck (luk), intelligence (int), spirituality (spi), piety (pie), mentality (men), wisdom (wis), willpower (I hate this term~usage, lol) (wil), speed (spd), fortitude (???), constitution (con), creativity (???), science (sci), deception, sexuality ~ sex appeal (bonus towards opposite sex, negative towads same sex, such as in dialogue~bartering),

Secondary Attributes:

hit~health points (life points) (hp~life), mana~magic points (mp~mana), spell~skill points (sp~skill), tech points (tp~tech), damage~resistance (physical, magical, mental~psionic, dimensional~spacial, temporal, gravitational, fire, water~ice, earth, air~wind, dark, light, sun, moon, animal~beast~fauna, holy, unholy, nature~plant~flora, non-nature ~ machine), attack, defense, dodge~evade, hit chance ~ attack rating, armor class, encumbrance ~ stamina ~ fatigue, skills (blocking, armorer, weapon masteries, magic masteries, sneaking, stealing, lockpicking, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, unarmed, athletics, enchantment, imbue'ment, speechcraft, barter ~ mercantilism, cooking, hunting, gardening, and etc), move (space between your characters and monsters) (mov), action points (ap), reputation~fame, bounty (crimes committed), persuade, intimidate, bribe, flatter, penetration~piercing, flirt, flaunt, and etc

Other Attributes:

age, height, weight, face, head, eyes, hair, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, chest~torso~abdomin, back, waist, legs, feet, faction, life taxonomy (species, genus, class, kingdom, order, phylum, tribe, race, family, domain), class (warrior, thief, cleric, mage, etc), date of birth, horoscope or calender (example: year of the dragon) sign, family, name (alias), titles, level, cash~currency~gold~luc~money~etc, experience ~ experience points, and etc

Character Classes:



fighter, warrior, knight, berserker, barbarian, nomad, ranger, paladin, amazon, monk, thief, valkyrie, shaman, rogue, assassin, ninja, samurai,


marksman (archers, crossbowmen, gunners, snipers, etc), assassin, ranger, thief, rogue, amazon, ninja, hunter,


wizard, witch, warlock, mage, magician, magi, magus, cleric, priest, bishop, cardinal, pope, summoner, necromancer, conjurer, paladin, valkyrie, sorcerer, sorceress, nun, shaman, druid, bard, assassin, sage, magician,


thief, ninja, rogue, assassin, magician, ranger, hunter,


bard, thief, rogue, muse, diplomat, ambassador, politician,


biologist, botanist, chemist, physicist, mathematician, zoologist, engineer, mechanic, doctor, nurse, physician, sociologist, psychologist, philosopher, scholar, scribe, magician,

Species and Races:


humans (european, asian, arabian, african, american), dwarves, elves (high, dark~dokkalfar, night~svartalfar, wood, light~ljosalfar), gnomes, halflings, giants,


centaur, minotaur, harpy, mermaid, satyr, gorgon ('medusa'), naga, vampire, werewolf,


orcs, ogres, trolls, goblins, gremlins, cyclops,


robot, cyborg, android, droids,


demon, imp, devil, succubus, incubus, nephilium,


angels, seraphim, cherubim, arch angels,


fae, fairy, pixie, sprite, nymph, familiars, sylphs


lich, skeleton, zombie, ghoul, ghost, wraith, banshee,

gods, goddesses, demigods, angels, demons (fallen angels), and~or legendary super human heroes~villians or other non-humans:

zeus, chronos, neptune, apolo, aphrodite, athena, ares ~ aries, poisiden, jupiter, mars, anubus, horus, seth, ishtar, kali, osirus, isis, venus, thor, odin, freya, brunhilde, baal, amon, mammon, lucifer, belphegor, beelzebub, asmodeus, leviathan, gabriel, michael, titania, oberon, sammael, diana the huntress, hercules, gilgamesh, persius, beowulf, achilles, arthur, bedwyr (lancelot), gawain, mordred, roland, jason (greek, 'the argonauts'), puck, coyote (native americans, 'the trickster'), diablo, mephisto, shiva, tiamat, lilith, dracula ~ alucard ~ vlad the impaler, elizabeth bathory ('the countess of blood'), lucien, fenrir, kerberus, titans, robin hood, etc

19 Aug 2013, 20:01
HK edited (version): 3-31-14 (2.0)

Equipment System:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Components ... val_armour

Body Slot Type ~ Equipment Slot Type ~ Equipment Types

(I'm leaving out "body_paint ~ war_paint ~ tattoes" as they can go anywhere on the body, I don't want to list them everywhere)
(There's also the use of "piercings", but I don't like them lol, so I'm not listing them either, except for earrings, as they're ok)
(I'm not delving into upper and lower with the arms and legs, that's just too much complexity, lol)
(you can decide whether you want to have the "left" and "right" slots for the various equipment slots, or not, too)
(Also, I'm not delving into multiple fingers~rings, only 1 ring per a single "left" and "right" "fingers" slot, lol)
(you can use "wear" or "gear" for your equipment slot type, but, for example, "footwear" sounds better than "footgear", lol)
(I'm not listing all the types of clothings, lol)

Equipment: weapons, shields (they can be both a weapon and an armor), armors, and clothing (and assessories, like jewelry)

head ~ headwear ~ Hat, Helmet, Hood (of a Cloak), etc
face ~ facewear ~ Assessories (Non-Jewelry: mask, glasses, eye patch)
left_ear ~ left_earwear ~ Accessories (Jewelry: left_earring)
right_ear ~ right_earwear ~ Accessories (Jewelry: right_earring)
neck ~ neckwear ~ Assessories (Jewelry: necklaces. Non-Jewelry: collar, tie, bowtie)
left_shoulder ~ left_shoulderwear ~ left_pauldron
right_shoulder ~ right_shoulderwear ~ right_pauldron
left_arm ~ left_armwear ~ left_vambrace, left_gauntlet, Clothing Tops ("if with sleeves")
right_arm ~ right_armwear ~ right_vambrace, right_gauntlet, Clothing Tops ("if with sleeves")
left_hand ~ left_handwear ~ left_glove, left_gauntlet, secondary_weapon, shield, primary_weapon ("only if it's two_handed")
right_hand ~ right_handwear ~ right_glove, right_gauntlet, primary_weapon, (a shield, being able to use dual~two shields, lol)
left_fingers ~ left_fingerwear ~ Accessories (Jewelry: left_ring)
right_fingers ~ right_fingerwear ~ Accessories (Jewelry: right_ring)
chest ~ chestwear ~ Clothing Tops, Body Armors (mails, plates, chains, rings, scales, cuirass, etc)
back ~ backwear ~ cape, cloak, bag~pack~sack (such as for carrying things, including such as arrows, bolts, bullets~lol)
waist ~ waistwear ~ faulds, tassets, Clothing Bottoms, Accessories (belts, sashes)
left_leg ~ left_legwear ~ left_greave, Clothing Bottoms ("if with clothing legs")
right_leg ~ right_legwear ~ right_greave, Clothing Bottoms ("if with clothing legs")
left_foot ~ left_footwear ~ left_boot (armor), left_boot (clothing), left_shoe
right_foot ~ right_footwear ~ right_boot (armor), right_boot (clothing), right_shoe

Weapon Types:

(I don't like polearms, so I'm not including them, lol)

one_handed vs two_handed

Swords, Blunts (maces, mauls, clubs, cudgels, flails, mallets, hammers, battle hammers, scepters, staffs~staves, wands), Axes, Spears, Whips, Throwing (Daggers, Knives, Javelins, Shurikens, Potions, Grenades, Axes), Daggers, Bows, Crossbows, Guns, handwear (Claws, "Spiked~Brass Knuckles", "Power Fist" ~ from Fallout 2 game), shields, staffs~staves, scepters, wands,

Swords: 150% bonus damage to humans or ???
Blunts: 150% bonus damage to undead or ???
Axes: 150% bonus damage to monsters (like orcs, ogres, trolls, etc) and demons, or ???
Spears: 150% bonus damage to ???
etc etc etc

Sword Types:

short sword, long sword, cutlass, scimitar, machete, claymore, katana, rapier, saber~sabre, gladius, flamberge, executioner sword, rune sword, light saber (star wars ~ jedi),

Blunt Types:

mace, maul, flail, club, hammer, scepter, wand, staff~stave, battle hammer, cudgel, mallet,

Axes Types:

hand axe, tomahawk, giant axe, battle axe, war axe,

Spear Types:

spears, lances, trident,

Whip Types:

elemental whips, chain whips, normal whips, energy~"light saber" whip, thorn whip,

Throwing Types:

daggers, knives, javelins, shurikens, potions, grenades, axes

Bow Types:

short bow, long bow, recurve bow, composite bow, great bow, battle bow, war bow, elven bow, mongolian bow,

Crossbow Types:

normal crossbow, repeating crossbow,

Gun Types:

handguns~pistols, rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, machine guns ~ miniguns,

etc etc etc

Armor Types:

(see top of post, google, and etc)

Shield Types:

small shield, large shield, round shield, tower shield, spiked shield, bone shield, kite shield, ancient shield, saw shield,

Body Armor Types:

plate, mail, chain, ring, scale, bone, glass,

etc etc etc

Ammunition Types:

arrows (bows), bolts (crossbows), bullets (guns)

Equipment Attributes:

durability, quality, attack_rating, armor_class, weight_status, weight, physical_damage, fire_damage, water_damage, air_damage, earth_damage, light_damage, dark_damage, holy_damage, unholy_damage, fire_resistance, water_resistance, air_resistance, earth_resistance, dark_resistance, light_resistance, holy_resistance, unholy_resistance, physical_resistance, pierce_rating, quantity, one_handed, two_handed, equipment_slots, equipment_layers, material_type, range, speed, block_rating, enchantment_rating, imbue_able, enchantable, status_effect, parry_rating, parry_able,

The Pixie
19 Aug 2013, 20:28

Life: living
Kingdom: animal
Class: mammal
Order: primate
Family: ape
Tribe: humanoid ~ human kind
Genus: dwarvenkind or ??? or N/A
Tribe: dwarven or ??? or N/A
Species: dwarf
Race: ??? or N/A

A simplified taxonomy would be easier and sufficient; living - humanoid - dwarf would cover it I suggest. This kind of nested hierarchy seen as a product of evolution is also what is seen in the class hierarchy with object-orientated programming (if you have single inheritance anyway), and is pretty straightforward to do with Quest.

19 Aug 2013, 20:32
HK edited (version): 3-31-14 (2.0)

Magic System:


Fall From Heaven (FFH) 1+2 mods for Civ 4 game
Dragon Warrior games
Wizardry games
Ultima games
Wizards and Warriors game (Ironworks company)
Final Fantasy Games (played 1-2 and 5-8 only)
Secret of Mana games
The Elder Scrolls (TES) games (played morrowind only)
Breath of Fire (played 1-4 only) games
Grandia (played 1 only) games
etc games, lol

Elemental Types:

main elemental (sub elementals)

Fire, Water (Ice~Snow, Fog~Mist), Air (Wind~Storm, Thunder~Lightning), Earth, Light, Dark~Shadow, Holy, Unholy,

Sun, Moon, Nature~Plant~Tree, Animal~Beast, Non-Nature (Machines),

Mind, Body, Enchantment, Entropy, Order, Chaos, Nature, etc (FFH magic node types)

Destruction, Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Mysticism, Conjuration (TES: Morrowind's magic types)

Grandia 1: fire, water, earth, wind, explosion (fire+earth), thunder (fire+wind), blizzard (water+wind), forest (earth+water)

Elemental Spirits:

Secret of Mana games: Salamander (Fire), Undine (Water), Jinn (Air), Gnome (Earth), Wisp (Light~Holy), Lumina (Light), Shade (Dark), Dryad (Nature~Tree~Plant), Luna (Moon = Beast),

Casting Types:

single target (ST) vs multiple target (MT)

on self, on party, on enemy, on all enemies, on anyone, on everyone,

damage type, healing type, status effect type, lasting type, individual cast type, transportation type, stat raising type, stat lowering type, magical effect type, curative type,

Status Effects

(some maybe should be magical effects instead, meh)

poisoned, muted~silenced, paralyzed, stunned, sleeping, blinded, crippled, confused, cursed, blessed, miniturized, "moogled", petrified, terrorified, (time-)stopped, sluggish~slowed, etc

Magical Effects

self-explanatory... (power up, power down, speed up, speed down, etc)

19 Aug 2013, 20:38
The Pixie wrote:A simplified taxonomy would be easier and sufficient; living - humanoid - dwarf would cover it I suggest. This kind of nested hierarchy seen as a product of evolution is also what is seen in the class hierarchy with object-orientated programming (if you have single inheritance anyway), and is pretty straightforward to do with Quest.

yes, this works well with quest's own setup (either as Object Types ~ Inherited Attributes or the other types of Attributes: booleans and stringlists), and yes, most people would not do this, using instead the common simplified "just races only" D&D (human, dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-orc) and probably just for their playable characters too. It just depends how complex or non-complex you want to do set it up in your game, hehe ;)

Some people might want the greater complexity though, such as different races of elves: night~dark elves, high elves, wood elves (TES games, WC games)

Or, maybe of humans: bretons, nords, redguards, imperials (TES games)

Or, other "humanoids" (or "hybrids"): khajitt, argonians (TES games), or centaurs, harpies, mermaids, minotaurs, gorgons (Greek Mythology)

for example ,TES has to have coding that separates the human races from the "humanoid" races, since they have walking animations that are different, as well as what armor slots that they can wear. Now, this can easily be done with just a single boolean, but it shows my point, that it could be possible to have, even the extreme classification complexity that I've posted here, to be needed~required in a game. Regardless, it does provide people with ideas, even if it in full is rarely used in games.

so, the deep level of classification can be needed, "upwards in parents" or "downwards in childs"


Or, did you mean something else, with the coding reference that you mentioned?, as maybe I misunderstood what you were saying, lol. I do often misunderstand people, sighs.

19 Aug 2013, 21:49
Combat System:

Game Mechanics:

<function name="leveling_function"><![CDATA[
if (game.pov.experience_points >= game.pov.level * 100 + 100) {
game.pov.experience_points = game.pov.experience_points - (game.pov.level * 100 + 100)
game.pov.level = game.pov.level + 1

<function name="critical_hit_function" parameters="obj" type="int">
if (RandomChance (GetInt (obj,"luck")) = true) {
value = 2
} else {
value = 1
return (value)

<function name="battle_sequence_function" parameters="self,enemy"><![CDATA[
if (enemy.dead=false and self.escaped=false) {
if (GetInt (self,"speed") > GetInt (enemy,"speed") {
} else if (GetInt (self,"speed") = GetInt (enemy,"speed") and RandomChance (50)=true) {
if (you_go_first=true) {
msg ("You get to go first for this round")
self_battle_turn_function (self,enemy)
on ready {
if (not enemy.dead=true and not self.escaped=true){
enemy_battle_turn_function (self,enemy)
} else {
msg (enemy.alias + " gets to go first for this round.")
enemy_battle_turn_function (self,enemy)
on ready {
if (not enemy.dead=true and not self.escaped=true){
msg ("It is now your turn.")
self_battle_turn_function (self,enemy)
on ready {
msg ("The round has ended.")
battle_sequence_function (self,enemy)
} else {
msg ("The battle is over.")

self_attack_failed = false
if (RandomChance (GetInt (enemy,"agility") - GetInt (self,"speed")) = true) {
msg (enemy.alias + "evaded your attack!")
self_attack_failed = true
self.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (enemy,"dexterity") - GetInt (self,"agility")) = true) {
msg (enemy.alias + "parried your attack!")
self_attack_failed = true
self.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (enemy,"agility") - GetInt (self,"dexterity")) = true) {
msg (enemy.alias + "blocked your attack!")
self_attack_failed = true
self.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (self,"dexterity") - GetInt (enemy,"speed")) = false) {
msg ("Your attack missed " + enemy.alias +"!")
self_attack_failed = true
self.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (enemy,"armor_class") - GetInt (self,"attack_rating")) = true) {
msg ("Your attack failed to penetrate " + enemy.alias +"!")
self_attack_failed = true
self.defending = false

if (self_attack_failed = false) {
if (self.defending = true and enemy.defending = true) {
enemy.current_hit_points = enemy.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (self) * 2 * GetInt (self,"physical_damage") / 2 + GetInt (self,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (self,"strength") - GetInt (enemy,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (enemy.alias + " has " + enemy.current_hit_points + " HP left.")
self.defending = false
} else if (self.defending = true and enemy.defending = false) {
enemy.current_hit_points = enemy.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (self) * 2 * GetInt (self,"physical_damage") + GetInt (self,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (self,"strength") - GetInt (enemy,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (enemy.alias + " has " + enemy.current_hit_points + " HP left.")
self.defending = false
} else if (self.defending = false and enemy.defending = true) {
enemy.current_hit_points = enemy.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (self) * GetInt (self,"physical_damage") / 2 + GetInt (self,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (self,"strength") - GetInt (enemy,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (enemy.alias + " has " + enemy.current_hit_points + " HP left.")
} else if (self.defending = false and enemy.defending = false) {
enemy.current_hit_points = enemy.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (self) * GetInt (self,"physical_damage") + GetInt (self,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (self,"strength") - GetInt (enemy,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (enemy.alias + " has " + enemy.current_hit_points + " HP left.")

enemy_attack_failed = false
if (RandomChance (GetInt (self,"agility") - GetInt (enemy,"speed")) = true) {
msg ("You have evaded the attack!")
enemy_attack_failed = true
enemy.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (self,"dexterity") - GetInt (enemy,"agility")) = true) {
msg ("You have parried the attack!")
enemy_attack_failed = true
enemy.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (self,"agility") - GetInt (enemy,"dexterity")) = true) {
msg ("You have blocked the attack!")
enemy_attack_failed = true
enemy.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (enemy,"dexterity") - GetInt (self,"speed")) = false) {
msg (enemy.alias +"'s attack missed!")
enemy_attack_failed = true
enemy.defending = false
} else if (RandomChance (GetInt (self,"armor_class") - GetInt (enemy,"attack_rating")) = true) {
msg ("You weren't penetrated by the attack!")
enemy_attack_failed = true
enemy.defending = false

if (enemy_attack_failed = false) {
if (enemy.defending = true and self.defending = true) {
self.current_hit_points = self.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (enemy) * 2 * GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") / 2 + GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (enemy,"strength") - GetInt (self,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (self.alias + " has " + self.current_hit_points + " HP left.")
enemy.defending = false
} else if (enemy.defending = true and self.defending = false) {
self.current_hit_points = self.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (enemy) * 2 * GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") + GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (enemy,"strength") - GetInt (self,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (self.alias + " has " + self.current_hit_points + " HP left.")
enemy.defending = false
} else if (enemy.defending = false and self.defending = true) {
self.current_hit_points = self.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (enemy) * GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") / 2 + GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (enemy,"strength") - GetInt (self,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (self.alias + " has " + self.current_hit_points + " HP left.")
} else if (enemy.defending = false and self.defending = false) {
self.current_hit_points = self.current_hit_points - (critical_hit_function (enemy) * GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") + GetInt (enemy,"physical_damage") * (GetInt (enemy,"strength") - GetInt (self,"endurance")) / 100)
msg (self.alias + " has " + self.current_hit_points + " HP left.")

Neat~Cool Ideas~Features:

choosing to "Defend" causes you to receive only 50% physical_damage upon yourself, and for the next turn, allows you to do 200% (or 150% ~ whichever you prefer, lol) physical damage upon the enemy (from 7th Saga SNES game). This gives "Defend" a much greater tactical use than if it just halves damage done to you, as is it's usually implementation in RPGs.

A similiar concept as the "Defend" one above, but pertaining to magic spell casting instead.

Run~Escape (self explanatory if you've ever played a traditional RPG, like the earlier Final Fantasy games)

Use Items (self explanatory if you've ever played a traditional RPG, like the earlier Final Fantasy games)

"Front Row vs Back Row" (self explanatory if you've ever played a traditional RPG, like the earlier Final Fantasy games)

20 Aug 2013, 06:43
HK edited (version): 3-31-14 (2.0)

Landscape System:


grassland, marshland, swampland, woodland, plains, floodplains, tundra, desert, oasis, rivers, lakes, hills, forests, mountains, wasteland, badlands, islands~isles, jungle, rainforest, savannah, meadows, craters, volcanos, valleys, foothills, heaven, hell, subterranean~underground, caves~caverns~tunnels, coast~coastline, beaches, coves, harbors, bays, seas, oceans, continents, calderas, mesas, steppes, cliffs, bogs, rainforests, woodlands,

Other Areas:

clouds ("sky area"), outerspace, planets, stars, moons, trenches, ocean floor, "underworld", underwater, "underworld", "world~land of the dead", "demon world~land", "the end of time" (Chrono Trigger SNES Game), valhala, hel, elysian fields, tarturus, hades, elysium, purgatory,

"World Ages~Eras~Time Periods":

"pre-historical world", "ancient world", "classical world", "medieval world", "modern world", "futuristic world", "apocalyptic world",

Resources System:


http://benpercent-musingaloud.blogspot. ... cocoa.html (I was curious and confused myself with seeing "cocoa" and "cocao" in google searches, as I didn't know how to spell it, so this was an informative article for me.

http://marvel.com/universe/Adamantium (I guess its spelled "adam-" and not "adm-", again I wasn't sure on the spelling, and learned about "Adamantine" in Greek Mythology ~ didn't know about this, lol)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamant (wow, I'm learning a lot, lol)

water (H2O), wheat, corn, food, meat, beef, chicken, fish, barley, papyrus, rubber, banana, grapes, clay, hay, wine, beer, fur, bones, pearls, rubies, diamonds, topaz, emeralds, saphires, paper, oil, gold (Au), silver (Ag), iron (Fe), tin (Sn), bronze, steel, obsidian, glass, milk, chocolate~cocao~cocoa, aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), air (O2, CO2, N2), Calcium (Ca), ivory, mithril, Adamantium (Adamantine~Adamant = Greek Mythology), crystal, wool, silk, cotton, wood~timber~lumber, salt (NaCl), spices, herbs~medicines~drugs~poisons~toxins~plants, venom~toxins~animals, dyes, amber~resins~saps~trees, sugar, ink,

Edibles (Food and Drink):

water, milk, beef, chicken, fish, wheat, corn, beer, wine, banana, grapes, cocoa~cocao~chocolate, spices, salt, vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, sugar,


gold (Au), silver (Ag), Aluminum (Al), tin (Sn), iron (Fe), Silicon (Si), Calcium (Ca), steel (or carbonated~stainless steel), bronze, adamantium, mithril,


Diamonds, Rubies, Topaz, Saphire, Emerald, Obsidian, Crystals, Adamantium, Mithril,

Fish and Game:

fish, whale, deer, bison, boars, birds,

"Animal Husbandry, Work Animals, and Team Animals":

horses, oxen, dogs, cats, camels, pigs, cows, sheep~lambs (what is difference?), chickens, dolphins, wolves, goats, pigeons, hawks, falcons, canaries,

Town Structures:

granaries, farms, shops, markets, bazaars, barracks, stables, butcher, tanner, apothocary, pawn, police, fire, courts, castles, palaces, churches, synogogues, temples, schools, universities, homes, quarries, mines, stockades, harbors, shipyards, dry docks, town halls, wells, aqueducts, sewers~catacombs, citadel, keep, moat, walls, craftsmen, banks, herbalists, graveyards, armorers~forges~blacksmiths~whitesmiths, jewelers, libraries, abbeys, monasteries, town bell, fields, theatre, musicians, singers, lighthouse, clothiers, guilds (combat~fighter, mage~wizard, thieves, assassins, clerics, etc), etc

31 Mar 2014, 23:24
Very interesting.

This summer, in exactly 32 days to be precise, my team and I start a build. We are all students and volunteers and we are seriously looking at using Quest (since I discovered it by luck days ago).

We were in the process of writing what I called a "story engine" which was a bit different but Quest is already here and in some respects better than what I had envisioned. One of the things that it lacks is a character system. We have a draft level d20 RPG system tested (pen and paper) which we are adapting to a text (plus mixed media) adventure format.

We will definetly take a look at your work here - it looks good!

01 Apr 2014, 01:36
I was just trying to brainstorm many RPG aspects in this thread, for people to use if they want, though I hadn't worked on this is a long time, it's got a lot more to be filled in, lol. It can be helpful if we have all the RPG aspect ideas used by various games or by us people in one place for people to reference for their own game creations.


quest is a great underlying game engine, but there's still not much code or public libraries (code) of RPG 'systems' (characters, events, dialogue, combat, magic, equipment, shopping, etc) for people to use yet, and especially not any full 'systems' available to the public.

Though, we do have some beginnings of RPG systems:

Pixie's Clothing (equipment) Library, Chase's Wearables (equipment) Library, Pixie's Combat Library, Pixie's Spell Library, Pixie's Shopping Library, Pixie's Clock (date, time, seasons, etc) Library, Jay's Random 3D Map Generator (dungeon layout) Library~Code, Pertex' Combat Library, (I believe it's Pixie's) Dialogue~Conversaion Library, and etc Libraries~Codes too.

01 Apr 2014, 09:42
I think some of the the resources will be highly dependant on the RPG system itself. There are lots of ways to put together an RPG, lots of ways to do a magic system, combat etc. - but the basics here really help. There is common ground - some of the resources above seem useful for a range of possible systems.